WWII News about Omega Brothers and House - The Rattle, Winter 1946
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXXIV, No. 2 - Nov.-Dec.-Jan 1946
Omega Chapter at Penn State claims among its alumni five who bear the name of Maize. Two of these men are sons of Richard Maize, Secretary of mines for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and a trustee of Penn State College. Clyde Maize, '27. was discharged from the army at a lieutenant colonel, after having served since March 1941. when he entered active service an a captain. He was located for about a year at Pt. Belvoir, Virginia, where he made a specialty of camouflage. Some time alter Pearl Harbor he was sent to Puerto Rico to camouflage the airfields there. Later he was sent to the British East Indies for the same purpose.
Clyde Maize, '27
Upon his return from the British East Indies he taught camouflage at Pt. Belvoir and then was sent to Alaska with headquarters at Anchorage. He spent the greater part of two years in the Aleutians. Since his discharge he has been made a state mine inspector with headquarters at Somerset, Pa. Col. Maize‘s brother, Richard. was first rejected by the army because of high blood pressure. He was in the accounting department of the Carnegie Illinois Steel Company, when about three years ago, he was inducted into the army, where he was given specialized training and sent overseas. He spent some time in England and was sent to France in the finance department about a week after the Normandy invasion. He was an the French, German, and Belgian campaigns. and at the close of the war was a corporal at Rheims. France.
Richard Maize '37
First cousins of Clifford and Richard Maize are three brothers Roy, Jack and Earl Maize. Earl is with the United States Bureau of Mines in Johnstown. Pa.; Roy is in California: and Capt. Jack Maize is with the Pittsburgh District Ordnance Procurement Division, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lt. Ross O. Miller, Penn State, is now in military government at Freyung, almost at the Czech border. He writers, “I’m chief of police and entire judiciary system for a population of 45,000. If any of the brethren run afoul of this place, I can furnish semi-luxurious accommodations and good chow.”
R. A. Dutcher, Penn State, a member of the agricultural chemistry faculty, taught in on the the army service schools in Europe.
Capt. John Metzger, Penn State, was discharged last fall after recovery from injuries received when he fell down a flight of stars in Germany and fractured his skull. He was flown back to this country for convalescence at Atlantic City. Captain Metzger was not officially reported as missing in action
After serving on the Missouri during the first carrier air attacks on Tokyo, the Iwo Jima and Okinowa campaigns, and the final bombardment of the Japanese mainland, Lt. Comdr. Robert Patterson, Penn State, ’30, was very much disappointed not to have been present at the Japanese surrender ceremonies. In April, 1944, he received orders to the now historic USS Missouri, which then was being completed. He remained with the “Mighty Mo” as the assistant engineer officer until two weeks before the Japanese surrender at which time he was detached and sent to the cruiser, St. Louis, to be the engineer officer.x
Whie the Third Fleet was in Tokyo Bay, the St. Louis, as parer of the Seventh Fleet, was in Shanghai where real inflation exists. Commander Patterson writes, “Imagine paying $2000 for an ordinary dinner.” There are two rates of exchange in Shanghai: The good money is 760 Chinese dollars fro the one U.S. dollar and the cheap money is 640,000 dollars for the American cartwheel. The dinner mentioned was at the rate of the better money.
Commander Patterson returned to the States in November and shortly after started his terminal leave. He is now back in engineering work with the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, where prior to the war he had not been employed for eleven years.
Thee will be no freshman on the campus of Penn State next year, which means that fraternity chapters will be made up entirely of sophomores, juniors and seniors. The university plasm to enroll 1,800 freshman, but have them take their first year’s work at various teacher colleges in the state. In the year dormitories will be built for freshman.
Omega Chapter at Penn State consists of 26 undergraduate members, 10 pledges and four others. That makes a full house, and only four of five men expect to leave at the end of the semester. Of the present members and pledges, twelve are GIs; three of these were activities before they left for the war: William Grun, Whizzer White and Virgil Wall. The fall semester dinner and dance was held on December 15 with almost full participation. The chapter acquired a new radio dn record player which was purchased half by contributions and half from chapter funds.
G. L. Hann, Penn State, '32, is now owner of "The Little Dairy," 4490 Jackson St., Arlington, Calif., and wants any Omega Chapter brothers at Camp Anza. Camp Haan, March Field, or Norcro Na-val Hospital to get in touch with him. Telephone 9480. He offers all the good Jersey milk they can drink.