2009 Founder's Day Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 5:07pm - April 25, 2009

Introductions of Alumni and undergraduate members

A motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes from the 2008 Homecoming meeting.

Alumni President report – Richard Maltz
  • Howard Alter is very ill. If you have the time, it would be great for everyone to send him a card. If you are in the Pittsburgh area you might be able to stop by and say hello. Any visits or calls should be kept short, as he doesn't have a lot of energy.
    • You can send notes and cards to Howard at: 7151 Leechburg Road, RD2 - Box 400-A, New Kensington, PA 15068-9802
  • Homecoming in October 17th - please make plans to attend.
  • other parts of the alumni president's report will be covered later on.
Alumni Finances – Chris Burke
  • Current alumni donation amounts are growing slowly, and being used to proactively to increase communication and for alumni undergrad events. We are holding steady in low 5 figure range of operating reserves. 
  • 59 brothers have donated to date. Last year 135 brothers donated - are hoping to get closer to 175 donors this year. Even though the economy is tough, we are still seeing a nice amount of donations (and the amounts being given).
  • Capital campaign is beginning to materialize, with meetings with Affinity and key alumni scheduled for this spring and summer.
  • We hope to have the capital campaign up and running in the next 6 to 9 months. We are in the process of setting up dates and other details. Still trying to ID captains for each decade - need two for each decade.
  • The first alumni capital event "Take Back the House" has been developed. We are attempting to get 10-20 brother from various eras to come back to the chapter house for a brotherhood retreat in late May or
  • early June. The initial idea is to have a very fun weekend focused around a mini capital campaign to replace the windows on the Second floor. This will ideally generate interest from alums in the capital campaign as well as provide a bit longer time period for bonding. Ed Brown and Chris Burke are co-chairing this event.
  • Current chapter house finances are strong, with a small surplus this year to be used to begin to build operating reserves for the chapter house.
  • Undergraduate Treasurer and President worked with Alumni Treasurer to identify and use a single banking provider, thus reducing fees and enhancing earning power on reserves. 
  • Leases being signed for 2009/2010 year, rent to go up $100 per semester to $2400, excess to be used for chapter house enhancement projects to drive higher occupancy in the chapter house. Leases will be
  • signed between alumni and undergraduates.
Undergraduate President Report – Daniel Cartwright
  • 11 new members this year this spring
  • Chapter received a alcohol waiver from national. Recently had a alcohol education program with Dr. Roy Baker. They have now met all the requirements. Will be able to have alcohol in the house as of July 1, 2009.
  • started FLICKS this spring (it was a pledge class project). It is an ultimate frisbee tournament.
  • We be attending the Greek oscars this Monday and expect to win chapter of the year (already were recognized as a chapter in good standing at Penn State).
  • Working on documenting charity work (to satisfy Dr. Baker's request)
  • chapter is sending at least 2 brothers to CLC this summer. Alumni brothers are encouraged to attend this years CLC as it will be held at Villanova on July 16-18.
  • are planning on another alumni dinner in the fall and maybe one other alumni event.
  • Chapter is working on updating and finalizing a Risk Management program. Will submit it to Dr. Baker's office and to the alumni corporation.
Undergraduate Treasurer Report – Kent Rentschler
  • House bill was raised $100 per semester to raise the in house fee to $2400. Out of House brothers fee went up $75, for a total amount of $300
  • Classes end May 7th - a request to keep the house open this summer, as 7 brothers are staying up in State College this summer.
  • Chapter has started a reserve fund for furniture and others house needs.
  • Chris Burke discussed having a summer alumni event where brothers would come back this summer and be able to stay at the house - early plan stages - more info to come later.
Other Officer Reports
  • Scholarship program has been discussed - Scholarship chairman is working towards rewarding those brothers who beat the all men's average 5 house points (and an additional 5 points for Dean's list). House points are used to determine what room each brother can have.
  • submitted to National Alter award application. They feel good about their chances, as all the issues were addressed from there last year's submission.
  • discussed rewarding chapter financially for number of pledges the house gets or rewarding brothers with partial scholarships for bringing in and getting a certain number of rushes to pledge. Alumni asked for a plan to be put forward so it could be discussed and an amount decided upon.
  • THON - this year the chapter beat their goal of raising $15,000 by raising over $17,000. Next year they are expanding their goal - they want to raise $25,000. Are in the process of trying to get a THON family. Would like to thank everyone who donated towards THON.
Old Business
  • None was discussed
New Business
  • Richard Maltz spoke about an by-laws amendment to be voted on at the homecoming meeting. He will be putting forward for a vote to change the elections from once a year to once every two years. Would add some stability to the officers and cut down on mailing and other costs.
For the Good
  • Threepeat Volleyball Champions
  • Brother Timothy Uhrich joining the National staff as a LEC
  • Great turnout for meeting
  • for the great work done by the chapter towards THON. 
  • To the undergraduate chapter as a hole - are doing a great job on every aspect of being a fraternity - keep up the great work.
Motion to close – seconded
Meeting closed with the singing of “It is to Thee”
Meeting ended at 5:40pm.
Respectfully submitted.
Richard Maltz '90
Alumni President