CDT Story - Br. Moyer Wedding Announcement

Newlyweds on Trip To Caribbean After Georgetown Rites 

Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Moyer, who were married in the Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., on Saturday, ware on a honeymoon to the Caribbean Islands.

Mrs. Moyer is the former Doriane Demombynes, daughter of Mrs. Lorraine Nye Norton, of Georgetown, Washington, D.C., and Mr. Moyer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Moyer, of 734 McKee St., State College. 

Dr. Russel C. Stroup officiated at the double-ring ceremony uniting the two in marriage. 

The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Patrice Demombynes, was attired in an antique white satin, floor-length gown with three-quarter length sleeves. Her shoulder-length veil of illusion fell from a small pill-box hat and she carried a bouquet of white lilies. 

Linda Jordan of Arlington, Va., served as maid of honor and Susan Learned, Portland, Ore., and Dale Nye, Kenmore, N.Y., as bridesmaids. Jamie Moreno, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Veto Moreno, served as flower girl.

Dr. Robert F. Moyer of Syracuse, N.Y., brother of the bridegroom, performed the duties of best man and the ushers were Michael B. Bem and Elmer Branyan, both of Exton, Pa. 

The mother of the bride selected a copper lamee, street-length . dress and a bronze orchid corsage for her daughter's wedding, while the bridegroom's mother wore a moss green. street-length, brocade crepe gown, with a white gardenia corsage. 

Following the ceremony, a reception for 125 guests was held in the Army and Navy Club, after which the newlyweds departed on their honeymoon. 

The bride, a graduate of Strayer Junior College, attended Nathaniel Hawthorne College in New Hampshire. She was formerly on the staff of Senator T. H. Keuchel of California. 

The bridegroom, a 1951 graduate of State College High School, was graduated from Penn State in 1955 with a BS degree. A member of Theta Chi fraternity, he is employed by Valley Forge Space and Missile Center, General Electric Company.

Following their return from their wedding trip, the couple will reside in their new home in Marchwood, Exton, Pa.