Fall 1950 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Fall 1950 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Alumni News 

Here are a few odds and ends we have managed to get together as to what the class of 1950 is doing. If you are a member of this class and your name doesn't appear here, it is not because you were neglected, but because we were unable to get any information as to what you were doing. Please contact us and give us any complete information as well as corrections. If you have changed your address, let me know. You can never tell when we might want to get in contact with you. 

Well, here we go. "Uncle" Bob Clarke is a member of the "Inactive Reserve", and was last seen going through North Carolina wearing a Quartermaster Second Class Navy uniform. He had completed 6 days of employment before his induction. Dick Rogers who has been expecting to be called this past summer is still waiting. Jim Swab is a salesman of the Now York Life Insurence Company. Stan Wittman is employed with the A.S.C.A.P. in Pittsburgh. Dave Evans seen in his privately owned Cadillac is doing personnel work in Scranton. George Cochrane is a villian for an automobile collection agency from Connelsville. Pete Stetson is back with us taking graduate work. Nick Nicholas '49 is now at the University of Illinois working on his Ph.D. Phil Brown, who was married this summer, is taking graduate work at Florida State University. Ted Collins is a salesman for Nabisco Bak-ing Company in Pittsburgh. Ray (Canvasback) Campfield is working with Brockway Glass Go. in Brockerey, Pa. Bob (Theta-party) Kennedy is employed by the Landis Tool Co. in Waynesboro, Pa. 

Bill Fairchak is employed with the Harshaw Chemical Co. in Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Cooper, who was married the past summer, is working as an Accountant with a steel concern in Philadelphia. Harold Frazier is with the Berwick Hotel way up in Vermont. Jack Storer and T'.lph Koyle are both with the "Osmoses Food Treating Co.", but they are not working together. Jack is in Minnesota and Ralph is in Illinois. Harold Showalter is working at a navy yard in Philadelphia. "Chick" Carman Cialicla is employed with the Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C. Harry Bink and the Mrs. are in Harrisburg where Harry is doing architectural work for Ed. Good. Joe Jackson, who is in Indianapolis, Indiana, is employed with the Fibre Specialty Company. We have also gotten word that Jack Seemore is the proud father of a baby girl.

If any of you know of anything that I have overlooked or neglected, don't hesitate to let me know. 

Thomas Ward, Omega Secretary

President's Report

The scholastic year of 1950-1951 promises to be an interesting one both for Penn State and our chapter. A year filled with problems to be dealt with and opportunities to be realized.

Those of you attending the Fall Alumni Day, October 28th will be exposed to an appropriate theme for that weekend - "The New Era". And in many respects it is the beginning of a new ere here at Penn State.

The college just recently inaugerated a fine man as President in Milton Eisenhower, whose virtues and achievements have undoubtedly been extolled to you. Athletically, we believe that re have managed to secure a "Big Time Coach" for a "Big Time School" in the person of Charles "Rip" Engle. Then there ore the now drinking regulations, too. There was a great deal of unfavorable publicity last Spring which will have an effect on social life at Penn State and with fraternities in particular.

The chapter itself with a fifty percent turnover is also entering a "New Era". Gone are Hal Frazier and the sixteen other members of the senior class whose leadership and initiative advanced the chapter in every department over the past year. The summer housing program directed by Paul Brecht was a financial success and will help considerably in the refurnishing of the first floor.

Our vice-president, Jim Phillips, has been actively engaged in a new program to improve the scholarship of the fraternity. 

This fall at the conclusion of a keenly competitive rushing season, we pledged twenty-two men, whom we believe will further the house scholastically, athletically and socially while becoming Theta Chi's.

The fruits of the reactivated Mother's Club are already evidenced by new curtains and drapes which grace our first floor and dining room.

These and other house improvements you will see first hand by attending Alumni Day at the close of this month. 


Bill Hanley

Social News 

The time has come again to think about the house functions we are going to have this year and to pause a moment to remember some of the former ones.

The most important function which lies before us will occur on October 28. Naturally I am speaking of Alumni Day which is going to be one of the most important weekends of the year for use on that day you the alumni return to your school end fraternity. It will be our job to see that your weekend is as enjoyable as possible. Let's have a look and see what is in store for you.

Friday night and Saturday morning will be devoted to registering at the house and meeting old and new brothers. Of course, Saturday afternoon is the time for "Old Man Football" to make his appearance. It will give the "Alums" a chance to see "Rip" Engle's boys in action against our foe from Philly, the Temple Owls. After the game, its back to the house for a dinner prepared by our very wonderful chef "Giffy". We probably will have a short meeting after dinner. When you have enjoyed your after dinner smoke and have relaxed a bit, we shall all gather in the dining room where everyone can sit around the tables by a roaring fire (providing weather permits) and talk with our old and new friends. Sunday we will have the annual cere-mony called "Kissing the Pig."

Since Mother's Day was such a big success we are going to institute a Father's Day which will take place on November 18. This will give the Dads of the active brothers end pledges an opportunity to got acquainted with one another. On November 11, the perennial theme of Bowery Ball will swing into the spotlight again. The band which will be at Rec. Hall is Johnny Longs. If any of you Alums are in the vicinity come in and join us. 

Rushing News

With the pledging of 22 new men, another Rushing meek is over, and with it much unexpected difficulty and confusion. The Penn State College with the signing of the permanent dorm contracts last Spring, the drop in enrollment, and the opening of the new dorms provided much turmoil among the fraternities here at Penn State. The fraternities needed 279 men from the dorms. The College asked the fraternities to restrict their requirements to the minimum. The fraternities then requested the release of 133 men. Through the good graces of our new President, Milton Eisenhower, this request Was granted. We have 17 pledges living in the house and five boys from town which brings our total pledge class to a grand total of 22. The following men comprise the pledge class: 

Ayers, John; Taylor, Pa.
Dietrich, Lloyd; Fleetwood, Pa.
Douds, Charles; Englewood, N.J.
Fairchock, Peter; Scranton, Pa.
Gallagher, Raymond; Latrobe, Pa.
Griffin, Harrison; Old Greenwich, Conn.
Harpster, James; Pine Grove Mills, Pa.
Keller, Edward; State College, Pa.
Lewis, Thomas; Connelsville, Pa.
Lugenbeal, Leo; Cambridge Springs, Pa.
Martin, Al; Tenafly, N. J.
Miller, David; State College, Pa.
Morton, Thomas; Philadelphia, Pa,
Nelson, James; Oil City, Pa.
Ramsay, James; Haverford, Pa.
Ruggieri, Kennett; Square, Pa.
Rupp, Craig; Kingston, Pa.
Schiff, Svenn ; Philadelphia, Pa.
Snyder, Chris; Tyrone, Pa.
Shomborg, Bill; State College, Pa.
Whitehouse, Eugene; State College, Pa.
Wirs, Joseph; Abington, Pa. 

How many of them do you know? 


With the arrival of Rip Engle to the campus, Penn State hopes to enter into a new era of sports activities. We at Theta Chi have the some feeling and it is our fondest hope to place upon the fireplace this year the interfraternity athletic trophy.

The first intramural activity is touch football in which we were runner-up lest year, being nosed out by Sigma Nu in the final game. However, many of that last year's aggregation did not answer the footeall call this year due to graduation end other departures. Losses from graduation are Ralph Lbyle, Chick Cialella, Ted Collins and Dave Evens, while Bob Gallagher, Joe Skutches and Bruce Wallace did not return to school this semester.

Although the picture looks a little hazy at present, we do have some good looking neophytes. Namely pledges Dietrich, Rupp, Gallagher, Griffin, Horton, Ruggieri and Shomberg. The teem will be build mainly around veterans Henley, Dope, Ward, Baylson, Van Gorder, Phillips and "Easy Ed" Noyes.

That is the foolball situation as it stands now. think with a few practice sessions, we may be able to give someone plenty of trouble.

Swimming and tennis also play a big part in our fall sports program. Although our swimming team did not fair quite so well last year. We hope that this year under the leadership of Jim Phillips we may be able to get a few breaks and move further up the ladder. Bill Hanley and Lloyd Dietrich are trying their hand at tennis singles, both being quite capable with the rachets.

Our final standing in the intra murel athletic program last year was thirteenth. This year we are striving for an improvement over that position with our eyes upon the top slot. 

Bill Clark 

Editor's Comment

While I was racking my brain to find a subject to write about it came to me that something should be done about or said about the lackadaisical attitude between the active brothers and our alumni.

I know that a large amount of the difficulty lies here at the chapter. Some of the receptions you may have received when you revisited the chapter may have left you with a feeling that you were unwelcome. Unless you are a recent graduate of the college you are probably greeted by many strange faces when you enter the chapter door. lie here at the chapter hope to remedy that situation by making you feel at home and welcome even if our faces are strange to you. We realize that all of you cannot make visits back to your fraternity but those of you who can, we hope you will take the time and effort to do so. The more often you visit us the be+ter we can get acquainted.

The reason I think that this situation should be remedied is to strengthen the cooperation be-tween the active brothers and the alumni to build a better Theta Chi here at the Omega Chapter. If the alumni should receive some correspondence from an active it is nicer to have a personal note attached to the letter. The more integrated our fraternity is the stronger and efficient it will be. So I hope that any of the alumni who have been thinking of revisiting the chapter will do so especially on October 28.

With a hearty welcome to all the alumni and e wish for a safe trip, I bid you farewell. 

Robert M. Baylson 

New Omegamen

The following have been recently initiated into the Omega chapter of Theta Chi: 

Ralph Stuck 
James Peters 
Ken Waltenbaugh 
Fred Fiene 

We are already aware that they will serve as real assets to the chapter. 


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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Download the Fall 1950 Omegaphone