Giffy's Lincoln Hall Historical Marker Dedication - April 20, 2012
Emanuel "Giffy" Gifford
Dear Theta Chi Brother's,
We are looking for a brother to speak about Giffy at the below event - please let us know if you are interested in participating in this event to celebrate Giffy and his family.
This communication is to confirm that the Borough of State College, The Penn State Alumni Association, and the Penn State African American Alumni Council would be honored to have you or a representative of Theta Chi speak at the Lincoln Hall Historical Marker dedication ceremony from 3:45pm to 4:30pm on April 20, 2012 outside of 119 North Barnard Street, State College, PA (site of Lincoln Hall). Please see tentative agenda below, and kindly confirm your participation. Additional details will be provided at a later date.
Tentative Agenda and Information - click here
- Welcome – Mayor Elizabeth A. Goreham – State College (3 mins)
- History of Lincoln Hall - Darryl Daisey – Penn State Black History Project (5 mins)
- Reflections of Lincoln Hall - former residents (10 mins)
- (Wally Triplett, Perry Smith, and/or Clayton Wilson III)
- Additional Reflections – R. Seth Williams, Philadelphia District Attorney (10 mins)
- Recollections of Emanuelle Gifford – Theta Chi representative (5 mins)
- Gifford Family Comments – Gifford Family representative (5 mins)
- PSU Student Comments - (NAACP – Travis Salters – (3 mins).
Darryl Daisey '83
Penn State AAAC Historian
Lincoln Hall - 119 North Barnard Street, State College, PA