3rd Annual Alumni Work Weekend Wrap-Up

The 2010 Theta Chi, Omega chapter Alumni Work Weekend was a great success! We had a little over 10 Alumni brothers and over 40 of the undergraduate brothers help out. Starting on Saturday, we had bagels, donuts, and coffee to get the day started off. We worked throughout the day until around 5 pm, with an hour and a half lunch break (We ordered 15 pizzas, not a slice left!). On Sunday, we finished up the jobs we could, but were cut short due to rain. This year, we decided to do outside beautification to the house. With everyone contributing their knowledge and muscle, we managed to get many of our projects done! Everyone should be very proud of themselves for a job well done. The following jobs were completed:

  • Fixed the fire stair entrance by cleaning the paint off the frame outside (sealing and repainting will be done at a later date) and laying down concrete over the stones near the entrance, connection the front patio and the side entrance walkway
  • Fixed the storm drain and rain gutter on the left side of the house
  • Cleaned out all window pits
  • Leveled and replaced broken bricks on the front patio, cleaned between bricks and laid new sand down between the cracks
  • Filled and sealed cracks in the concrete in the front slab of the main entrance
  • Cleaned grill, put a new layer of sealant on the bottom of the grill, and currently reconstructing and replacing broken bricks
  • Re-Mulched front beds, and side beds
  • Raised and cleaned all bricks walls surrounding trees and beds
  • Mulched and brick walled several other trees in the yard
  • Bricked and mulched the beds facing the prospect side
  • Cleaned, rebuilt (where needed), and re-stoned (and re-bricked one step) the side steps on the prospect side. They are not longer hidden by brush or dirt, it has been cleared away and they are now usable once again!
  • Lifted and rebuilt the brick pathway between the side steps and the volleyball court
  • Clean out all garden beds, bricked, and mulched the beds between the volleyball court and side steps (prospect side)
  • Scrubs bricks outside of the house
  • Filled and leveled holes in the front lawn, sodded certain areas, and planted grass seed
  • Modified donated TV stand (Thanks to Alumni Br. Bartnik) and got our coffee table back!
  • Trimmed scrubs and trees around the house

The undergraduate chapter would like to personally thank each Alumni who donated* or came out to help this weekend. The house looks great, and we could not have done it without you! We are looking forward to next year's work weekend.

John Thomas '75, Richard Bartnik '08 , Jasen Marshall '09, David Hartwich '09, Jason Chottiner '09, John McCrindle '09, Matthew Cook '08, Jared Metzger '09, Chris Koczur '91*, William Orben '55*, Richard Hill '58* , Alan Lauder '90* 

We hope the Alumni enjoyed their stay and hope to see them soon. You know you are always welcome to stop by!


Matthew Gendelman