June 1993 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the June 1993 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Increased Alumni Involvement … Founders' Day 1993 

By Edward Brown '87. Alumni President 

This year's Founders' Day Weekend continued the encouraging trend of increased alumni involvement In our chapter. Alumni attendance at all weekend events, Including the corporation meeting, was way up, We were glad to see the return of both recent graduates as well as those with a Little more 'seniority." Brother Howard Alter ’41 continued with his appreciated regular attendance at our alumni functions, and Brother Frank Chipak '45 visited the chapter for the first time in many years. 

Saturday's corporation meeting saw the discussion of a wide variety of Important topics, Planning for Omega's 75th Anniversary, March 25-27, 1994. continues under the enthusiastic direction of Leo Sum ’88. Kevin Shayer '92 has graciously volunteered to head up the search for memorabilia to be displayed at the anniversary celebration. If you have memorabilia that can he displayed and returned after the celebration, please contact Kevin. 

At the meeting we also elected Brother Shayer to the newly created position of Alumni Risk Manager Adviser. Kevin will advise and assist the undergraduates In the implementation of safety recommendations and Theta Chi's risk management program. A big thanks goes out to Kevin for assuming these responsibilities.

Founder's Day 1993
L to R: Howard Alter, Steve Martin, Eric Kraus, Richard Maltz, Mark Kelly, Edward Brown, Dennis Foley and Robert Kramer

Founder's Day 1993
Scott Mayhew, TK, Jeffery Grey, Steve Martin, Howard Alter, Tk, Tk Kevin Shayer, Paul Vassil, Ed Brown, Richard Maltz, Tk, Andrew Dolan, Scott Morton, Eric Kraus, TK, Steve Sennett, Dennis Foley, Chris Bartnik, James Smith, Kark KElly, John McIntyre, Robert Kramer, Michael Becker, Mark Woehrel, Scott Fitzgerald, Marc Chrencik

Special thanks also go out to John Fischer '91. who has named Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc., as the beneficiary on a life insurance policy. John's thoughtfulness will help guarantee the future success of Omega Chapter. Naming Theta Chi of Penn State. Inc,, as a beneficiary or co-beneficiary on an existing or new life insurance policy is a great way to help our alumni association fund chapter improvements. Thanks again, John. 

For those of you who may be in State College over the summer, the house will be closed from May 17 until August 14. 1993, including Arts Festival Weekend. This closing is due to planned renovations over the summer months. 

Please help us continue the current trend of increased alumni involvement. The increased amount of alumni news and dues is encouraging, I hope you will mark your calendar now and plan to visit our chapter house during Penn State's Homecoming Weekend, November 5-7. 1993. A schedule of weekend events will arrive in the fall

We hope to see you at Homecoming if not before! 

Theta Chi House Portraits Available 

The Alumni Association of Theta Chi of Penn State is pleased to offer you this opportunity to have your own professionally drawn, ink portrait of your fraternity house. This drawing is suitable for framing and measures 11 1/8’’ a 17 1/4". It is a perfect rendition of the house that holds many of your fondest college memories. For a donation of $35, you will receive this beautiful drawing while your donation will be used to keep omega Chapter competitive, viable arid a great experience for future generations to come. The portrait is a token of our thanks for your generous support both in the past and in the future, Order now, while supplies last! 

Penn State's Nittany Lion Inn to Host 75th Anniversary Celebration March 25-27, 1994 

The Omega Chapter proudly announces the selection of Penn State's own Nittany Lion Inn as the site for our 75th Anniversary Celebration. The Inn was selected for its grand tradition and colonial charm befitting a historical celebration of 75 years of a rich Theta Chi and Penn State partnership. 

The Anniversary celebration itinerary promises to entertain and entice all members of the Omega Chapter family and will include such opportunities as a hospitality suite with complimentary hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, a lunch buffet on the HUB lawn, a Lion Ambassador bus tour of the ever-changing Penn State Campus, free time for shopping and visiting the world-renowned downtown State College, a ceremonial anniversary meeting, young adult and child day-care activities, a cocktail reception, a gourmet dinner, dancing to the oldies, and much, much more! 

In addition to our anniversary-specific events, the Nittany Lion Inn offers 260 beautifully appointed guest rooms (all reserved for Omega Chapter Alumni), a modern spa with the finest physical fitness equipment and a large Jacuzzi. the Penn State Shop for priceless Penn State mementos, and the new Whisker's Lounge, home of the famous creamery cocktail. The Gala Anniversary Celebration will be held in the Inn's new 550 guest Alumni ballroom.

Watch your mall closely; event schedules. registration material and lists Of attendees will be corning shortly.

The 75th Anniversary Committee is now being formed. Offers of assistance in this effort should be directed to Leo Sugg '88, 75th Anniversary, Committee Chairman.

Robert Eberly '39

Robert Eberly '39

Brother Robert Eberly '39 fiends the Helping Hand 

By Richard B. Maltz ’90 

For Robert Eberly '39. the concept of extending the helping hand influenced his earliest years. His mother and father, Ruth and Orville Eberly, taught their son that whatever you gave to a charity would come back to you tenfold. This generosity as well as a strong work ethic and a desire for education were instilled In Robert by his parents and have flourished throughout his life. 

After graduating from The Pennsylvania State University in 1939 with a degree in chemistry, Brother Eberly Joined the U.S. Navy as a civilian chemist. Years later, he Joined his father in the natural gas business. As this business grew, he branched out on his own and co-founded Eberly and Meade, an independent oil and gas producer, with a partner from Oklahoma. 

In 1963, Brother Eberly's father established the Eberly Foundation to share the family's good fortune with others, particularly residents of Fayette County. Through the Eberly Foundation and later with the Eberly Family Charitable Trust, Brother Eberly has been able to foster his primary philanthropic objectives —undergraduate education and collegiate-level research. 

In addition to the Eberly Foundation and Trust, Brother Eberly's personal contributions have supported and funded many scholarships to colleges and universities that have a sizable enrollment of students from Fayette County. He has also lent strong support to many national programs. educational institutions and civic organizations as well as the arts and sciences field. The American Red Cross, Penn State, Theta Chi. the Boy 

Scouts of America and the Y.M.C.A. are just a few of the many recipients of Brother Eberly's helping hand. Of all his accomplishments, Brother Eberly reported that he received the greatest personal satisfaction from his success of bringing a Penn State branch campus to Fayette County. 

In Penn State's most recently completed campaign drive, Brother Eberly served as campaign treasurer and made a very strong statement about education and Penn State when the Eberly Family Trust made the leading gift of ten million dollars. The University honored the Eberly family's generous gift by naming the college of science the Eberly College of Science.

Brother Eberly currently serves as chairman of the board of Eberly and Meade. inc.., president and treasurer of the Eberly Foundation, manager of the Eberly Family Charitable Trust, and treasurer of Penn State's National Development Council. He also serves and affiliates with many other civic, philanthropic and political organizations and endeavors. He resides in Uniontown, Pa„ with his wife, Elouise. Robert has two sons and five grandchildren. 


We are attempting to compile complete set of all Omegaphones ever published, to be made available as a commemorative volume for the chapter's. ’75 Anniversary in 1994. If you have any past issues to donate, please send them directly to Gary Hicks '82.

Reflecting on a Successful Year at Omega Chapter 

by Andrew Dolan '93. Past Chapter President, Current Secretary 

Following the achievements of the fall semester, Omega Chapter dedicated itself to raising money for the Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Dance Marathon. For the first three weeks of February, along with members of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, our members devoted countless hours to making our participation in the nation's largest student-run philanthropy an overwhelming success. Together we sponsored four couples who danced non-stop for 48 hours and raised over $19.000. The donations went to the Four Diamonds Fund at The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center to aid children with cancer. A special thank you to all of the alumni who helped us In our efforts to help these kids. 

Soon after the excitement of the Dance Marathon ebbed, Omega Chapter shifted its focus to our Annual Founders' Day/Blue-White Weekend. In conjunction with the alumni officers., several events were organized at the chapter house to welcome our returning brothers. 

As the semester draws to a close. members are concentrating on final projects and exams. and graduating seniors are preparing to move into the real world. Omega Chapter would like to congratulate our graduating seniors — Shawn Elliott. Chuck Schrnoyer, Jim Venture, James Walker and Steve Wallis — and wish them the best of luck in the future. Thanks to all of the alumni for the support you have given us over the past year, and we look forward to seeing all of you this fall. especially on November 6 for our annual Homecoming celebration.

Alumni News

in January, Frederick T. Vansant '20 wrote that he would be moving with his son and daughter-in-law to "the farm" later that month. His new address is in Waymart„ PA. 

You can reach Blair E. Henderson '28 in Sun City. AZ.

I enjoyed your newsy Omegaphone,” writes Peter H. Marvel '29, It brought back happy memories of PSU and Theta Chi - in the old house on Allen Street." Daily, he sees Tom Jackson '31. who also Lives at Stone Gates. and the two enjoy watching the televised PSU football games together. Both were married in 1933 and Pete was best man at Tom's wedding. 

Sherwood K. Booth '32, a retired Navy captain and attorney, has two children and seven grandchildren. 

John H. Keely '37, who retired from the Campbell Soup Co, in 1980, is married with two daughters and five grandchildren_ He would like to hear from some of the brothers. 

Jennings P. Stright '38 resides in Mechanicsburg. PA.

In May Robert E. Eberly '39 received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters degree from Waynesburg College in Pennsylvania.

Now retired, W. Allen Ramsey '39 resides on his farm with his wife. Irene. He has three children and five grandchildren. 

A consultant with Powell Engineering Associates. Albert E. Powell '41 is professor emeritus at Washington State University. 

Last summer, Henry P. Pierce '43 the retired president of BPC Chemical Co,. endowed a scholarship In Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. 

Mail for David R. Frankenfield '49, who is retired from Amtrak, can be sent to West Conshohocken, PA. 

“Retired from United Engineering and have played a little more golf,” writes Robert P, Waltenbaugh ’49. Bob Is president of the board for the Penn State Club of the Alle-Kiski valley. 

Joseph M. Jackson '60 an agent for the State Farm insurance Co.. writes that he winding down a 38-year career in insurance and will retire in August. Joe has been married to Phyllis since 1990 and reports that his brother, Thomas R. Jackson '31, is nearly 85 years old was great bearing news in the Omegaphone about Bob Bossler '49. He was house president when I was there.”

The address for Harold W. Stetson '50 is in Newtown. PA. 

Dominic Alisio ’54 resides in Bethlehem. PA 18018

Insurance broker William W. Orben '55 has a new address in Morristown, NJ. He writes that he has been married to the same “dear little girl of Theta Chi” since 1954. They have three children and are grandparents.

Recently retired from the Navy after serving for 27 years. O. Keith Evans ’65 writes that, thanks to the assistance of Vince Campitelli '64, Dave Heitzenroder '64, Jim Scattergood ’65, Jim Stalder '62 and John Swift '64, he has obtained a position with the CPA firm of Coopers and Lybrand. “In addition to many worthwhile suggestions, these brothers offered encouragement and support. That was important to me as it is difficult enough to change jobs in a depressed economy, let alone change an entire way of life. Most will not be surprised to learn of their response: frankly, neither was I. However. it is always gratifying to receive such support. I appreciate it." 

Kim B. Leonard '66 is an associate of Aircon Eng., Inc. 

Lee N. Houseknecht '68 Is a teacher with the New York State Dept. of Corrections In Elmira. He is in touch with Thomas Glendon '69 and Richard McLean '68.

The principal at Ringing Rocks Elementary School. Stanley Terzopolos '69 is also doing doctoral work in educational administration at Lehigh University. Stan, his wife, Karen, and their two daughters enjoy camping. 

“I would like to say “hi” to all my buddies back in Pennsylvania,” writes Lawrence J. Bell '73 who is senior vice president at Grubb St Ellis Commercial Real Estate Services. He adds that his wife and children are fine and that his newest hobby is making Chardonnay wine. The Kid' reported in January that Dave Bosshardt ’73 was engaged.

Edward M. Beidel Jr. '76 started his own business which specializes In golf course and landscape architecture. Although his office serves the northeastern and southeastern parts of the country. Ed Is willing to travel to new, uncharted territories. His wife. Deborah, a former little sister, is operating an anxiety prevention and treatment center at the Medical University of South Carolina. Their new address is in Mount Pleasant, SC. 

Diane and Timothy J. Golden '82 announce the birth, in November. of their second child and first daughter. Maria. Tim. an associate of ITT Hartford reports that Lou 'Aldo" Martini Jr. ’84 is attending medical school.

Attorney Edward M. Brown '87 opened his own private practice. Ed has heard from Rick Grande '86. Mike Marcelli’ '85, Bill Herron `90. Ed also reports that Kristin and Jim Stuhltrager '89 announce the birth of their daughter, Britta.

Brian C. Fincher '88 and Tina, also send news of a family addition in November — their son. Justin. "Finch,” a civil engineer with Akens Engineering Assoc.. Inc.. writes that he has been unable to contact Jim Fox ’90 and would like to know if any brothers have heard from him.

After living everywhere from Maine to Miami during the last couple of years, Allen Alper '90 has bought his first house in a town located about 45 minutes from Erie. Pa. His new address is in Russelle. PA. Al, a senior systems analyst with GTE, and notes that he 'wants to hear from all his old brothers.

“I am currently working as a special duty Investigator with the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID)," writes William F. Herron ’90. He is also attending Webster University at night. working on his MBA with emphasis in computer resources and information management.

Buffalo is cold, snowy and a lot of fun,' writes John A. Buyarski ’91, who is a supervisor with the Turbo Compressor Division of Cooper Industries. This coming September. he hopes to begin work on his MBA degree by attending evening classes at the University of Buffalo. John had a visit from Mark Prushinski '91 and reports that the two "did the three things that make Buffalo famous:” they ate wings. saw Niagara Falls and went to the Canadian Ballet. 

Insurance agent John G. Fischer '91 works for Northwestern Mutual Life Baird Securities. 

Daniel S. Kahl '91 is In his first year of law school at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. In January, he reported that John Chabbott '90 was engaged. 

Chapter Eternal

We regret to inform you of the death of 

  • Raymond A. Brown '33 

  • William W. Seese '30 

  • Vaughn Stapleton '46 

Theta Chi mourns their passing and extends condolences to their families and friends.

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download June 1993 Omegaphone