2010 Founder's Day Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

Introduction of officers

Introduction of Alumni and Undergraduates 

Reading and Approval of Minutes from 2010 Homecoming Meeting 

Reports of Officers and Committees:
  • Alumni Reports  - Treasurer Report: Chris Burke
    • Buying back the Chapter house from National 
    • Finalizing push for August 2011 instead of August 2010
      • In order to continue to build a greater reserve and rasie money with a capital campaign to help offset purchase and major captial projects
      • Tim Uhrich: National’s concern is we are holding them back from helping other chapter’s with their houses
      • Priority is buying back the house and making sure we can succeed
President Report: Richard Maltz (Chris Burke Reporting)
  • Donations have been steady but we need to find ways to increase them
  • Question was brought if mailings need to be discontinued in order to save some money
    • Let people opt out of mail and opt in for email updates instead?
    • More e-mail updates as well?
    • People have been really impressed by the undergraduates: “What is going on?” e-mails: Keeps alumni connected with the activities of the undergraduates 
  • National Convention in Orlando 
    • Tim Uhrich elected voting delegate by majority vote
    • Undergraduates to be going as well; alumni look to help support their travel
  • Question was brought up on the timing of meetings if they are effective during Homecoming and Blue White 
    • Suggestion was brought up on doing a possible tele-conference meeting and/or monthly ones as well 
    • Possible meeting during Alumni work weekend instead?
    • Suggestion was brought up that we should contact Greg Allen since he works for ATT and he may be able to help us with tele-conferencing 
Non board members:
  • Tim Uhrich - CAB Update (Chapter Advisory Board)
    • Aunt Laura is now an adviser for Service 
    • Richard Bartnik is now the chapter adviser 
    • Theta Chi Golf open is on May 1st, more info on website 
    • Look out for ski trip Jan 2011
    • Alcohol-free housing may be reversed this summer at convention
    • Looking to start a history notebook
    • Should the alumni corp. starting giving out scholarships to deserving undergraduates?
  •  Jasen Marshall
    • Wants us to explore setting rent at Homecoming meeting instead of Blue white to be more like State College housing market 
    • At least start doing leases in October 
  • Rob Blumstein
    • White Water Rafting Trip, May 22nd, more info on Alumni website 
Undergraduate Reports - President: Nick Geyer
  • a. RA’s: Sean Haggerty and Jim Barrett 
  • b. 4 brother’s on IFC this semester
  • c. Huge fresh start and Homecoming involvement
  • d. THON: 4 dancers, $30,000 raised
  • e. Walk For Carly on May 1st in Carlisle
  • f. IM Sports: Top 10
  • g. Flicks: 11 teams, $550 raised
  • h. 18 new members this year!!! (11 fall, 7 spring)
  • i. Chapter of Excellence for 2009! Second year in a row!
  • j. Dan Cartwright won “Living the ritual” from Greek Awards
  • k. Greek Week was successful with Sig nu and tri sig
  • l. Homecoming 2010 with sigma alpha (Theme: Alice in Wonderland)
Undergraduate Reports - Treasurer- Jeremy Railing
  • Finances are looking good! (Most stuff covered by Burke)
Undergraduate Reports - Other Undergraduate Reports
  • Starting a new philanthropy: SHACK
  • 100 miles trek to raise money for Cancer
  • iGoal: $5000 ($50 a mile) 
Old Business
  • None
New Business
  • Possible ticket s swap website or listings for Football weekend ticket availability?
  • New Windows? - Richard Bartnik to take charge of this
  • Start a possible lion-line system with undergraduates to call alumni asking for donations?
  • Increase the size of the alumni board?
  • More involvement for Alumni? (Rob B. to charge getting more people involved)
For the Good:
  • Awesome job with Greek Involvement
  • Thanks to Chris Burke for stepping in for Maltz this weekend
  • Undergraduates continue to make alumni proud!
Adjourn: “It is to thee Dear Old Theta Chi”

Respectfully submitted.
Jasen Marshall