June 2011 Omegaphone
Chapter House to be Repurchased by End of Summer
Since becoming Alumni President in the summer of 2006, one of my main goals was purchasing the house back from National office. I am happy to report that by the end of the summer (if not sooner), the Omega’s alumni association will complete the process of securing a loan and buying the chapter house back from National.
I would particularly like to acknowledge two brothers for their extraordinary efforts in helping the Omega chapter reach this goal. First, I would like to thank the National Director of Alumni and Real Estate Jereme Grinslade, Delta Kappa/Ball State. Jereme has acted as the caretaker of our home when Omega couldn’t, and for that, we will always be in his debt. The second brother is alumni treasurer Chris Burke, Omega ’93, who has helped Omega recondition its financials including securing a loan.
Now that the house ownership has been worked out, we are in the process of kick-starting our Capital Campaign to secure the home’s future. In fact, in this issue you can read about how Omega is joining the Society of Greek Housing to help us in our capital campaign goals as well as update on the Capital Campaign.
Twenty-One Brothers Enjoy 2011 Theta Chi Open
The 2011 Theta Chi Open was played at Shoregate Country Club located near Sea Isle City, NJ. For the third year in row Brother Bob Mausser ’75 won the prestigious Red Jacket, this time in convincing fashion. Bob shot an 80, and finishing in second place was Brother Greg Schlegel ’73 shooting an 89. A post game banquet and barbecue was held afterwards at a beach house located in Stone Harbor, NJ. Many stories and lies were told about our great days in the house. Twenty-one brothers attended this year’s event.
The 31st Annual Theta Chi Open will be held on Friday May 4th, 2012 and will be played at Avalon Golf Course located near Avalon, NJ.
Omega to Join National Society for the Preservation of Greek Housing
We are excited to share that Omega Chapter has applied for acceptance into the Society for the Preservation of Greek Housing (SPGH), and we are expecting to have final determination by early August.
The Society, which originated at the University of Illinois in 1988, works with chapters that have homes that are designated as “historic” to provide tax-deductible fundraising options for preservation and renovation projects.
Awarding of acceptance into The Society is based upon health and safety code requirements, major structural rehabilitation or restoration, and interior or exterior rehabilitation or restoration. The goal of the Society is to educate the public of the historical and architectural significance of fraternity and sorority houses, and to preserve and document the unique architecture of these houses.
For more information about the National Society for the Preservation of Greek Housing (SPGH), please visit their web site at http://spgh-foundation.org/index.php.
Giffy - Emanuel T. Gifford
Former Dorm Run By Long-Time Theta Chi Cook Recognized as a State College Historic Site
The State College Borough Historic Resources Commission has designated the boarding home formerly run by Emanuel T. Gifford and his family as a State College Historic Site. A dedication ceremony will be held and a historical marker will be erected on April 20, 2012, during Blue White weekend. Because Emanuel “Giffy” Gifford was the long time chef for Theta Chi Fraternity from 1930’s till the 1960’s, the fraternity has been asked to participate in the ceremony. Gifford died on March 19, 1970.
“Lincoln Hall,” a boarding home for Black male students from the late 1930s to the early 1950s, served as an unofficial Black dormitory and early sanctuary for its residents. Located at 119 North Barnard Street, State College, Lincoln Hall was operated by Harry and Rosa Gifford, their two children – Emanuel and Bessie, and Emanuel’s wife. The family had moved from Mississippi and Louisiana to take employment as cooks at local fraternity houses, including Phi Gamma Delta and Theta Chi. The Giffords and other Black cooks assisted many Black students by employing them to work for their meals. In addition, they were supportive of the students in many ways and when needed would even lend them money.
L to R: Guin Walker, Anne Eyerly, George Walker '58 and Tom Eyerly '58
At Long Last, a Reunion...53 Years in the Making!
This is a picture of Brother George Walker ‘58 and his wife Guin, as they visited with Brother Tom Eyerly and his wife, Anne, in Orlando, FL. in the spring of 2011. George and Tom were roommates for the first semester of 1958, both seniors, and both BSME students. They had not seen each other since graduation in 1958. George and his wife are retired in Salt Lake City. It was a great, great reunion!! Pictured, from left to right, are Guin, Anne, George and Tom.
Alumni Updates
Bob Kennedy ’50 - My wife Doris died on November 17, 2010. She had been ill for six years and is now at peace. We had a good marriage since 1951, just a year after graduating from Penn State. Our five wonderful children are all nearby and have given us nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren so far! They all have made for an interesting life and I will always be grateful for my years with my brothers at Theta Chi.
Two of my closest associations, Bruce Blauch ’49 and Bob Baylson ’51 were both friends in my high school class and we enlisted together in the Army Air Corps in 1942 after graduation. At Theta Chi it seemed that all brothers had similar close bonds. So much friendship radiated from “Giffy’s” kitchen to the lunches and at the evening dinners from Grace to dessert. Studies were demanding for me, but I always had fun from watching the skits put on by pledges, to the beer kegs on weekends.
Keeping in touch after graduation was not easy with jobs and family. Other than Bruce and Bob, I had some occasional contact with Joe Jackson ’50, Bob Bossler ’49, Herb Wittman ’50 and Bob Clarke ’50. Approximately five or six years ago Bruce and Bob died. My family continued to take more and more time and before I knew it, I turned 87 and found myself thinking, “That was some life!”
Tom Morton ’53 - Here is a photo of us at the 1952 Bowery Brawl as well as a picture of us from last year. What a difference 59 years makes! I got a lump in my throat while cropping that Bowery Brawl picture.
1952 Bowery Brawl
George Walz ’55 - I recently visited the house for the first time since the ‘60s to get a firsthand knowledge of the condition of the structure. If any of the Alumni have any doubts about the need to contribute to the drive to rehabilitate the house, go for a visit! You will find it as I did; it is in bad shape compared to the way we left it in the ’50s. The brothers that I met, not many as it was the summer session, seemed interested and were very helpful.
Jim Caldwell ’57 - I have not been back to Penn State for about 50 years; however, I am planning a trip back in the near future. I would like to see the renovations of the house and see all the changes at the University. I would like to see Joe Paterno again. I played football at PSU when Joe was a quarterback coach under Rip Engle. When I was being recruited they were interested in my agility, so Joe took me to Rec Hall and we played one on one basketball. He was hard to keep up with. It’s hard to believe that he is still going strong while I have been retired for about five years.
Dick Jones ’60 - Keeping active is my lifelong desire. Although retired from 40+ years in property-casualty insurance, I entered a different field. For the last five years I have been a seasonal employee of the State of Connecticut, directing boater’s education classes and teaching boating safety.
Having earned my 50 ton captain’s license, weekends involve running tour boats at Mystic Seaport. If you visit the seaport, look me up.
During the last few years I have been visiting the chapter house annually and I am pleased to have observed the many improvements. And I’m also happy to note that many features are the same as they were when I left in January 1960.
Gary Riser ’64 - One of the memorable evenings was on a big weekend when some of the dates stayed in the house on one of the floors. Sam Padgen ’65 and I went to the PSU chicken coops -- stole a couple of chickens and released them on the floor with the girls.
Bob Losinger ’72 - I have been residing in the Minneapolis area since 1978. My wife Becky (past sweetheart of Theta Chi) and I have a winter home in Fort Myers and are looking forward to retiring in the next year or two. We need more brothers to attend the annual Theta Chi Open golf event each May - it is always a great time.
Jason Ross '92 - I have recently finished up my 19th year in education. I presently am a secondary English teacher for The Hempfield Area School District in Greensburg, PA. In addition, I am also the Assistant Athletic Director for the school district, as well as a high school assistant track & field coach. For the last six years, I have also been an assistant football coach at Seton Hill University [Division II school in Greensburg], where I coach the special teams.
Click here to read more Alumni Updates
Chapter Report - Omega Chapter Continues Its Winning Ways
The 2011-2012 academic year was another successful one for Omega Chapter. The brothers are continuing to build upon the positive foundation that has been laid since the reformation. Here are a few of the success from this past academic year.
Membership - added 19 new members on the year! Active membership is now at 55!
Academics - 10th highest GPA Fall 2010 (3.19 Average) and 12th highest GPA Spring 2011 (3.22 Average)
Three time defending Champs - 2010 Champs
Back Row L to R: Christian Pryor, Kyle Sussman, David Stoltzfus, Nate Wysocki, Daniel Weinman
Front Row L to R: Geoffrey Rolstone, Ed Benish, Daniel Cartwright and BH (Laying on ground)
Intramural Sports - Finished 3rd place overall in IM sports this year, Volleyball Champions, Jim Barrett won 5K and Nate Gross won Wrestling
THON - Raised over $34,000 this year toward Penn State’s record total $9.5million! Welcomed a new THON Family (the Bobbys) in addition to the Mitchells
Greek Sing - Won 3rd place in our category with Sigma Sigma Sigma and Delta Upsilon
Greek Week - Participated in triad with Alpha Omega Pi and Alpha Tau Omega – Theme: Best Greek Week Ever
Homecoming - Partnered with Society of Women Engineers (SWE), finished 3rd place overall
KICKS - Successful soccer tournament philanthropy raised $2,000
Service - Made multiple visits to the Village retirement community to play Bingo. Participated in Greek Sweep, an event in which Greeks get involved in cleaning up State College. Recognized for having the most participants in IFC’s Sober Walk
Parents Weekend - Hosted a very successful Parents Weekend along with Omega Phi Alpha Sorority
National - Sent members to all National Events: Deranian, MYLC, and Initiative Academy
Penn State Football – hosted numerous alumni football tailgates throughout the season. Continued the tradition of hosting the annual Alumni Homecoming meeting
Alumni Work Weekend – successfully conducted another alumni work weekend – the best one ever!
Alumni Picnics – held a Founders’ day picnic and a Blue and White weekend picnic for alumni and families
Next year is shaping up to be even better than the last. As always, alumni are welcomed and encouraged to return to visit all year round!
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.