Omega Seeks New Home and More - The Rattle, March 1926

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XIV No. 3 - March 1926

(By N. E. Frick) 
State College, Pennsylvania, February 8 — The past week saw the passing of the final examinations, and the brothers of Omega are either breathing easily once more or regret-ing their fate. The close of this week of exams was most fittingly marked by a dance at the chapter house, the music being furnished by Ernest White's trombone with the rest of the orchestra accompanying him. 

We are more than sorry to announce that the chapter has lost a number of the brothers since the holidays. Brother Sogerholm failed to return after the Christmas vacation; Brother Hope has registered at Kenyon College for the second semester ; Brother Yahres has departed for parts unknown, but it is rumored that he will end up in Florida ; Brother Lord is leaving school at the end of this semester; and Brother Gobbels is staying out of school the second semester. We are much happier to announce the return of Pledge Kerr after the absence of a year, and of Brother Calhoun who was out of school the first semester. A new man was added to our list of pledges, John Booden, '28, of Beaver, Pa. 

A great deal of work has been done in the way of getting a new home for Omega and we have a splendid property in view. The chapter as a whole is eager to add our names to the list of Theta Chi chapters owning their own homes, and right now we are waiting for the alumni of the chapter to take definite action. The house in view is now being occupied by a fraternity, is in a good location, and would make a most desirable home. 

Brother Gifford, '26, missed a place on the varsity boxing team by a hair, but we expect him to be holding down the 175-pound berth before the next meet takes place. 

Plans are now being made for the annual initiation which will take place the latter part of February. The chapter enjoyed a short visit from Brother McIlhany a short time ago and were disappointed when the time came for him to leave. We announce him as a splendid bridge player but he doesn't seem to appreciate the State College "movies." 

At the Alter .. At the Cradle

Marriages - Omega (Penn State)—Clifford E. Beavan, '22, to Ann Rigby at Camden, New Jersey, November 28. At home at Wayne, Michigan, where Brother Beavan is superintendent of the L. H. Gilmer plant. 

Births - Omega (Penn State)—Born to Brother and Mrs. Francis J. Doan of State College, Pennsylvania, on January 9, a son, David Bentley Doan. Professor Doan is in the dairy department of Penn State College. 

In the World of Affairs

Clifford E. Beavan ‘22 has moved from Wissahickon, Philadelphia, to Wayne , Michigan, having been promoted to superintendent of the L. H. Gilmer plant of Michigan. been promoted to su perintendent of the L. H. Gilmer plant of Mi<'hignn. Mail n ddreBB : Box 39 , Wayne, Michigan. Notiee of Brot her n 's marriage a ppears elsewhere.