Br. Geuder Appointed 1929 Class Valedictorian
Officials Appoint Geuder 1929 Class Valedictorian
Richard A. Geuder ’29
In recognition of his service to the College and to his class during his four years at Penn State, Richard A. Geuder ’29 has been selected to deliver the valedictory address at the annual Class Day exercise on Monday, June 17.
Five candidates, voted upon by the senior class, formed the group from which he was chosen by a special committee composed of Prof. John H. Frizzell, Donald M. buchanan ’29, and Harry E. Pfeiffer ’29.This trio agreed that Geuder was the most prominent man in the graduating class. Other candidates fro the position were Pfeiffer, Fred H. Yocum, Louis H. Bell Jr., and William S. Turner.
Geuder was born at Buffalo, New York, on August 24, 1906. Before he’s grade school days were completed his family moved to St. Mary’s, and there he attends the St. Mary’s high school. He graduated from this institution with first honors and as the valedictorian of his class. He entered Penn State in the fall of 1925 enrolling in the electro-chemistry course.
During his freshman year Geuder entered many activities, but, deciding that he would prefer to be managerof the boxing team, he dropped most of them to further his ambition. In his sophomore year he was elected first assistant manager in this sport. He was also made a member of Blue Key, honorary upperclass service society, during this year. Later he was elected president of this organization.
Geiger’s ambition to become manager of the boxing team was fulfilled when he was elected to that position in his junior year. He was also made a member of Lion’s Paw, outstanding senior honorary fraternity and Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering society. His literary talents were not neglected since he served as an associate editor of La Vie.
At the beginning of this year Harry E. Pfeiffer, president of the senior class, appointed Geuder chairman of the Senior Ball committee. Parmi Nous, upperclass campus society, made him a member of its organization this year. He is also chairman for Class Day which will be held Monday, June 17.
As a fraternity man Geuder served as president of his house and as its representative in the Interfraternity Council. Despite his numerous activities and his difficult course, he has maintained a high scholastic standing.
When he graduates Geuder will go to Cleveland where he has accepted the position of sales manager with the Reliance Electric and Engineering company.