Dennis Foley '91 - Alumni Profile

Click Here to Fill Out Your Own Alumni Corner ProfileDennis Foley - 1991
Big Brother: Robert Miller
Little Brother: Shane Balcik, Jim Gavula
Offices Held: Co-House Manager, Co-Social Chair, Co-Caterer, KICKS Chair, Dance Marathon Chair, Vice-President

OX: Why did you join Theta Chi? 
Dennis Foley: The house took an interest in me from my first visit in Summer 1986. They actually asked my name and made me want to go back, even if it was the longest walk from the dorms.

Dennis and familyOX: What is your favorite Theta Chi memory or story? 
DF: The First KICKS Soccer Classic was a great day. We had a big breakfast at the house and spent all day running the tournament. Brothers and little sisters and friends all pitching in for a great event.

OX: What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation? 
DF: The whole house living experience was a good example of how to get together along with others. It didn't always work out but you learned a lot about different people. You also learned about the way things work in large groups.

OX: What is your nickname? How did you get it? Did anyone in particular give it to you? 
DF: No nickname really comes to mind.

OX: Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them. 
DF: Yes, for three years, and I still regret getting my apartment the last year of school. That is one thing I wish I could do over. I stayed with Pat McKinnon, Jim Smith and Rich Maltz. Jim and Pat and I spent a lot of time over holidays working in State College. We made a couple of good holiday dinners for ourselves and friends in town because we had the biggest place for everyone to come over. Rich always had good music and the stereo to play it.

OX: Where did your pledge class go on their pledge bolt/trip? What brothers did you take? Any funny stories you can tell? 
DF: Ohio University, Athens, OH. I think that John Stagliano and Rick James went with us. It was Halloween and the town closes in for a street party. We saw some very interesting coeds in costume that night!

OX: With whom do you stay in contact? And is there anyone with whom you’ve lost touch that you would like to find? 
DF: I catch a call from Jim Smith every once and a while. I recently began sending some notes to a couple of guys when I became involved again with the house a few years ago.

OX: What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days? 
DF: I was heavily involved with Dance Marathon. Dave Latham talked me into dancing and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I ended up marrying one of the girls we danced with and my dance partner was one of the bridesmaids. We never dated in college and met three years after I graduated. I spent time on committees and was Rules and Regs Chairperson in 1991. I also worked for the university as night security and a research assistant.

OX: Tell us about your family. Have you married? Do you have children? 
DF: I am married to a Penn Stater and we have two boys, Grant 5 and Sam 3. The boys love football and know who to cheer for.

OX: What do you do for a living? 
DF: I am Director of Distribution for a furniture retailer in the Pittsburgh area.

OX: What hobbies do you enjoy? 
DF: I still pay golf courses to let me on and hit the ball (a lot!) I play softball, read books and rent movies.

OX: What are your goals for the next few years? 
DF: The has not been a great alumni return to the chapter in quite some time and this is a priority for me. We have to get more brothers involved and informed.

OX: What organizations are you involved with in your community? 
DF: Just my family at this time.