Encore - The Allan Legacy
L to R: Dave Allan (Beta Zeta '86), Greg Allan '89 and Norm Allan '64
Of Theta Chi, Greg Allan '89 says It's family you can always come back to." That's true, but it's easier for Greg than most Theta Chis.He's just one part of a Theta Chi family that includes his brother Dave (Beta Zeta '86) and father Norm (Omega '64).
There wasn't a lot of Theta Chi influence in the Allan house when Dave and Greg were growing up and leaving for college. Norm did not push them toward Theta Chi; he wanted them to make up their own decisions regarding fraternities in general and their own choices when it came to houses in particular. "Whatever they wanted to do was fine. I just wanted them to find a house with a good mix of guys," Norm said about his influence.
Even though he was a legacy, greg did not take much advantage of the fact in his early Theta Chi experiences. "I didn't emphasize the fact that I was a legacy at all. I didn't want the chapter to feel like they had to give me a bid."
By the time Greg received his bid and started pledging, dave Allan was wrapping up his time as an undergraduate Theta Chi at Michigan State. When asked if Dave provided any hints about pledging, greg replied, "No, he acted just like an Omega brother." Well done.
The Allan's have no regrets. "The chapter helped make life more manageable at a big school. The 40 or so guys in the house made it more fun," Norm reflected on his time as an undergraduate. Greg agrees. "No matter how long you're away, Theta Chi always appears from time to time."
Norm and his wife, Barbara (once a runner-up for the Sweetheart of Theta Chi), currently reside in Pittsburgh. Norm is senior vice president of marketing with an investment firm. Dave and his girlfriend, Marci, currently reside in Seattle. He works for REI, a large outdoors supply company. Dave is planning a trek to the summit of Mt. McKinley in the spring. Greg married Jessi in May, and they currently live outside Orlando, Fla. Greg is in training to run industrial air conditioning and refrigerator compressor remanufacturing business.
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