Championship and Father & Son in Service - The Rattle - Aug-Sept-Oct. 1946
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXVH, No. 1 - Aug-Sept-Oct 1946
Father and Son in Service
Another Theta Chi combination of father and son in service was that of George W. Chapman, retiring national treasurer of the fraternity, and George W. Chapman, jr., again a sophomore at Penn State, where he is a member of Omega Chapter as was his father before him. George, the elder, enlisted in the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve in 1942 as a seaman second class, volunteering for part time active service, and did not go on the inactive list until October 30, 1945, when he was executive officer of the Supply Company. He had been commissioned an ensign.
George W. Chapman Jr. '49 and George W. Chapman '20
George, Jr., first lieutenant and navigator-radar officer on a B'29 with the 20th Army Air Force, was released from service July 5, 1946, after a year overseas, principally at Guam.
Gerald Karver '47
Theta Chis Win National Championships
National championships were won March 1 at the IC4A meet at New York by two Theta Chis whose athletic careers had been interrupted by World War ll. Gerald Karver, Penn State, '47, won the mile in 4 minutes 19.9 seconds, while Richmond Marcom, New Hampshire. '47, took the pole vault title with 13 feet 6 inches.
Roth men had shown great promise in competition while representing their schools before the war opened. They were also heard from when the Army carried on tournaments both in this country and overseas. but it was left for the first real postwar intercollegiate meet to reveal their unusual championship quality
front row. left to right - Sydney H. Baylor, M.I.T. '26. national treasurer; Sherwood Blue. Indiana. '26-'2BL. national secretary: Dean Hunt: Dean Field: Dean Browning: Earl D. Rhodes. national president; Vice President Sears: James C. Stevens. Michigan. '23. national marshal; standing—Harold W. Browning. Jr., Rhode Island State. '46: George W. Chapman, Penn State. '20. director of leadership training: Samuel B. Doudiet, Colgate. '32. traveling secretary: Alfred H. Grant; Stuart H. Kelley, North Dakota State. '20, national chaplain; George Starr Lasher: Ralph H. Griesemer. Dickinson, '32; national counselor; Francis H. S. Ede, Dickinson. ’17, former national vice president: Frederick W. Ladue. Colgate, ‘12.
TWENTY THETA CHIS representing twelve different chapters made up the largest fraternity delegation at the National-Interfraternity Conference held at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. November 29-30, 1946. a conference marked by unusually large attendance. The delegation also included the largest number of deans of men representing any fraternity. These were Dean Floyd Field. Georgia Tech. '02, who had just retired from the position of dean of students at Georgia Institute of Technology; Dean Harold W. Browning, Rhode Island State, ‘14, also vice president of Rhode Island State College; Dr. Robert W. Bishop, Cincinnati, '37; and Professor Frank H. Hunt. dean of students at Lafayette College. Theta Chi official delegates and alternates were Earl D. Rhodes. Rensselaer. '2l. national president; Thomas E. Sears. Jr., M. l.T.. '32, national vice president, Alfred E. Grant, Tufts. '21 past national secretary; George Starr Lasher, Michigan. ’11, editor of The Rattle: and Maxwell E. McDowell. Colgate, ‘16, past president of the National Board of Trustees.