Omega News - November 1925 Rattle

As appeared in The Rattle - November 1925



State College, Pennsylvania, October 10—As the cool breezes of Indian summer came down from the mountains the active members of the Omega chapter dusted off their collegiate clothes, boarded the limited, and returned to the threshold of Omega, fresh for a big year in the realm of old Mount Nittany. September 15 found everyone in the fold except Brother Calhoun who decided to work the opening semester and return after the mid-year exams. Brothers Reed and Bicker send word that they expect to take up their scholastic work again at the beginning of the second semester. 

Before the opening of college old clothes dominated for the purpose of getting the house in shape for rushing season. A new custom established at Penn State this year found the class of '29 already here attending lectures that acquainted the yearlings with Penn State customs and routine. A ruling adopted by the Interfraternity Council prohibited rushing during the week, but when the barrier was lifted Omega was on the field. 

The brothers co-operated with the rushing committee, and when the curtain was rung down on rushing season Omega had secured nine freshmen who show promise of becoming active about the college. They are: John G088, Reading; Carleton Valentine, Marcus Hook; James Barnes, Philadelphia; Peter Marvel, Avondale; Richard Gender, Saint Mary's; Lewis Reymer, Smithport; Spencer Clinger, Norristown; Harold Nilson, Fort Washington, and Sanford Bossard, Perkasie. 

Brother Windle, first assistant boxing man-ager is again active in this sport. He has every hope of being elected manager of next year's team. 

Brother Frick, who was recently elected to Pi Delta Epsilon, has started to accumulate news as the editor of the Penn State Engineer. 

Brother Meyer is moving toward a berth on the varsity soccer team. His fine record on last year's freshmen team gives him a good chance of representing State in this field of sport. As the soccer team has not been defeated in six years careful attention is given by the coaches to see that the right meld are picked. Brother Wallace and Maize will make a bid for a place on the varsity wrestling team this fall. 

Brother Marshal, second assistant track manger, is working daily with the team, and may be elected to the position of first assistant. 

 Although he was not connected with the soccer team last year, Brother Griener has signed up for first assistant manager. 

Brother MacWilliams is now active with the cheer leaders, expecting to wear the white sweater as first assistant cheer leader next year. Brother Hope is a reporter for the Penn State Collegian. 

Brother Sagerholm will be among the candidates for the varsity basketball team this year. This fast moving chap plays a forward position. 

Omega's first house party this year is history. For two whole days the brothers entertained their home-town best in royal fashion. An out-of-town orchestra furnished the necessary jig time, and the house was decorated in the fraternity colors. The alumni who at-tended voted it the greatest party that Omega ever has had. 

Plans are now under way to entertain the alumni at homecoming time, and all indications point to a banner crowd. A dance has been arranged in their honor. 

The first house dance of the season was a success in spite of the fact that a number of the brothers had left to witness the State-Georgia Tech game in New York. 

Campus Leaders

Active in Publications - Penn State — W. Boyce Morgan, editor Penn State Froth, humor magazine