May 1939 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the May 1939 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

President's Message 

Mothers: This is our annual Mother's Day Issue and it is with a great deal of pleasure that I welcome all the Mothers to their son's college home. Especially is this greeting extended to those Mothers and Dads who have not been with us before. We trust that the house will come up to your expectations; we hope a little better. We welcome your suggestions for improvement of the house and the conditions in it. 

Brothers: This space is dedicated to those of the Alumni of Omega Chapter who have so ingloriously failed to help the OMEGAPHONE to be everything that it should be. The Alumni News in most issues, as in this issue, is practically a vacant spot. Do you not realize that this letter is primarily for the benefit of the Alumni we are doing our utmost to make it representative of both the older and younger members of the chapter, and as far as the actives are concerned we believe we are suceeding. If the older members continue to ignore our pleas for news, would it not be as well for us to discontinue the issue? 

Come through, Alumni! Help us to make this letter more interesting to each and every one of you. We are more than willing to spend the time if you will only supply the eubstance. KEEP IN TOUCH.


Joseph H. Flagler, Jr., President 

The New Campus

Many of you alumni of a few years back would hardly recognize the campus as it now is. Two of the old landmarks are gone forever ; namely, the "bullpen" and the parade ground. As you may recall, the "bullpen" burned down during Christmas vacation last year, while the parade ground has given way to the new electrical engineering building. The Liberal Arta buildings are no longer two unconnected buildings for a large central wing has been erected joining the former NLA to SLA. Across the street from the liberal arts group is a three story Education building. Built across the dead end of what was many years ago Allen St. is the new Library. This is probably the largest of the new buildings, and it looks very imposing alongside the KKG house. Down Center Drive from the old Chem. & Phys. building is a new four story Chem. Physics building. The MI building is no longer in the shape of a U, but has assumed the proportions of an E with the addition of the central wing. The eyesore of the campus, the forestry building, will soon be but a memory with the completion of the new Forestry building on Ag Hill. That isn't the only new building on Ag Hill either: across Center Drive from the Ag Building is the new Freer Lab, the Forestry building is in front of the horse barn; and the Ag Engineering building stands north of the Dairy building. The girls haven't been alighted in this work either. On College Ave. across from the West Penn Power company plant is the new dorm, Atherton Hall, better known as Ath Hall. In spite of the fact that there is a telephone in every girl's room, it's still worth your neck to get a call through. It seems that the exchange isn't large enough. Right in back of Ath Hall is White Hall, the girls' new gym.

Graduating Seniors

M. M. MacKay - ZE. Activities; Freshman Boxing, Scabbard & Blade Steward
After Graduation; Join Army

John M. Metzger - CF. Activities; Assoc'. Football Mgr, Blue Key Society, Chapter Pres. & Sec.
After Graduation; Radio Announcing

C. J. Newman -- CF. Activities: Dean's List 38-39 Pi Gamma Mu, Honor Roll
After graduation: Become Accountant

James A. Noonan - CF Activities; Dean's List 38-39, Pi Gamma Mu, Delta Sigma Pi
After Graduation: Harvard Grad. School

William A. Ramsey - DH. Activities; The Grange Dairy Science Club, Freshman Lacrosse
After Graduation; Dairy Supply Work

William Young, Jr. - CF Activities: J.V. Soccer, Treas. & Sec, I.M. Bowling
After Graduation: Public Acct. 

Samuel S. Cobb -- For. Activities; Varsity swimming - 2, Bowling, Second Guard, Social
After Graduation; Scout or Forestry work

Robert Eberly -- Chem. Activities: Pres. of Sophs. TUC, Mushball
After Graduation: Work in Natural Gas Indusiry.

John A. Genther -- AL. Activities; Pi Lambda Sigma, Varsity Lacrosse, Marshall
After Graduation: Enter Public Service

W. Lindsay Halpen - I ED, Activities; Iota Lambda Sigma, President and Sec.
After Graduations Teach Industrial and Vocational Subjects.

Richard H. Knowles - AL Activities: Freshman Track, I.M. Football, 1 and 2 Guards
After Graduations Enter Public Service

William W. Logan - EE. Activities: Study hour chm., Student - six yrs.
After Graduation; Plans undecided

MacKay - "Squeak"

Codd - "Ranger"

Metzger -"Flea"

Eberly ' "Bob"

Newman - "Stinky"

Genther - "Tube"

Noonan - "Jughaid"

Halpen - "Slug"

Ramsey - "Red"

Knowles - "Scrone"

Young - "Pepper"

Logan - "Wee Will"

Founder's Day

The celebration marking the twentieth anniversary of Theta Chi on the Penn State campus was held on the weekend of April 15th and 18th. This was a little late to celebrate Founders' Day, but it was due to Easter vacation falling on the week of April 5 to 12. The main feature of the weekend was the chapel service on Sunday morning. Theta Chi filled completely three rows of the chapel, a feat not equalled by many fraternities.

Welcome to Mothers 

It is with greatest pleasure that we welcome the mothers of Omega Chapter. The new brothers have been looking forward to meeting the mothers of the old; and the old to the meeting of the new. We are sure that the mothers will enjoy meeting each other. We have a house full of fine fellows this year, as always, and we hope that all you mothers get to meet every fellow and verify this statement for yourself on Mother's Day. Our one objective lies in the entertainment of those who mean so much to us, Mothers, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and friends, we solicit your prescence and entreat you to spend this delightful weekend with us.

Spring House Party

On June 9th and 10th, Omega holds its annual Spring Houseparty. As you all know this will be a gala event, and all alumni are cordially invited back to share the fun with us. If you intend to return, please let us know soon enough to arrange accomodatione for you. 


Rushing plans for this summer and next fall are well under way. Our goal for next fall will be about thirteen men. To date the rushing files contain names of twenty-five men for summer rushing, With such excellent results already, and with the combined forces of our alumni and active members, we are bound to be successful during our rushing period. The rushing committee would appreciate any information concerning a man well qualified for membership into Theta Chi. We plan to make many individual contacts with rushees during the summer and in order to make these visits possible, we ask that you send your information to us before the close of this school year. 

National Convention

The National Convention was held from April 20th to 22nd at Champaign, Ill. The Omega delegation consisted of Norm Horner, an alumnus and Brothers Flagler and Applegate. The delegates attended convention sessions Thursday and Friday and listened to numerous speeches concerning finances, endowment fund, status of Theta Chi, rushing, pledge training, individual chapter set ups, and resposibilities of the members to their respective chapters. The voting for Grand Chapter officers was held Saturday morning. The same men retained their original offices with the exception of Christianson who resigned as National Chaplain. The delegates wish to thank Rho Chapter for the hospitible way in which they treated us and extend to them a cordial invitation to visit Omega if they should travel east. 

1939 LaVie Portrait
Top Row L to R: Robert Grun, Paul Handwerk, J. Bright, John Kellberg, Walter Applegate, Warren Meyer, Howard Alter Jr., Robert Montgomery, Francis Richwine, J. Hodgkin, Thomas Harris Jr., W. H. Houck
Third Row L to R: Mark Richards III, Henry Carver, Joseph Flagler Jr., Roland Seely, A. Bradford Owen, Robert Seybert, Harold Wolf, Edmund Geiger, W. Allen Ramsay, D. Braden, T. Lutz
Second Row L to R: Albert Powell, Oscar Booz, Andrew Crevling Jr., Edward Osterhout, Samual Cobb, H. Samans, John Genther, John Siegfried, Francis Doan, George Roth
First Row L to R: Richard Knowles, Carl Korn Jr., Malcolm MacKay, Robert Eberly, Charles Williams Jr., Howard Wodock, William Young Jr., Elwood Cassel, James Noonan, Charles Peters

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the May 1939 Omegaphone