2010 Homecoming Meeting Minutes

A. Call to Order - 9:05am

1. Introduction of officers
2. Introduction of Alumni and Undergraduates 

B. Reading and Approval of Minutes from 2010 Founder's Day Meeting

CReports of Officers and Committees:

1. Alumni Reports  - Treasurer Report: Richard Maltz for Chris Burke 

  • August 1st deadline for buying back the Chapter house from National
  • Chris Burke has been tasked with securing a mortgage – which he has already started – Chris Burke’s main focus will be to bring all finances in order and to secure a loan
  • Need to touch base with National about getting a signed purchase agreement
  • Need to get a property appraisal
  • Richard Bartnik will work on capital campaign, but we need a couple of volunteers to help.
  • See attached reports for more detail financial info

2. President Report: Richard Maltz

  • OmegaFi – will have to do this in some way. Looks like the minimum we can participate is to have them collect all the National Fraternity Fees (insurance, recharting fees and brother fees)

National Partnership with Omega Financial

The Grand Chapter has selected Omega Financial, Inc. to provide billing and financial services for all chapters. Omega currently works with 25 of our chapters, which gives them significant experience within Theta Chi. In addition, Omega has similar national partnerships with 12 other sororities and fraternities: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha Order, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma and Sigma Pi.

For those who may not be familiar with Omega Financial, their proprietary system allows members online access to their individual accounts and to pay chapter bills online. In addition, chapter officers, chapter advisers, house corporation officers, and other alumni volunteers will be able to have real-time, online access to the chapter’s finances and membership information.

Omega has proven itself to be a leader in fraternity financial management. After full implementation, Omega’s average collection rate for fraternity chapters is an impressive 96.01 percent. Based on these results, the vast majority of our chapters can expect to see an overall increase in cash flow.

Rollout of this program will begin this fall, and all chapters will be required to begin using the service within the next 12-18 months. Specific deadlines for chapters to adopt this service will be announced at the Convention.   If your chapter is currently required to use financial services provided by your college or university, exemptions to this requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Omega Financial will provide this service to all Theta Chi chapters at a discount. Those chapters currently using Omega will also receive a reduction in rates. Each chapter’s rate will be assessed individually depending on budget and chapter size. Effective immediately, please do not contract independently with any other financial services provider or renew any existing relationships for these services.

The International Headquarters staff stands ready to assist individual chapters as we fully implement this program. Further details on this partnership will be presented at this summer’s Convention and in subsequent mailings.

  • Discussion to figure out if the Penn State Collection system is required and if so could we get a wavier from the OmegaFi program.
  • Need to form a nominations committee by Founder’s Day weekend for elections at next year’s Homecoming. Looking for volunteers.
  • Need to produce and follow a calendar of due dates – a calendar of all events, due dates, etc will be published online – see attached sample calendar
  • Undergraduates have issues with the raise in rent and the fact that they met their goal of having a certain number of brothers in the house.
    • Discussed possibility of given chapter a rebate – alumni to give it further discussion
  • Discussion of work needed to be done to chapter house. All work (no matter how small) must be approved by Jereme @ National.
    • Talk about basement French doors needing to open out, while they currently open in
  • Windows – plans to replace windows on first and second floor are for this coming summer. Depending on National and where we stand with purchasing chapter house will effect when this work can actual start.

3. Undergraduate Reports  - Vice President Greg Smith for President Nick Geyer 

  • Fall pledge class of 11 and initiated 7 brothers this past spring
  • So far for Homecoming they have placed 3rd in talent and have brother Daniel Cartwright on the Homecoming court and we are paired with Sigma Alpha Sorority
  • KICKS had 24 teams and raised $2000 for Autism Speaks
  • Chapter finished spring semester with a 3.19 GPA
  • top 10 spot in the Penn State Intramural Standings with promise in our soccer and volleyball teams. Brother Jim Barrett earned first place in the IM 5K for the second straight year and our Softball team went 1-4
  • The chapter has become even more involved on this campus by rejoining the Greek Week festivities during April and were paired with Sigma Nu Fraternity and Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
  • We are participating in our first Greek Sing with Delta Upsilon Fraternity and Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
  • As for our recognition, the chapter has earned the Chapter Achievement Award for the second straight year with our goal to boost our efforts to try for the Alter Award next year and on campus we have also earned another consecutive Chapter of Excellence award by Penn State
  • National no longer bans alcohol in chapter house, but chapter will follow all state, local and IFC rules governing alcohol and parties at chapter house.

Decentralization of Alcohol-Free Housing (AFH) Policy

Continuing efforts to decentralize the Fraternity, the Grand Chapter has repealed Article V, Section 13(b) of The Constitution and Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. As a result of this action, the Grand Chapter has delegated the authority to regulate use or possession of alcohol within chapter houses to the host institution, property owners, and the active chapter, which is subject to all federal, state, and local laws.

The Fraternity continues to encourage all chapters to maintain living facilities that are free of alcohol use, as it promotes a safe, clean environment that is conducive to academic achievement. The Fraternity also recognizes that for Alcohol-Free Housing to be successful, individual chapters must have ownership in the policy and provide enforcement at the local level.

All chapters and members must understand that this change does not affect their expected compliance with The Constitution and Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc., Theta Chi Risk Management Policies, or any policies of their host institution. Any chapter that applied for an Alcohol-Free Housing waiver for the 2010-2011 academic year will have its application fee refunded or applied to its outstanding balance owed to the International Headquarters.

Prior to the opening of the 2010-2011 academic year, active chapters with housing should confer with their property owners to determine what policies will be adopted at the local level regarding use and possession of alcohol on chapter property. The International Headquarters staff is more than happy to consult with any chapter in crafting its local policies. 

4. Treasurer- David Stoltzfus for Jeremy Railing (has Blue Band)

  • Collections are great, due to the university collection funds. Brothers cannot schedule classes or graduate owing money to house.
  • Alumni now receive money from Penn State to pay all house bills. Chapter is given money to pay for none house operation money – as budgeted.
  • Been working with Chris Burke to bring financial books in order
  • See attached reports for more detail financial info

5. Other Undergrads Officers:

  • THON – last year raised over $30,000. Goal this year is $40,000 and are hoping alumni can help support THON
    • THON Chairman will write something up for next Omegaphone newsletter
    • Omega’s THON child passed away several months ago.

D. Old Business

  • None

E. New Business

1. Proposal for creating scholarship by Tim Uhrich - see attached proposal 

  • Discussion on what to give scholarship for
  • Discussion as to who would handle scholarship – Penn State, National or another organization
  • Discussion on how to raise money. Ideal of selling alumni brothers unused football tickets

2. Proposal to make national brothers who were involved with restaring chapter honorary Omega brothers – Tim Uhrich

  • Vote taken in support to encourage undergraduate chapter to make those 3 brothers Honorary Omega brothers - approved

F. For the Good

1. Br. Richard Bartnik (and Mrs Bartnik) for all the time, effort and things they have done or the chapter house and the brothers.

2. Happy birthday Jeff Ziggy Damcott

G: Adjourn: “It is to thee Dear Old Theta Chi” 

Download 2010 Homecoming Minutes and Report