March 1964 Omegaphone
From the President
Since becoming president of Omega chapter, I have become more aware of the binding force that differentiates Theta Chi from other fraternities at Penn State. This intangible force is brotherhood. The main objective of our brothers is to have a strong, unified brotherhood. We feel we have accomplished our objective, and we intend to instill into our new pledges a true and sincere "feeling" for Theta Chi. It is through a strong brotherhood that Theta Chi will continue to he the leading fraternity at Penn State.
Burton B. Rudy
We are not content with resting on our laurels. We fully realize that we must continue our hard work so that Theta Chi always maintains its high position, It is our policy to rush only the best of the freshmen class and to be very selective in choosing our future brothers. It is these men who will be the leaders of Theta Chi in the future years.
Our future is determined by our future brothers, We know what Theta Chi means and we intend to instill into our pledges the meaning and values of the swords of Theta Chi, We know that we must look beyond today and prepare for tomorrow.
Fraternally, Burton B. Rudy, President
In Memoriam
It was with great sadness that we learned of the untimely death of Dr. Richard M. Colwell on March 19. Dr. Colwell was a Professor of Accounting at Penn State, and a close friend and advisor to the men of Omega. He was a Theta Chi at the University of Rhode Island, where he spent his undergraduate days. The University has lost a fine educator; the men of Omega, a friend; and all who knew him arc saddened by his death.
Alumni Notes
Michael Lazorebak, '61, and family are in Europe for another year. Mike has been stationed in France serving a three-year tour.
Vincent Trotta, '57, is currently teaching math and physics at the Lewistown, Pa., high school.
Tom Eycrly, Jr., '58, is busy as sales engineer with Honeywell in Norfolk .
Bill Strickland, Jr., makes his home in Springfield, Pa., and is currently president of the S & N Lumber and Millwork, Inc.
Paul McConnaughey, '60, is with the Aluminum Company of America and can be reached in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bob Ockford '22 and family have been traveling quite a bit. They have toured Europe, Hawaii, the Island of Puerto Rico and parts of the United States.
Barry House Reid, '60 has been quite active in his field of work. He was with the. U. S. Geological Survey '60-'63 in Tacoma, Wash.
Bob Adams, '55 has completed his master's degree in Business Administration at the University of Louisville.
Founders' Day will be celebrated on Saturday, April 11 this year.
Bits and Pieces
With all the snow falling on Penn State in the winter, Alpha Phi Omega, the service fraternity decided to sponsor an annual snow sculpture contcstl And Theta Chi, working with Alpha Xi Delta sorority, captured first place with a work called "Under the Term System." Another social event on Theta Chi's calendar comes up this spring term. Spring Week will see Alpha Sigma Alpha working with us.
Moving away from the social and into the scholastic sphere of interest, we would like to make it known that Theta Chi achieved the required I.F.C, average. This average is neces-sary to make in order to participate in campus-wide social events throughout the year, Another point of interest centers around an individual member of Theta Chi. John Bade, a senior in Architectural Engineering will be studying abroad in England this spring term.
Barbara Olsen - Sweetheart of Theta Chi - 1964
Again this year, Dan Cam played varsity basketball; and Joe Simmonetta will participate in varsity tennis in the spring.
As you may have noticed, the attractive young lady on the cover of the "Omegaphone," is this year's Sweetheart of Theta Chi. She is Barbara Olson, a sophomore here at Penn State and a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. One further note: Barbara is pinned to AI Migliaccio at Omega chapter.
New Initiates
We are very proud to announce that the following men are newly initiated Brothers of Theta Chi: Doug Mory, James McCauley, Bob Luther, Denny Rush, and Art Lubman, We extend to these men our warmest congratulations.
Lucile Llyod - House Mother
From Our "Mother"
I any now in my second year as house "mother" for Theta Chi. It has been a most interesting and enjoyable experience and I am happy to he afilliated with your Fraternity, One of the pleasures is meeting the Alumni, Therefore, on behalf of the boys, let me extend our cordial invitation; and assure you the welcome mat is always out for the brothers of Omega chapter of Theta Chi.
Lucile Lloyd, House Mother
Emanuel 'Giffy' Gifford
Hi Alumni From 'Giffy'
My, oh my, how time flies and where does it go? Here it is, another year gone by and it is again time for me to welcome you on Founders Day of 1964. Too many things have happened that I don't know where to start. I do know one thing, last year's turnout was a little better than the previous year. During these changing times, we realize that conditions will not permit some to attend as they have done in the past. Founder's Day seems to have become only a get-together for committee men to transact business for the coming year. Just the same I welcome you all to Omega Chapter of Theta Chi on my 25th year. It's always wonderful to see you and tender old memories.
Speaking of changing times, the University is expecting all fraternities on campus to eliminate certain clauses of discrimination in their charters. Naturally Theta Chi will comply and treat all with fairness. This is only the beginning. There is more to come to help us build this gigantic pyramid of achievement. Who knows? I may be a first!
At this time I must acknowledge the loyalty and devotion of a dearly beloved friend and brother, who has given his best for 39 years as editor-in-chief of the Rattle of Theta Chi. I have known Brother George Starr Lasher for a number of years, and I have always looked forward to his visits to Omega Chapter. I will miss his visits. He is a great and wonderful man and his vacancy will never be eompletely filled.
To those of you who will not he able to visit us on Founder's Day, may I say with great anticipation that I expect to see everyone back for Alumni weekend this fall of 1964.
"What Happened on Earth," read it; t's good, by Alexander T. Coyle, thanks to the William Gruns.
Wishing you the very best of luck, happiness and success. 'May God bless you and your families.
Winter Rush
The chapter began formal rush at a disadvantage. Penalized by the I.F.C. for fall term rushing infractions, Omega began formal rush six weeks after other houses. With three weeks remaining to rush during the winter term, Omega men took ten men: Scott Thiele, Terry Amspacher, Dick Stevenson, Jim Leydic, Marlin Kurz, Stuart Brunhouse, Torn Keown, Dean Kaley, Bob White, and Bob Mellon. These men; we believe, constitute one of the finest classes on campus. During spring term, informal rush will continue, with Omega setting its sights on more than doubling the present class.
Our Library
During the past term, a program was begun to improve the library. To date, it has been very successful. Over a hundred new volumes were added. The trophy wall was enhanced by mahogany paneling, and a combination desk for pledges on phone duty was installed. Further, the entire room was repainted. In the future, we hope to start a paperback library, update the reference section, and further increase the number of books. Any extra books you feel you would Eke to donate would be appreciated.
Intramural sports have been frustrating for us this year. It seems that the championships are just out of our reach. This article is being written the day after a disappointing loss to Phi Gamma Delta in the basketball semi-finals. The score was lie with five seconds remaining, but it was Phi Gamma Delta who scored the last point and swept away our hopes of the championship.
Earlier in the basketball season, Theta Chi had upset Phi Delta Theta, undefeated in seventeen games and last year's fraternity champions. It was a stand-up game won in overtime with a two-point chip-in by Al Thompson on an outside jumper.
During the football season, Theta Chi Lost its first two league games, but went on to finish the slate without another loss. In the final game of the season, we were able to down undefeated Acacia. We did not win the championship, however, as Acacia had been beaten only once; Theta Chi was downed twice.
These are the sort of frustrations we have been faced with, but this spring we have paddle ball, handball, tennis doubles, soccer, and track to look forward to. Our soccer and volleyball teams are exceptionally strong, but as Rec Hall is under construction this spring term, volleyball will have to eliminated.
We have done well in rush and have recruited some fine athletes. And we are looking forward to next year when we can bring some of those shiny trophies home to Theta Chi.
The House - 1964
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.