Spring 1969 Edition of Rattle - Omega Celebrates 50 Years
Spring 1969 Rattle
The latest edition of the Rattle is available. Read about what is going on with Omega chapter and its brothers.
Inside this edition:
From The Executive Office - By Howard R. Alter, Jr. - Executive Director
Today, the opportunity for fraternity growth is almost limited. “Almost" because it is limited by our ability to
meet the demand for fraternity. This year we have had to pick and choose carefully the colonies that we can service. This may sound odd to some of you who read the publicity that comes out of the few schools that are encouraging their chapters to break their National ties so they can become guinea pigs of the sociology department, but the emerging schools form a fertile field for expansion. These emerging schools far outnumber the few ultra liberal institutions that feel they must reduce living and participation on their campuses to a common denominator.
If we are to be able to keep pace with today's challenge to the Fraternity we will need more alumni involvement in our expansion program. I urge those of you who live in areas where Theta Chi should consider expanding to volunteer your services. One thing that has not changed through the years, whether it is an established chapter or a new colony, is the fundamental fact that a fraternity unit is as strong
as the alumni support it has.
Too “many alumni are apt to say ‘I was a Theta Chi." May I remind you that we are Theta Chis and the future of a great Fraternity that must become even greater depends upon you.
Grand Chapter Visits Lincoln
The Grand Chapter of Theta Chi meets twice each year to conduct the business of the fraternity. This year the spring meeting was held at the Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln Nebraska.
In addition to the formal business sessions, the Grand Chapter took time out to meet and socialize with actives, alumni, and college administrators. Our Lincoln chapters, Alpha Upsilon and Gamma Phi, each held short before-dinner receptions for the Grand Chapter at their respective houses.
Howard Alter, Jr. (Top row - 8th from left) and George Chapman (bottom row 5th from left) at Grand Chapter meeting in Lincoln, Neb - 1969
Howard Alter, Jr. (far left) at Grand Chapter meeting in Lincoln, Neb - 1969
George Chapman (4th from the left) at Grand Chapter meeting in Lincoln, Neb - 1969
Omega Celebrates 50th Year
The Omega Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity, at Pennsylvania State University, celebrated the 50th Anniversary of its installation on April 19th with a banquet at the State College Elks Country Club, followed by an open house at the chapter.
More than 100 alumni and their wives were in attendance in addition to present undergraduate members of the chapter.
Five of the original 26 charter members of the chapter were in attendance. Nine of the original members were deceased and the remainder were unable to return for one reason or another.
The planning and carrying out of the celebration were handled by William H. Renton, past president of the chapter alumni, who also served as Master of Ceremonies at the dinner. The featured speaker of the evening was Dr. Marvin L. Fleming, of Perry, Florida, national president of the Fraternity. Short talks were also given by George W. Chapman, '20, Meadowbrook, Pa. Executive Director Emeritus of the Fraternity, and who was a charter member of the chapter, and by Howard R. Alter, Jr., '41, Executive Director.
Charter members who were in attendance were Elwood B. Cassel, Murrell D. McKinstry, William L. Sowden, Jr., Raymond B. Poeppel, and George W. Chapman. Other members of the chapter who were present and who had been members for 50 years or more were Francis J. Doan '19, Alfred R. Bechtel '16, and Albert H. Mainwaring '16.
Emmanuel Gifford was a special guest at the dinner and was cited for his continuous service as Omega's chef and "father confessor" for 28 years.
50th Anniversary (1969) - Members of Omega Chapter who have been Theta Chis for fifty years or more were caught by our cameraman. They are (front row, left to right) Alfred R. Bechtel, Murrel D. McKinstry, Elwood B. Cassel, Albert H. Mainwaring, Francis J. Doan, William L. Sowden, George W. Chapman and Raymond B. Poeppel - Observing from the back row are John Weiss, active chapter president; Robert Holland, past chapter president; William Renton, past alumni corp. president and chairman of the anniversary celebration; and S. Dale Kaufman, current alumni president.
Chapter Eternal
Gordon S Altman, Omega '28
Truman A. Burch, Jr. (Lt.), Omega '57 - Dec. 1964
Robert F. Hope, Omega '28, 1953
Watrous H. Irons, Omega '25
George R. Schultz, Omega '24
Alfred M. Tyson, Omega '37, 4/24/62