George W. F. Chapman '20 Memorial Page
Omega Chapter President
Regional Counselor
Alumnus adviser of Omega Chapter
President of the Theta Chi Philadelphia Alumni Chapter
Served three terms of the Grand Chapter (1937-39, 1939-41 and 1941-46)
Twenty Years (1948-1968) as the Executive Director
Served as national treasurer, marshal, secretary, and vice president and president
First Theta Chi to receive the North American Interfraternity Conference's Gold Medal
He planned and conducted the first School of Fraternity Practices
Produced and edited the Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity and the Handbook of Theta Chi
Awards - Theta Chi Distinguished Service Award, Theta Chi Alumni Award Grand Chapter and Omega Chapter, Theta Chi Golden Guard, NIC Gold Medal (1968), and the Silver Legion Certificate
Member of the National Interfraternity Conference House of Delegate
On the executive committee of the College Fraternity Secretaries’ Association
Honorary member of more than 60+ chapters
News and Stories
Photos of George W. F. Chapman
Penn Day 1919 - Back Row L to R: TK - 4th Row L to R: TK -3rd Row L to R: TK, George Chapman (8th from right), Mary Chapman (7th from Right)- 2nd Row L to R: TK - Front Row L to R: TKReproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library - Pennsylvania State University Libraries
L to R: Howard Alter Jr., George W. Chapman and Walt Davis at the Annoucement of Howard Alter Jr. as Executive Director and George Chapman as Executive Director Emeritus - January, 1, 1968
Zeta Gamma receives Charter - (l-r): Executive Director George Chapman, National President Howard Alter, Beta Transfer Brother Donald Wismer, and National Vice President Mark McColm. McColm had traveled to Alberta at the request of George Chapman in February 1963 to meet with Alberta administrative officials and the IFC - February 20, 1965
Grand Chapter of Theta Chi - 1966 Seated left to right: Marvin l. Fleming, Fred Hall, Earl D. Rhodes, George Chapman, Spencer Shank, Joseph D. Ross Jr., Howard R. Alter Jr., Mark McColm, Walter Collins, Jospeh C. Ross Jr., William Gillis and William R. Adams - as appeared in The Rattle - Spring 1966
The Speakers Table: L to R: George Chapman, Shank, Howard R. Alter Jr., Rhoades, Blue, Duncan and Root - 106th Convention - from The Rattle - Fall 1962
L to R: George Chapman, Charles Shiring and Howard R Alter Jr. at the installation of Zeta Alpha chapter at Slippery Rock on July 11, 1964 - as appeared in The Rattle, Spring 1965
L to R: Row 1: George W. Chapman, Spencer Shank, Miller Henley, F. J. Holl, Howard R. Alter Jr., Robert Hope - Row 2: James Dunkerey, Richard Staad Jr., Lasse Hilteman, Harold Domres Jr. - Row 3: David Stone - - May 15, 1966 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
Howard R. Alter Jr., National President presents charrter to Thomas S. Gussner, President of Zeta Iota Chapter - Pictured L to R: Ronlad Schiff, Gordon Hoffner, Bryan Gackle, Thomas S. Gussner, Howard R. Alter Jr., Geroge W. Chapman, LeRoy Smith and Ronald Kostelecky- May 7, 1966 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
Howard R. Alter Jr., NAtional President, presents charter to Richard King, President of Zeta Chapter. Pictured L to R: LeRoy Smith, Charles Friedner, Dr. John Dawson, Richard King, William Haggstrom, Howard R. Alter Jr., George W. Chapman and Specer Shank - May 14, 1966 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
L to R: Kim Tentch, James Warnock, Howard R. Alter Jr., George W. Chapman and Charles Mitchem at Zeta Lambda founding - May 15, 1966 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
L to R: John White, Joe Ross, George Chapman, Marvin Fleming, Hoawrd Alter Jr., and Glen Garvin at Zeta Theta founding - January 16, 1965 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
L to R: K. Shafenberg, N. Spadevecchia, Butch Baldwin, Walt Davis, Lamar Smith, George Chapman, R. Meyers, Howard Alter Jr., Joseph Ross, Jojhn White, D. Bell, MArvin Fleming, Stan Pierce, D. Crumpler, Wes Lee and Don Witmer at Zeta Theta founding - January 16, 1965 - as appeared in The Rattle - Summer 1966
Installation of Zeta Mu chapter at American International College on Dec. 17, 1966 - Speakers table L to R: James Brennan, Dean of Students; Earl "Dusty" Rhodes; John F. Hines, President of the College; Larry Galler, Chapter President; Howard R. Alter, Jr.,; Dr. William Adams; Eliot Wright, Asst to the President of A.I.C.; and George W. Chapman - as appeared in The Rattle, Spring 1967
Theta Chi leaders in attendance at Epsilon Psi's installation were: left to right, William Lange, regional counselor; Leslie G. Ludewig, Upsilon; Joseph D. Ross, Jr., past national president; Donald L Harvey, field secretary; William T. Gillis, national historian; John Zozzaro, president, Epsilon Psi; George W. Chapman, executive director; Howard R. Alter, Jr., national president; Gerald Lundgren, president, Upsilon Chapter; George W. Chapman, Jr.; Philip C. Chapman - as appeared in the Winter 1963-64 The Rattle - Dec. 8, 1963
The 1954-56 Grand Chapter pauses for a picture at one of its meetings. Clockwise around table, National Chaplain Fred J. HoII, Executive Secretary George W. Chapman, National Vice President Spencer Shank, National President Earl D. Rhodes, National Secretary Joseph D. Ross, Jr., National Treasurer Ralph H. Griesemer, National Marshal Charles F. S. Ryan, National Counselor William F. Frantz, National Historian George F. Adams - as it appeared in the Centennial Edition The Rattle (1956)
50th Anniversary (1969) - Members of Omega Chapter who have been Theta Chis for fifty years or more were caught by our cameraman. They are (front row, left to right) Alfred R. Bechtel, Murrel D. McKinstry, Elwood B. Cassel, Albert H. Mainwaring, Francis J. Doan, William L. Sowden, George W. Chapman and Raymond B. Poeppel - Observing from the back row are John Weiss, active chapter president; Robert Holland, past chapter president; William Renton, past alumni corp. president and chairman of the anniversary celebration; and S. Dale Kaufman, current alumni president - at the State College Elks Country Club
50th Anniversary - L to R: S. Dale Kaufman (current alumni president) , Elwood B. Cassel, TK, TK, Francis J. Doan, Dr. Marvin Fleming (National Vice-president), TK, George Chapman, Howard Alter Jr., TK, TK, Bill Renton TK and TK - 1969 - at the State College Elks Country Club
50th Anniversary - 1969 - George Chapman (at head of table) - at the State College Elks Country Club
Grand Chapter in session March 9. 1962, at Sheraton-Fontenallo Hotel, Omaha, Nebr., clockwise: Vice President Charles F. S. Ryan, Historian Spencer Shank, Counselor Fred J. Holt, Executive Director George W. Chapman, President Joseph D. Ross. Jr., Secretary Richard L Duncan, Marshall Mark McColm, Chaplain Howard Alter, Jr., Treasurer Willis P. Lanier. - as appeared in the Spring 1962 The Rattle
George W. Chapman, Executive Director, and Howard R. Alter, Jr., National Treasurer, present Citation of Honor to Robert W. Krivitz, President of the National Interfraternity Council Conference, who was speaker at the Greeting Luncheon - Aug. 31, 1966 - from the Rattle, Fall 1966 - 110th Anniversary Convention
Theta Chi members who attended a luncheon on December 5, 1964, at the Cincinnati Club, Cincinnati, Ohio. The luncheon. was held in conjunction with the annual NIC meeting. Seated on either side of the table in front are: (Left) Jack Cowan, Gamma Psi, Puget Sound ; (Right) Ken Thomas, Gamma Omicron, Wake Forest. Seated around the head table: (Left to right) Dean V. J. Miller, Delta Pi, Indiana State; Ron Wiberg, Theta, University of Massachusetts; Joe D. Ross, Jr., Alpha Eta, National Secretary; Dusty Rhodes, Delta, Secretary NBT, Past National President, Past President N.I.C.; Dick Duncan, Gamma Kappa, Treasurer Foundation Chapter, Past National Secretary, local NIC committee; Dean Robert Bishop, Beta Omicron, Cincinnati; George Chapman, Omega, Executive Director. Standing: (Left to right) Dennis Starkey, Beta Omicron, Cincinnati; Tim Skidmore, Gamma Delta, Florida Southern; Joe Foyle; Beta Delta, Rutgers; Jim Hagedorn, Gamma Delta, Florida Southern; Howard R. Alter, Jr., Omega, National President; Bill McKee, Gamma Mu, Bowling Green ; Mike Coates, Beta Rho, Illinois Wesleyan ; Mal Rioux, Epsilon Beta, Lycoming; Ken Maher, Delta Omega, Ripon; Ron Allan, Beta Omicron, Cincinnati - - as appeared in The Rattle, Winter 1965
George W. Chapman, Cyril F. Flad, and Howard R. Alter, Jr. - At the Greeting Luncheon, opening Theta Chi Fraternity's 108th Anniversary Convention, the Distinguished Service Award of Theta Chi was presented to Cyril F. Flad, Executive Director of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.
Howard Alter, Jr., president of Theta Chi, receiving the key to the city from the Mayor of Miami Beach - with George Chapman in foreground - at the Theta Chi Fraternity 108th National Convention in Miami Fla.
ZΓ/Alberta installation photos from February 20, 1965, with George W. Chapman and Howard R. Alter at the installation banquet
1921 LaVie - Back Row L to R: Frederick Fuchs, William Shaw Jr., William Sowden Jr., Lester Longhurst, Anthony Pickard, Walter Segl - 4th Row L to R: John Conaway, Aaron Guthrie, Donald Magill, Robert Ockford, Clifford Beavan, Issac Brown, Lloyd Kear - 3rd Row L to R: Murrell McKinstry, Frederick Vansant, Ellwood Rittenhouse, Russell Nesbitt, George W. F. Chapman, Joseph Rowe, Charles Frederickson Jr., Winfield Smith - 2nd Row L to R: John Skeen, Raymond Brinkworth, Albert Schoeppe, Walter Petzold, J. Yale Crouter, William Wayne Seltzer, Eugene Park - Bottom Row L to R: Emil Petzold, Theodore Smith, Sterling Harris, Fred Bastian, Sidney Morgan, Ralph Stauffer and Raymond Poeppel
Northeast Club - 1919 LaVieBack Row L to R: William Thompson, A. S. Rosenberger, Jonathan Rittenhouse, Robert Stevens, George W. F. Chapman, F Doan, Anthony PickardMiddle Row L to R: Petzold, Sidney Morgan, Ellwood Cassel, M. Gemberling, A. Fredickson Jr., Walter Segl, William ShawFront Row L to R: Frederick VanSant, Emil Olbrich, F. Fuchs, Winfield Smith, William Schell, John Skeen, Bevan, R. Poppel
Back Row L to R: William Thompson, Winfield Smith, Charles Frederickson, Loux, Robert Stevens, George Chapman
Middle Row L to R: Francis Doan, Issac Brown, Sidney Morgan, Stubbs, Ellwood Cassel, Albert Schoeppe,, Albrich, Rutgold, Schell
Front Row L to R: Frederick Vansant, Greiger, Grumbling, Banks, Ellwood Rittenhouse, Raymonf Poeppel
Reproduced with permission of the Special Collections Library
Pennsylvania State University Libraries