Alter President's Message - The Rattle, Summer 1965
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. 53 No. 4 - Summer 1965
President’s Message
It has been some time since there has been a "Recognition Issue" of the RATTLE published. Somewhere along the line it was felt that the alumni, who are the majority of the readers, would not be interested in chapter by chapter leadership. This, coupled with the difficulty in getting material from the chapters, resulted in no recognition issues. Many of us have missed the publication of this material, so it was decided to try again.
Leadership is an important function of fraternity, and it should be stressed. The development of the qualities of leadership is part of a fraternity's job, and I believe that the alumni are interested in that part of our campus activities. Chapters should be interested in giving recognition to their leaders, and through them to the chapters themselves. For each of us, alumnus or undergraduate, and for the Fraternity as a whole this should be one of the most interesting issues of the RATTLE published. I congratulate each of the men chosen by their chapters for this recognition.
If your chapter isn't represented on these pages, ask yourself why. It certainly isn't because you are totally lacking in leadership. It is probably because someone put off doing the paper work. This isn't very fair to either the man whose service would be recorded here or to the chapter itself with its name among the missing.
Howard R. Alter, Jr., 41
Heading the list of those recognized are the nominees for the annual Reginald Colley Memorial Trophy for outstanding undergraduate activity. In a fraternity with 131 undergraduate chapters, as we have, it would seem unlikely that I would know each of the three top men chosen, but such is the case this year, and I count it a privilege. The Colley Trophy Committee is to be congratulated for the selections that they have made for Theta Chi's outstanding undergraduate and the two runners up. Congratulations are in order to all who were nominated, and most certainly to Alan Bulliner, Tom Brewer, and Bruce Kenyon; and to the chapters that they represent: Beta Sigma, Epsilon Nu, and Gamma Kappa. I express our appreciation to them for so representing the Fraternity on their respective campuses.
Each man who was chosen by his chapter for recognition in this issue, or who was nominated for Colley Trophy deserves the thanks of Theta Chi for so distinguishing himself that he has been so honored by his Brothers. It is on these pages that you will find the men upon whom much of the future leadership of Theta Chi depends. We look forward to their continued service to Alma Mater and to Theta Chi.
Fraternally yours
Howard R. Alter, Jr.
National President