Father and Sons Brothers - The Rattle, Oct. 1950

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXVIII No. 1 - October 1950

The Chapmans, father and son, George W. and George W., Jr., the former the present executive secretary of Theta Chi Fraternity, who from the Executive Office in Trenton. N. J., keeps track of the 100 chapters throughout the nation that give the organization the longest unbroken chapter roster in Greek-letter history; the latter, the man chosen by Omega Chapter at Penn State as its outstanding senior of 1949 because of his contributions to the college and to Theta Chi, and his outstanding personality. His record of campus activities and honors is a long one: president of the Interfraternity Council; member of Pi Tau Sigma, Sigma Tau, and A.S.M.E., engineering societies; member of Lion's Paw, recognition society, Judicial Council, all-College Cabinet; secretary-treasurer of his freshman class; assistant treasurer, treasurer, and convention delegate of Omega Chapter; the collegiate Who s Who. He is now in the business world. 

George W. Chapman, Jr. '49 (L) and George W. Chapman '20