Tribute to George W. Chapman and More - The Rattle, Summer 1962

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XLX No. 4 - Summer 1962

Tribute to George W. Chapman
If George W. Chapman needed another title it might rightly be liaison officer between the National Interfraternity Conference Executive Committee and the College Fraternity Secretaries Association, for, of the fourteen years he has been Theta Chi's efficient executive director he has also served nine years as representative of his fellow secretaries and directors to the highly important N. I. C. Executive Committee. While this post was originally designed as that of an observer with the idea that the representative would report back to the executive secretaries of the member fraternities the attitudes and policies of the Executive Committee, the relationship of George Chapman has been much more positive.

George W. Chapman '20

Because of his seasoned judgment, his wide knowledge of Greek affairs, his thoroughgoing faith in the fraternity as an institution of education value, and his clear, mature thinking, he has been accepted not merely as an observer, but as a wise counselor, and he has been encouraged to participate in the discussion of fraternity problems and in the administration of the Executive Committee. He serves on various subcommittees because his point of view and his contributions have been found valuable.

To the credit of George Chapman it can be said that he has filled his role as a representative in a way that has made for a better fraternity system. He won the respect of the fraternity leaders who make up the N. I. C. Executive Committee through the authority that comes from experience mined with diplomatic presentation of his ideas. He has been willing to give of his time and  energy “beyond the call of duty” because he is so throughly dedicated to the fraternity philosophy, and Theta Chi Fraternity has been willing to support wholeheartedly and unselfishly  his efforts to strengthen the entire fraternity system.

George Chapman has been an energizing force in making the College Fraternity Secretaries’ Association a more positive agency in interfraternity affairs. He served as treasurer, secretary, and vice president of the organization, and was president in 1957-1958. As chairman of the publications committee he established, and directs the annual publication of the C. F. S. A. Directory, the Deans’ Directory, and the College and University Calendar which have been of inestimable value to fraternity administration.

In August of 1957 he established News and Notes, and his editorship provided one of the instruments which has proved most effective. This monthly publication presents things, good and bad, that are going on among the Greeks, bringing an understanding of the problems facing fraternities and sororities, alerting the organizations to the need of action on their part. Through the years, News and Notes has grown in importance. As editor, publisher, and reporter, George Chapman has served in making his readers more conscious of the challenges that Fraternities and sororities face because of today's trends in the educational world. News and Notes arouses both attention and thinking from which sometimes action develops.

A graduate of Pennsylvania State College (now University) in 1920 with a degree of bachelor of science in civil engineering, George Chapman nevertheless possessed a journalism urge in his undergraduate days that led to such campus posts as associate editor of Froth, humor magazine; assistant editor of Penn State Engineer; and editor-in-chief of El Dorado, literary magazine. As a result, he became a member of Pi Delta Epsilon, journalism fraternity. He was on his class teams in soccer, baseball, and lacrosse, and a member of the varsity soccer and lacrosse squads. He was president of his chapter and a member of the IFC.

After graduation from Penn State, he was in the steel equipment business as a salesman and sales manager for 19 years. In 1939 he became a producer’s representative in the commercial motion picture industry. From 1941 to 1947 he wrote, directed, and produced institutional, advertising, and training motion pictures. In the war years he wrote and directed many pictures for the U. S. Office of Education, the United States Army, and the United States Navy department from which he received a citation for his work. In 1951 he received the graduate degree of industrial engineer from Pennsylvania State University at the same time his daughter Ann was ’graduated.

With 50 years’ membership in the Boy Scouts of America, George Chapman is a member of the Philadelphia Scout Council and has been for many years a member at large of the National Council. He is also a member of the National Committee of the Order of the Arrow, the scout honor society of which he was a charter member and the first chief of the first lodge. He has been awarded the Silver Beaver of the Boy Scouts of America and the Distinguished Service Awards of the Order of the Arrow and the Philadelphia Scout Council. He is a member of Alpha Phi Om,egg, the national collegiate service organization for scout-trained men.

Following service with the U. S. Naval Reserve in World War I, and the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve in World War II, he became a member of the Coast Guard League and is presently a reserve officer in the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve.

George Chapman never ceased to participate actively in this fraternity from the time of his initiation, and even before, because he was instrumental in bringing the local fraternity of which he was the president into Theta Chi. Following service as alumnus adviser of the Penn State chapter he became one of the first appointed counselors in 1935 in the new regional program adopted by the fraternity, and of which he had served as chairman of the organizing committee. In 1937 he was named national marshal, and in 1941 he became national treasurer, serving on the Grand Chapter for nine years through 1946.

In 1939 he instituted, programmed, and conducted the first School of Fraternity Practices which has been an important part of every convention since then. The school pointed up the need of a manual of fraternity practices, policies, and procedures, so he produced the Handbook of Theta Chi Fraternity in two volumes for undergraduates and alumni, and later the Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity. Both of these publications have proved helpful to other fraternities in producing something similar for use in their organizations.

Following the custom of some other fraternities, Theta Chi some time ago established a number of awards and recognitions. These were all originated and designed by George Chapman and through his efforts approved and established by the Grand Chapter. Unique among such recognitions is the Appreciation Award which honors and recognizes women who have aided the fraternity or the fraternity system. Theta Chi is perhaps the only fraternity which has an award for women.

George Chapman has been accorded honors by his fraternity- the Distinguished Service Award, Alumni Awards presented by his chapter and by the Grand Chapter, and the Silver Legion Certificate. He has also been made an honorary member of more than 60 chapters. His wife appropriately wears the Appreciation Award. Governors of various states have also conferred recognition. He is goodwill ambassador for the state of North Carolina, has been commissioned lieutenant colonel by the governor of Florida, and appointed an admiral in the navy of the state of Nebraska.

Following a romance which started in college, George Chapman married Mary E. Craley. They have three children, all married, and five grandchildren. His sons, George, Jr., and Philip, are members of Theta Chi. His daughter, Ann, and daughter-in-law, Marion, are members of Kappa Kappa Gamma. His son0in-law is a Beta Theta Pi. The Chapmans live in Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania, northern suburb of Philadelphia. They are members of the Society of Friends.

Not alone has been recognized on the basis of loyal and effective service as the fraternity;s executive director since 1947. He was president of the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter for a year and is a member of the board of directors of the Omega Chapter Alumni Association. He is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference House of Delegates. He is also on the executive committee of the College Fraternity Secretaries’ Association and continues to edit its News and Notes. When the National Interfraternity Conference opened its national office in New York City several years ago he was appointed a member of the office committee, which has been in charge of setting up that facility and overseeing its operation, and he continues in this capacity.

With a background of practical experience on more than 40 years of service for his fraternity as layman and professional, George Chapman is sometimes called Mr. Theta Chi. Knowing that his fraternity is only as strong as the system of which it is a part, he is a strong believer in sharing ideas and procedures with other fraternities and believes in doing everything he can to help and further the fraternity system. And he practices these beliefs.

Prominent Scientist Dies alter Retiring In Florida
Honorary member: of Omega Chapter, Dr. Raymond Adams Dutcher, 76, professor emeritus and for 30 years head of the Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry at Pennsylvania  State University, died suddenly in Fort Myers, Florida, on April 20, 1962. Dr. Dutcher was graduated in 1907 from South Dakota State College, and did graduate work there, and later at the universities of Missouri and Illinois. He was n member of the faculties at Oregon State and Minnesota before going to Penn State in 1921]. Following his retirement he taught at University of Florida and did consulting work.

Dr. Dutcher was an outstanding teacher, and a pioneer in vitamin and nutrition research. He was the author of many technical papers in these fields, and co-author of three books on agricultural biochemistry. Many honors were extended to him, including honorary doctorates from his alma mater and the University of Puerto Rico. He was initiated into Theta Chi, April 30, 1938, and actively participated in the activities of the Penn State chapter

For the past two years Omega Chapter has been the proud owner of a rapidly growing collie called Chi. Having adjusted well to fraternity living, Chi is always on hand to greet a guest or visiting alumnus in his typically eager, tail-wagging manner. He contributes to the fun and gayety of a pinning celebration by responding to the traditional call, "to the showers," with his enthusiastic bark. He, in fact, seems to have inherited numerous characteristics of a college man: He throughly enjoys a fast ride in a convertible and the light hand of a female guest - as appeared in the Rattle, Summer 1962