Omega WWII News and More, The Rattle, Winter 1944-45

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXIII No. 2 - Dec., 1944-Jan., Feb., 1945

Omega at Penn State Now Houses Twenty Men 
With the help of V-12 brothers, David Doan and Richard Nicholas, and alumni brothers. John Doty and P. J. Doan, Omega at Penn State initiated eleven pledges. There are two additional pledges, Blair Brode, V-12, and Wallace E. Dixon. The roster totals twenty-two, twenty living in the house. As part of the pre-initiation program the pledges “Kemtoned” the second and third floor hallways. The initiation banquet was held October 4.

Chapter elections returned Edward George as president; Floyd Lang, vice president; John Branigan, secretary; James Ray, treasurer; William Renton, rushing chairman; Chipak and George, social co-chairmen. Floyd Lang, looked good in the Bucknell basketball game. Block, Lang, and Weaver were initiated into Druids and Ray into PArmi Nous. Weaver is an assistant football manager. Theta Chi finished the soft ball interfraternity play on top of the heap without losing a game.

Gold Stars 
George Harkness, ’39 - 1942

Lt. Robert Gaerthem, ’44, killed in action over Japanese territory in China, June 29, 1944. He was a member of Chenault’s Flying Tigers and attached to the 14th Air Force. He was on his 4rd mission when shot down.

Lt. Robert G. Coran, ’44, killed in action over Japanese territory in China, June 29, 1944, HE was a pursuit pilot and a men,her of Chenault’s Flying Tigers. Lieutenant Coran was attached to the 14th Air Force, 75th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Air Group, He was on his 43rd mission when shot down in enemy territory. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coran, Prospectville, Pa, survive.

Missing in Action
1st Lr. Richwine ’41,reported as missing in actions in the Luxembourg area.
Capt. Bruce S. Gilliard, ’41, reported missing in action since November 7 in the Metz area

Prisoner of War
William F. Regan is a prisoner of war in Germany 

Lt. George W, Chapman, Jr., ’46

George W, Chapman, Jr., ’46, was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Corps upon graduation from the Aerial Navigation School at the Army Air Field, Hondo, Texas, in December. Hey left Penn State in October, 1943, to enlist as an army aviation cadet. He is now stationed at Victorville, Calif.