December 1992 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the December 1992 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Theta Chi: Ready to Meet the Challenges That Lie Ahead 

By Ed Brown '87, President, Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc. 

Many challenges are on the horizon for Omega Chapter over the next two years. First and foremost is our 75th Anniversary Celebration to be held March 25-27, 1994, at the Nittany Lion Inn. This will be a first-class event, so please plan to attend. If you have pictures, composites or other memorabilia which can be displayed during the Celebration, please try to locate them soon. If you have suggestions for the weekend, relay them as soon as possible so they can be incorporated into the agenda. Check this issue for further information and watch for updates in upcoming issues of the Omegaphone. 

Planning is also underway for the kickoff of a major capital campaign in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary Celebration. The time has come for much-needed renovations to our chapter house. While our roof has been replaced and a second mortgage has allowed for repairs which brought the house up to code, much more remains to be done. Upcoming projects include renovating the second- and third-floor bathrooms, replacing the side porch roof, upgrading the kitchen further, and installing energy efficient windows throughout. This work will be costly, but must be done. More information will be provided in upcoming Omegaphone issues on how you can help raise the needed funds.

As you can see, the Alumni Association needs your help now more than ever. Our Anniversary Celebration and capital campaign need widespread support to succeed. Let's continue the trend of increased alumni involvement that has been evidenced by the submission of numerous articles on Giffy, by more alumni news than ever, and by increasing dues and capital fund contributions. Please keep the news coming, participate in corporation meetings, metropolitan events and our 75th Anniversary, and contribute some time and desperately needed financial support to our upcoming capital campaign. The next few years promise to be exciting ones. I hope you'll take some time and join our efforts to make our Alumni Association and chapter house stronger than ever! 

Omega Chapter Prepares for 75th Anniversary Celebration 

On Monday, March 14, 1994, the brothers of the Omega Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity will mark the 75th Anniversary of the installation of the Omega Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University. It is with great pride that we commence the planning and organizing effort for what promises to he a memorable and enjoyable celebration for all alumni and their families. 

The Gala 75th Anniversary Celebration has been scheduled to take place on the campus of the University the weekend of March 25, 1994, at Penn State's Nittany Lion Inn. The weekend activities have yet to be finalized, but should include: 

  • Gala Formal Anniversary Celebration at the new Grand Ballroom of the Nittany Lion Inn; 

  • Penn State group campus tours, hosted by the Penn State Lion Ambassadors; 

  • Private showing of Old Main and the Old Main Bell Tower; 

  • Variety of children's entertainment events hosted by the Stone Valley Recreation Area; 

  • Visits from Fraternity and Penn State University dignitaries; 

  • Free time to peruse the sites and sounds of Penn State. 

This is a very exciting and challenging time for our chapter, a time that promises to bring many of our old college friends and their families together for a fun-filled and historic visit. The goals of our chapter have grown, our horizons have broadened and our challenges remain formidable. We look forward to the opportunity to celebrate and bask in the light of our success of the past 75 years and to reaffirm our commitment and dedication to the chapter and the University for the next 75. 

Please direct your suggestions and much-needed offers of assistance in this effort to Leo Sugg '88.

Winter Corporation Meeting Scheduled for February 6 

All Omegas are invited to the fifth annual Winter Corporation Luncheon and Meeting which will be held on Saturday, February 6, 1993, at the historic General Wayne Inn located at 625 Montgomery Ave., Merlon Station, Pa. The meeting will start at 11:30 a.m. and should conclude no later than 4:30 p.m. Undergraduate and alumni officer reports will be presented. Discussions will focus on our gala 75th Anniversary Celebration and the kickoff of a major capital campaign. Please come and offer your suggestions and assistance. If you have any questions or need directions, please contact Bob Kramer '88. For the convenience of our brothers in western Pennsylvania, the 1994 Winter Meeting will be held in the Pittsburgh area. 

Strengthen Brotherhood Through Metropolitan Events 

To promote fellowship among alumni members of Omega Chapter and strengthen our Alumni Association, we need your help in hosting a metropolitan event in your area. The idea is simple: Plan a social event of any kind in your area to be attended by fellow Omegas living close by. The event itself can be anything from a Dutch treat dinner to attending a sporting event together. We hope the event will become an enjoyable annual occurrence. The Alumni Association can provide you with mailing labels for the brothers in your area, a sample postcard invitation, and funds to cover the cost of mailing. If you have any questions or are interested in hosting a metropolitan event, please contact Joe Kopetsky '86.

Homecoming 1992: An Overwhelming Success 

Our Homecoming celebration this year was a fine one. The corporation meeting saw the election of officers and board members as well as an update on the status of the undergraduate chapter and on upcoming events. The undergraduates hosted an excellent pig roast dinner and party. 

As a result of our elections, our Alumni Association's officers and Board of Directors has a great mix of new faces as well as familiar ones. Thank you to the following outgoing officers for their outstanding efforts: First, Hugh Cadzow '83 as president saw us through major code repairs to the chapter house and initiated our annual winter corporation meetings. Hugh continues to offer his guidance as a member of the Board of Directors. Second, Anthony Panichelli '85 as secretary helped us tremendously by heading the effort to provide ink portraits of the chapter house for those contributing $35 to the capital fund. Anthony will continue to provide portraits for donations sent to him. Finally, Chris Heidrick '91 as financial supervisor restarted an office that had been vacant for years, and Bob Tucker '83 has provided level-headed advice as a board member over the years. 

Attending Homecoming this year were Tony Agentowicz '85, Chris Bartnik '91, Ed Brown '87, Chris Casciato '85, Jim Derrah '87, John Fischer '91, John Buyarski '91, Owen Fishman '85, Dennis Foley '91, Rick Grande '86, Bill Herron '90, Scot Herman '80, Jamie Koppersmith '88, Shane Balcik '91, Greg Hottsenpiller '87, Rob Kramer '88, Erwin Les’Pere '90, Jeff Damcott '91, John McIntyre '91, Scott Mahan '85, Rich Maltz '90, Steve Martin '88, Dave Mattiace '85, Scott Mayhew '90, Rod Miller '89, Anthony Panichelli '85 and Jim Smith '89. We were also glad to see the return of Howard Alter Jr. '41 and Bill Blakely '62. Although unable to make it to Homecoming, Bill Read '60 visited the chapter earlier this year. We hope to see these brothers and more for Founders' Day 1993, to be held the weekend of April 23. An informal barbecue and corporation meeting will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday at the chapter house. 

A Note on Alcohol at Chapter Functions 

It is anticipated that the undergraduate chapter will be removed from probation by the Grand Chapter and the Alumni Probation Committee in the near future. As you may recall, violations of the Theta Chi alcohol risk management policy led to the chapter's placement on probation. 

The undergraduates have done a fine job adjusting to the risk management rules. The rules were adopted to assist and help protect undergraduates, alumni and the Grand Chapter from lawsuits; to ensure a safer environment at chapter functions; and to improve the fraternity's image. Please keep in mind that all chapter functions are strictly BYOB. No alcohol may be purchased with chapter funds and the purchase and/or use of bulk quantities of alcohol - i.e. kegs - at any chapter function, including tailgates, is prohibited. 

Omegas must continue their efforts to de-emphasize alcohol and to abide by the risk management policies. We must operate within the policies both to strengthen our chapter and to ensure its continued existence at Penn State for ourselves and for all Omegas to follow. If you have any questions regarding Theta Chi's risk management policies, please contact Board of Directors member Phil Katchur '88.

Rush, Homecoming and K.I.C.K.S. Keep Undergraduates Busy During Fall Semester 

By Thomas Dymek '94, Chapter President 

The fail semester has taken flight remarkably Fast. The snowflakes are flying and professors are talking about final exams, but no time has been wasted at Omega Chapter. As soon as we returned for our last football season before the Big Ten, we got right to work with rush, and the work paid off. The results were a pledge class of 15 new members, our largest group to be pledged in over five years. 

Attention then turned toward Homecoming, which was a resounding success, thanks to all who returned. Howard Alter '41 ended up giving the pig the traditional kiss while a wide-eyed 17-year-old new member reluctantly kissed the other side of the pig, according to tradition. As a chapter we also completed the campus-wide Homecoming competition with our best finish in seven years as we placed third in the banner competition, third with our float, second in the Mad-hatter judging and third place overall of over 50 teams! Our efforts with Alpha Xi Delta Sorority were not only successful but also a lot of fun. 

Not far on the heels of Homecoming came our annual Theta Chi KI.C.K.S. soccer tournament to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Behind strong chairmen and strong alumni support, we doubled our total from the previous year, donating over $6,000. Future editions of our philanthropy will be dedicated to the memory of Dave Ferro ’86, who was instrumental in establishing this philanthropy as a leading fundraiser on campus. 

Finally, with all of this activity behind us, thoughts can move forward to Christmas, semester break and Founders' Day, not to mention early excitement about the upcoming 75th Anniversary of Omega Chapter. Thanks to all for the alumni support we have received, and we hope to be able to entertain more of you at these upcoming events. 

Kevin Shayer '93 Awarded Alumni Scholarship 

Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc., awarded its first annual Alumni Scholarship during the 1992 Homecoming dinner held at the chapter house. This scholarship is awarded to the undergraduate brother who perpetuates the objectives of Theta Chi and excels in academic, Greek and community activities during the preceding academic year. 

The first scholarship recipient was Kevin Shayer '93, a business logistics major from Olney, Md., who will graduate in January 1993. Over the past academic year, Kevin served as the chapter secretary and on the IFC Board of Control during the fall semester. He interned with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in the spring. As an undergraduate, Kevin has also held the offices of president, vice president and rush chairman. 

Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc., hopes to establish an endowment fund to support and fund this Alumni Scholarship in the future. if you would like to support or receive additional information on our annual scholarship, please contact Alumni Treasurer Richard Malta '90 

Oh Deer, Another "Giffy" Story 

By C.J. "Joe” Newman '39 

Dear Theta Chi of Penn State, 

Your stories of Giffy were great and humorous. I thought I would add one that sticks in my memory…

Some years before I went to Penn State my father and I were members of a hunting camp near McAlevys Fort, probably 20-25 miles from State College. I had hunted deer there for a few years and really enjoyed it. During my senior year — 1939 — I had not gone hunting and the camp was vacant after December 12. Two of my great Theta Chi friends wanted to go to our camp and hunt deer. Malcolm McKay was one, and for certain reasons I will not name the other. We got our guns and licenses and went to the camp. I tried to educate the two brothers on deer hunting and we found a good place where I could drive and they could watch. About 1 p.m., I saw a deer go toward the watchers — and soon heard a shot. I found a dead deer, the watchers ... and a big problem. It was an illegal doe. The unnamed Theta Chi brother had been the shooter. I gutted the deer and we carried it to the roadside about a mile away. We marked the spot carefully, got in the car and returned to the house. I got in touch with Giffy in the kitchen and told him of the disaster, After some discussion, Giffy said we should all meet at 10 p.m. and go and rescue the deer. We met, found the deer and brought it back to the house. From then on it was all Giffy: He skinned the great animal (about 155 pounds) and served venison for what seemed to be a month. No other brother ever found out what we were eating, nor did they ever suspect that the food was anything but super. Later on, Giffy told me many times of how much money we had saved Theta Chi. 

I hope you don't find this story too boring, and I want to assure you all that no probation occurred. Maybe Bob Eberly will remember how good the food was in December of 1939. 


Past Issues of Omegaphone We are attempting to compile a complete set of all Omegaphones ever published, to be made available as a commemorative volume for the chapter's 75th Anniversary in 1994. If you have any past issues to donate, please send than directly to Gary Hicks '82. If you would like the issues returned, please specify and include return postage. Thank you. 

Alumni Updates

Blair E. Henderson '28  is twice retired: first from the Army, then from Edinboro State University. 

Guy W. Knight '30 is living in Newtown Square, PA. 

"My main preoccupation is in describing my great life at PSU!” writes Charles A. Schmidt '31, who is "thoroughly enjoying" retirement at Applewood Estates. 

Ernest D. Wilby '34 is an elder in the Presbyterian church and director of the Penn State Club of Southwest Florida. 

The address for Richard H. Knowles '39 is in Southampton, PA. 

During the winter, C.J. Newman '39 lives in Naples, FL. From May to October, you can write him at Jennerstown, PA. Joe enjoyed the stories about Giffy. (Set above) He has kept in touch with Dick Ziegenfus '30, Chuck Schmidt '31 and Joe Flagler '40

You can reach Edward W. George '45 in Lake Wylie, SC. Ed, too, has fond memories of Giff. 

"Do a lot of gardening in the summer months along with a few trips with my great wife, Yona," writes Howard G. Dunham '46 who retired after 36 years in the meat business. In the winter, Howie works at a tennis club. He has lunched with Ed George '45 and Bill Renton '46. "Bill sure has worked hard for Theta Chi and deserves a round of applause from all of us.” 

Robert B. Bossier Jr. '49 is still working—"having too much fun to quit" He is a member of the technical staff of Lucas Western, Inc. "Boss," whose hobbies include Civil War history and photography, was looking forward to a 99th Infantry Division (WWII) reunion and his 50th class reunion when he last-wrote. "I remain grateful to Theta Chi for all it did for me." 

Thomas C. Maxwell '55 is retired from Quaker State Oil and has two grandchildren. He was in touch with Joe Crudo '55 in February '92. 

John N. Warker Sr. '56, who deals in equity products and insurance, also operates a ham radio (#N3CIX). 

The new address for James W. Caldwell '57, a manager at Anacomp, Inc., is in Carmel, IN. 

You can write Edwin T. Latchem '57 in Belle Vernon, PA. 

Keith F. Vansant '58, who is with the U.S. Forces Command at Ft. McPherson, is active in the Penn State Club of Georgia. In March, he reported that his dad, Fred T. Vansant '20 (a charter member of Omega), was doing well at age 93. 

"I am now an innkeeper," writes Barry A. Herr '60, owner of Herr Farmhouse Inn. "Blur" sold his wholesale distribution business and converted two historical buildings into "bed and breakfast" inns. 

Michael P. Lazorchak '61 is associated with Resource Consultants, Inc. 

Charles W. Schug '62 is a CPA with MacDade Abbott & Co. 

"Wow! How did you track me down?" wrote Edmond W. Smathers '62, a retired commander. After serving in the Navy and Vietnam, Ted was with IBM as an engineer until his retirement it '92. Besides being a ski instructor at Vail, Ted is in the Naval reserves and teaches a course at the University of Denver. 

Alfred T. Romanoski Jr. '67 is marketing director at the law firm of Gorsuch Kirgis. 

Richard I. McLean '68, manager of Maryland's nuclear programs, lives with his wife, Barbara, and son, Andrew, in a turn-of-the-century farmhouse they are restoring. "Trickster's" hobby is farming, and he hunts and fishes "as often as possible." He would like to hear from brothers in his class. 

Edwin G. Messmer '70 is director of national account at OAF Building Materials Corp. Ed reports that Mike Velmer '71, who resides in the Atlanta area, has been "very successful" selling Mastard carpets to the designer and commercial trade. 

Reid A. Squier '79 is serving in the Air Force. 

An insurance broker with Marsh & McLennan, Evan J. Rosenberg '80, is also vice president of the firm. He and his wife, Joan (a "little sister"), have two children. 

J. Tristan Stancato '80 reports the birth of a daughter, Bridgette, to Patty and Richard Cole '80; and a son, Brian, to Sandy and Dan Kronewetter '81. Both children were born Sept. 4, 1991. "The couples were known to have vacationed together New Years '91." Tristan sends his best wishes. 

Donald A. Smith '81, a logistics analyst for Raytheon Service Co., has two daughters. “Smirl” keeps in touch with Rob Krauss '83 and reports that Phil Bender '83 now lives in the Baltimore-Washington area. 

R. Stephen Spinazzola '81 is an engineer with Syska and Hennessy. 

Timothy A. Boyd '83, director of public works for Plymouth Township, passed his professional engineer exam in '91. 

Robert H. Krauss '83 resides in Ellicott City, MD. 

Chris G. Allocco '84, an assistant vice president with Citibank, completed his second year of law school in May with "two more to go at night." He writes that John Rarick '84 is married and living in New Jersey. Chris would like to hear from any brothers. 

"If anyone is in Zurich, please get in touch!" writes William L. Lunde '84, who changed jobs from research to portfolio management at Credit Suisse. 

When he wrote in May '92, Paul Vassil '86 reported he would begin his family practice residency at Harrisburg Hospital in July. Paul was looking forward to attending the June wedding of Al Guber '87 in Las Vegas and celebrating with Ed Brown '87 and Bernie Kachinko '86. Paul has also kept in touch with Doug Craig '86, Jim Smith '89 and Shane Balcik '91

When we heard from him in April, Brian C. Fincher '88 announced his plans to marry Tina Reed in June '92. He was "looking forward to hearing from the brothers of Omega Chapter." 

Philip J. Katchur '88 is a supervisor for Guardian Life Insurance Co. 

In April, Robert J. Scavello '88 was planning to attend the University of Virginia's school of business. Rob mentioned that Sean Tinley '88 is a med student at Thomas Jefferson Medical School and Greg Allan '89 was planning to be married. 

Leo D. Sugg '88, an accountant with Ernst and Young, resides with Chris Casciato '85, Owen Fishman '85 and Anthony Panichelli '85 in Bala Cynwyd, PA. Leo reports that Mark Hoist '88, who married Cory Ann Harmon in '91, is living in New Jersey. 

"Just having fun making yogurt!" wrote Richard K. James, Jr. '89, a production supervisor for the Dannon Co. When we heard from him in March, "R.J." announced the engagement of his sister, Heather (also a "little sister"), to Alan Lauder '90. Wedding plans were for Halloween '92. 

James Stuhltrager '89 was looking forward to coming back to the States from Israel. His wife, Kristin, visited him there in March. "Rodent" says "hi" to Mark Lynch '88, Rich Maltz '90 and Scott Mayhew '90

"I guess I'm still considered a newlywed (eight months)," wrote Reed W. Goodwin '91 in March. "Reefus" added that he expected to move back to Atlanta when he completed training with Stonhard in July '92. His territory will include Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee. 

An assistant controller with International Total Services, Christian J. Koczur '91 thought he might be transferred to Cleveland, Ohio, when we heard from him in April. He has kept in touch with Greg Hancock '91

In February '93, Mark J. Prushinski '91 will enter the Pennsylvania State Police Academy to become a trooper specializing in accident reconstruction. Mark has been a professional mascot for the Philadelphia Phillies AAA ball club for three years. 

John P. Troyan II '91 is a commercial real estate appraiser with Pardue Held Church Smith & Waller. 

Chapter Eternal

Since publication of our last issue, we have learned of the death of 

  • Albert H. Mainwaring '16 

  • Curtis W. Lau '33 

  • Roland E. Seely '40 

  • John F. Cunningham '83 

  • Thomas Katchur '83 

  • David P. Ferro '86 

  • Graydon Webster '90

Theta Chi mourns their passing and extends condolences to their families and friends. 

Thank You

On behalf of my parents and for myself, I would like to take an opportunity to publicly thank the brotherhood for the concern and compassion shown following my brother's fight with cancer. The littlest gesture meant so much that this paragraph cannot do justice. To all those who called, wrote letters, sent cards, and/or attended my brother's memorial service, you have our undying gratitude. I would especially like to thank anyone who was a friend to my brother during his short life. Once again, we truly appreciate the "helping hand" which was extended in a very trying time. 

Philip Katchur '88
John and Mollie Katchur

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download Dec. 1992 Omegaphone