Penn State Homecoming - 3rd Place Spirit (CDT Story)
The following winners were announced for Penn State homecoming activities:
Overall paired competing Orchesis and Theta Delta Chi, first; Phi Sigma Rho and Triangle. second; Gamma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Kappa Lambda, third.
Overall unpaired competing: Blue & White Society, first; Phi Kappa Tau, second; Tau Epsilon Phi, third.
Spirit paired competing: Phi Mu, Theta Chi and Fiji, first; Orchesis and Theta Delta Chi, second: Phi Sigma Rho and Triangle. third.
Spirit unpaired competing: Blue & White Society, first; Alpha Sigma Alpha, second: Phi Kappa Tail, third.
Float competition, paired competing: SWE and Sigma Nu, first; Theta Alpha Pi and Phi Delta Theta, second; Phi Sigma Rho and Triangle. third.
Float competition, unpaired competing: Tau Epsilon Phi, first; Phi Kappa Tau, second; Blue & White Society, third.
Madhatter competition, paired competing: Theta Alpha Pi and Phi Delta Theta, first: Theta Pi Alpha and H\Pi Lambda Phi, second; Phi Sigma Rho and Triangle, third.
Madhatter competition. unpaired competing: Tau Epsilon Phi, first; Phi Kappa Tau, second: Blue & White Society, third
Banner competition, paired competing: Theta Pi Alpha and Pi Lambda Phi, first; SWE and Sigma Nu. second; Gamma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Kappa Lambda, second; Orchesis and Theta Delta Chi, third
Banner competition, unpaired competing: Tau Epsilon Phi, first;Blue & White Society, second: Alpha Sigma Alpha, third.
Airband paired competition: Orchesis and Theta Delta Chi, first; Tapestry and Kappa Sigma, second; Theta Alpha Pi and Phi Delta Theta, third.
Airband noncompetiting, Lion Ambassadors