September 1990 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the September 1990 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Omega Awards Brother Number One

At the Penn State South Jersey Shore Club Annual Banquet on May 18, Omega Chapter bestowed the Citation of Honor to our first brother, Br. Winfield Smith. This award is for outstanding service to the fraternity and the fraternity world. The Grand Chapter authorized the award as well as the membership of Br. Smith into the Golden Guard of Theta Chi (for 50 plus years of service). 

The undergraduates have also nominated Br. Smith for the highest OX award, the Theta Chi For Life Award. The final decision for this award is pending as we go to press. 

John Buyarski. '91, Winfield Smith '19, Hugh Cadzow '83 

President’s Message: “WHERE ARE YOU?" 

by Hugh D. Cadzow '83 Alumni President 

We are PENN STATE! We are alumni to one of the greatest academic institutions in America. We all are proud to walk around in our blue & white facade but we seem to forget one of the main parts of our life at PSU - Theta Chi. 

I was talking to our treasurer Dave Ferro and he told me how sharply alumni dues for the operational budget have fallen in half over the past four years. This means that we must continue to cut back on the Omegaphone and other operational items. 

I was talking to our Omegaphone editor Gary Hicks, and he tells me that despite repeated overtures few alumni bother sending news. Yet when people complain about the 'Phone it is due to the lack of alumni news. Since our funds are limited we can not spend more money on more mailings. 

I simply am at a loss at what to do. To those that have sent in suggestions on bettering alumni relations I thank you. To those who haven't written or had an incident that soured them to the chapter please write me at our State College address. 

Physical reparations to chapter house are easy to do, but fixing the spiritual well being of our alumni is a task that is difficult and needs the involvement of us all. 

Active Chapter Report

by Dan Kahl, Chapter President 

First and foremost, after a successful spring rush, we now have six new and good additions to the Brotherhood: Andrew Burns, Shawn Elliot, Richard Green, David Makita, Len Pauser, and Bob Polino.

In other achievements, Omega was ranked twelfth out of 53 fraternities (by G.P.A.) scholastically, and for fall were setting our sights on the top ten: Two brothers were also inducted into separate honor societies --- Chris Heidrick into the Order of Omega, and Bill Mohan into Phi Beta Kappa. Chapter athletics improved, placing a ranking of eighth overall for the year, Most notably, John Chabbott and Mike Becker won the racquetball doubles championship. 

Our biggest success of the semester was stunning participation with Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority in the 1990 Dance Marathon. Under the guidance of co-chairmen Dennis Foley and Mike Stein, we won the Most Improved Chapter award, raising over $18,000 to become a "Major Contributor" to the Four Diamonds Fund. We hope to carry the momentum into fall semester with success in our own philanthropy, K.I.C.K.S. The benefactor will be The Make-a-Wish Foundation. 

As always, we hope many alumni will visit us this year, and especially on Homecoming weekend. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and we hope to see you soon! 

Fixing up the House

The Board has taken out a $26,000.00 mortgage from the National Board of Trustees to perform long overdue repairs on code violations. These include the following: 

  1. Upgrading Electric: Believe it or not the house was served with a 100 amp service. It has now been upgraded to 440. 

  2. Internal Fire Tower: The side fire tower is no longer sufficient. We must enclose the internal stairs on the top two floors with fire doors and glass walls. This gives two points of escape for the brothers. 

  3. Smoke & Heat Detectors: Hardwire detectors are being installed in all public areas. The system will be centrally monitored and provide us a savings on insurance. 

  4. New Fire Tower Doors: The existing doors must be replaced and the large side door rehung. 

Other repairs that have been or will be done are a new water heater to supplement the existing "flash" heater. 

The other repair shall be grouting and caulking of the second floor shower to prevent further leaking. This leak may be undermining the subfloor in the bathroom. It is also planned to put new ceiling tiles and carpet in the hallways. 

Winter Corporation Meeting: A Second Annual Success 

The second annual Winter Corporation Meeting was held at the General Wayne Inn on February 17, 1990. About 25 brothers gathered for lunch and business -- both were well enjoyed. The biggest subject discussed was the start of code repairs to the chapter house in the next few months, Due to the limited funds available, only the fire/safety-oriented repairs will be made. Completion should be by mid-summer. 

Other topics: Alumni meeting dates have been set on a permanent basis -- Homecoming of course, as scheduled by the university; the Winter Meeting is the first Saturday in February; and Founders' Day will again be the weekend of the Blue-White Game. Hopefully, alumni can better plan attending these meetings in knowing the permanent schedule, 

Finally, nominations for the Corporation officers were opened -- ballots are included with this issue. 

Other Notes…….

HELP WANTED: Due to various personal responsibilities, our treasurer, Dave Ferro, will be stepping down by the end of the year. Anyone interested in assuming the position should contact us via mail. 

REMEMBERING GIF’: We'd like to have an Omegaphone issue featuring stories on Giffey, by compiling the many stories older alumni could offer. Please send them to our return address, 

GETTING TOGETHER: Let us know if anyone is interested in participating in alumni dinners held in the various metropolitan areas (Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Washington, etc.). 

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the Sept. 1990 Omegaphone