Br. Rich Green Needs a Kidney
RICH GREEN ‘93, my loving husband, and incredible father to our three busy teenagers, is in severe need of a living kidney donation.
Rich was diagnosed with End Stage Kidney Disease in Spring 2022. He has minimal kidney function due to a rare genetic disease. Our family's life has become drastically different, and more challenging, in the past months as Rich is now on dialysis 7 days a week in order to live. A living kidney donation and Transplant is his best chance at seeing his kids grow up.
Rich's only long term option is a transplant. He can stay on Dialysis, and wait for a deceased donor transplant, but his health can continue to decline during that time. The average wait time in the US for a kidney, from a deceased donor, is 8 years! Some wait many more years than that and many die waiting. Finding a Living Organ Donor is Rich's best option for life! Rich only needs one kidney. The transplant is of minimal risk to the donor and is covered by Rich's insurance. There is also no cost to the donor. There are no side effects except that Rich gets to see his children grow up and lead a healthy life.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a living donor for Rich please contact Kelly at the Lankenau transplant office, confidentially, at 484-476-3383. You can also contact me, Rich's wife Jennifer, through social media for additional information.
Rich Green ‘93 in the Spring of 1990
Rich and his family
Rich is blood type A+. If you have A+ blood you can call and talk to Kelly at Lankenau and see about being a "direct donor" to Rich. Kelly will ask you your demographics (which they may already know if you're in the Main Line Health system), and then about 9 questions (blood type, diabetic/prediabetic, HIV, high blood pressure, history of kidney disease, height and weight). from there your info gets passed onto an RN who will call you back with more questions about your medical history. It's fast. It's easy. It's safe. It's confidential. It's covered by insurance. IT SAVES A LIFE.
Please, Please Share this information and get the word out for us that Rich Green NEEDS a KIDNEY!!!
Jennifer Green