Spring 1970 Edition of Rattle

The latest edition of the Rattle is available. Read about what is going on with Omega chapter and its brothers.

Inside this edition:

  • Theta Chi Fraternity announces with deep sorrow the death of George W. F. Chapman - Executive Director Emeritus, May 16, 1970

From The Executive Office
By Howard R. Alter, Jr. - Executive Director

This year it has been difficult to have every chapter visited by the field staff on the regular basis; this is because we have been short of field secretaries at times during the year. Hopefully, with the applications for next year and with returning members of the current staff, next year will be a different and better story. To those chapters that have had minimum attention, I apologize.

One thing that is increasingly apparent in our visits this year is the critical need of financial supervision for many of our chapters. Here I address myself to our alumni in the university vicinities. Financial supervision is one of our biggest problems today where chapters are not carefully observed by their alumni corporations. We live in an affluent age of credit cards, and fraternity living is the first time that many young men fare the fact that goods and services must be paid for. One of the greatest services any alumnus can render the Fraternity is financial supervision, thankless though it may be. Please consider where you can help!

It is difficult to write any message at this time and not concentrate on encouraging as many Theta Chis as possible, undergraduate and alumni, to attend the 114th Anniversary Convention in Biloxi. But this is being done elsewhere in this issue, so I merely add my endorsement to whatever may be said to encourage each of vou. whether you were in school 1970 or are in school in 1970. to be a part of CONVENTION ‘70.

Omega's "Giff” Passes

The brothers of Omega Chapter were saddened recently by the sudden death of Emanuel T. Gifford. "Giff” was the chef at Omega for almost thirty years.

Brother News

David A. Heitzenroder - Penn State ‘64

David Heitzenroder (Omega) has recently been named President of Politicon, a Pittsburgh firm which offers fund raising, marketing, and information system services to Republican candidates and organizations, colleges, hospitals. and other communitv institutions.

Prior to his appointment at Politicon, Heitzenroder served as Associate Director of Development and Alumni Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. He has also served as a CPA with Price Waterhouse and Company.

Heitzenroder developed the design for Politicon's computer based information system for direct mail, fund raising, and political vote getting. As senior officer he is responsible for coordination of the staff to maintain existing services and to develop new ones.

Oliver Keith Evans - Penn State ‘65

Recently completed training at the US Naval Destroyer School at Newport, Rhode Island and has been assigned to the USS Rupert’s as Engineering Officer for serves in the Pacific area.