Omega in The Rattle - The Rattle, March 1930 Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUMarch 7, 1930RattleComment
Omega in The Rattle - The Rattle, Feb. 1930 Alumni, History, Historical, NationalTheta Chi of PSUFebruary 7, 1930RattleComment
Omega's Georgian Colonial House and News - The Rattle, January 1930 Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUJanuary 10, 1930RattleComment
Paddling Eliminated at Omega - The Rattle, Dec. 1929 Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUDecember 13, 1929Rattle Comment
Omega Chapter in The Rattle - The Rattle, Nov. 1929 Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUNovember 8, 1929RattleComment
Nesbitt Honored - Rattle, Oct. 1929 Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUOctober 11, 1929RattleComment
Omega News - January 1926 Rattle Alumni, Historical, History, NationalTheta Chi of PSUJanuary 15, 1926RattleComment
Omega News - November 1925 Rattle Alumni, History, Historical, NationalTheta Chi of PSUNovember 13, 1925RattleComment