CDT - Centre County Fund Drive: Dr. Rohrbeck Appoints Cancer Crusade Chairman

ADDRESSING MEETING of the Centre County unit of the American Cancer Society is Joan Bialas of Reading, who is Miss Hope of Pennsylvania for the ACS, and Dr. Charles H. Rohrbeek, president of the Centre County ACS unit.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Smith of State College will be 1973 Cancer Crusade co-chairmen in Centre County according to Dr. Charle H. Rohrbeck, president of the Centre County unit of the American Cancer Society, who made the announcement at the September unit meeting, a dutch treat dinner for board members and husbands and wives at the Nittany Country Club in Minnoville.

Roger Jacoby and Charles Naginey announced crusade totals for 1972 as $34,650. 

Dr. Rohrbeck made the following appointments of committee chairmen for the year: 

Robert H. McCormick, crusade: Dr. E. W. Cullen and Mrs. Lynn Hoffman, RN. service and rehabilitation: Mrs. Richard Husted, public education: Dr. Paul L. Carney. professional education: Mrs. Arlan S. Temeles, public relations; Paul W. Bierley, finance; Mrs. John E. McHugh Jr., nominating; Mr. McCormick, administration, and W. J. Tucker and William F. Hall, representatives to Associated Services. 

A certificate of appreciation was given to Mrs. Mary Lou Risheberger for her contribution of 1972 Crusade pictures and her service as unit photographer. Other awards were given to: J. Andrew Dale, State College; Ronald Bowersox, Bellefonte; Mrs. Stewart Pletcher, Mrs. Paul Pletcher. and Mrs. Elery Knarr, all of Bald Eagle; Mrs. Norman Harris, Snow Shoe; James G. Pollock and Vernon Wilks, both of Philipsburg; Mrs. Leonard Fergus, Erica Weintraub. and Melissa Udine, all of State College. 

Board members given service awards were: Mrs. Richard Husted, Robert H. McCormick, A. H. Smith and Morris Mamolen, for 15 years; Mrs. Henry Houser of Pleasant Gap for 10 years of board service, and 5-year pins to Paul Edinger, Roger Jacoby and Mrs. Robert E. Stover.

Certificates of appreciation, were awarded to Theta Chi for the Ski for Cancer Weekend; Lambda Chi Alpha for their kidnap  party; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Kappa Kappa Gamma and radio station WPHB. Awards chairman was Mrs. John Schempf. 

Mrs. Alene Chew, field representative. thanked the unit for its contribution to the materials center of the intermediate division for items to be used in the schools. 

Miss Hope of Pennsylvania, Miss Joan Bialas of Reading, guest speaker, was introduced by Robert Sim, deputy executive vice president of the Pennnsylvania division of the ACS, who was one of the organizers of the Miss Hope competition in Pennsylvania. 

Miss Bialas, a nurse at the Reading Hospital, travels the state to tell people about cancer and the importance of an annual check-up, emphasizing the ACS program of research, education and service. 

She told the group that even though there is still a big job to be done. today's cancer patient has hope, and stressed the aid that nurses can contribute as volunteers. 

The Miss Hope program, new to the Pennsylvania division in 1972, had nearly 300 entries in the preliminaries with 22 finalists. Their cancer service varied from setting up a speakers bureau, driving patients to their place of treatment, resigning, setting up. and manning exhibits, and assisting in Pap-screening programs to helping with the cancer crusade in college dormitories. 

Dr. Rohrbeck announced that the next board meeting would be Dec. 7 and that Mrs. Husted and Mrs. McHugh will represent the Centre County Unit at the Pennsylvania division annual meeting in October, to be held in New Cumberland. Mrs. Tom Mebane and Morris Mamolen are the alternates. 

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