March 1962 Omegaphone
From The President's Desk
by Joe Wells
Since last year's Omegaphone reached you Omega Chapter has undergone many changes.
Externally, during the summer vacation, the house was repainted and repairs were made where needed. On the interior various improvements were made including a dream kitchen for "Giff"—electric dishwasher, disposal, et al. Many of the brothers helped the appearance of the house by revamping their rooms on their own. The pledge classes, as Pledge Projects, did much interior painting and remodeling.
The new rushing code of the lnterfraternity Council, and especially through the efforts of our rush chairmen and brotherhood have accounted for a near capacity house membership. Under a new pledging policy, with much more specific emphasis on scholastics, Matt Soccio and Chuck Avampato, the recent Pledge Marshalls, performed their jobs commendably and "graduated" two excellent and well rounded pledge classes. The athletic and social aspects of the chapter have made the most rapid and advanced gains and are reported in more detail elsewhere.
Of course, following any improvement there comes a period of "laissez-faire". Though everything is adequate, there is still room for improvement in the Spring.
Our main problem, which is a school wide one, seems to be centered around adjusting to the University's term plan—especially scholastically. After a period of marked rise last spring the new 10 week term caught us unprepared and we have, again dipped. As we all adjust more and more to this intense academic program our house average should once again improve, Our newly adopted scholastic code of more study and less social activity will undoubtedly guarantee this. With the full cooperation on the part of all, I'm positive that we can overcome these problems and "uphold the name of dear old Theta Chi."
Founder's Day
Since the day of April 10, 1856, when Theta Chi Society was founded at Norwich University, Norwich, Vermont, the name of Theta Chi Fraternity has grown and expanded to its present status. Today, Theta Chi is one of our country's strongest national fraternities, an excellent example of the caliber of men it has produced in the past and the standards that its active members must live up to.
We at Omega are proud of our fraternity, and have been so since our founding on March 14, 1919. Each year, our chapter commemorates that eventful April day by setting aside a weekend in its honor. This year Omega will celebrate Founder's Day, the 106th birthday of the fraternity, on Saturday, April 14th at our chapter house in State College, Pennsylvania.
There will be an Open House, Saturday at 2:00 P. M. and a banquet at 6:00 P. M. Following the banquet there will be a Board of Directors meeting, and an Alumni-Active Chapter Meeting at 8:00 P. M.
Of course one thing that hasn't changed through the years is the excellent cooking and welcome hospitality of Gifford. Giff will be on hand for our reunion and is waiting anxiously to meet all the friends he has made in his long years of service. We, the actives, hope that you'll take this opportunity to visit with us and inspect, with pride, the accomplishments and changes of Omega.
Notes from Mom
Time marches on, upward or down, Theta Chi marches on too, and not down.
As many of you know, I have been at Theta Chi for eight years, and every graduation brings a certain amount of sadness on my part. Many times I have thought that things will never be the same when these boys leave; but, although we miss the ones who have gone, there are always new ones coming in who more or less take the place of those who have gone and so, we go on. Each year builds up more friendships and more happy times for me.
But still I often think about the ones who have left us, some I hear from, others no. I haven't heard from some since they left. Now what could be nicer than to have a splendid Founder's Day this Spring and Homecoming next Fall? Whether I am here or not, this will be a good place for you to renew old friendships, and think what a good time you can have with many of your old friends here. Think abOut this., seriously and let us hear from you. Also, Mother's Day in May would be a good time for you parents of the boys here now to come visit. In that way you parents can meet each other and we'll be ever so glad to have you.. My wishes are for the best of every thing for each, and every one of you.
Hazel (Mother) Goschke
Emanuel 'Giffy' Gifford
Gifford's Views
May I have the honor and pleasure of greeting you for the 23rd time, and inviting you to join us in celebrating Founder's Day here at Omega on the 14th of April.
Since it is the will and pleasure of the great architect of the universe, whom I so graciously serve, to allow me to enjoy a reasonable portion of good health and to serve mankind in the only way that I am, or he finds me, best prepared to do so I would like to invite those of you whom I have served in the past to join with those who I am serving now in celebration of the founding of Theta Chi Fraternity one-hundred-six years ago. I enjoy working with the young people of Omega, trying to render the best that is in me each day, and now with great anticipation, I am once again waiting for you to return so that I am able to serve you in the same capacity. So please accept our invitation.
Year after year time plays an important part in our way of life. The University continues to grow and improve, creating new and efficient methods and physical facilities, all of which we have to cope with. We have many new improvements around the house here most of them thanks to the fore-sightedness of our wonderful Alumni. Without such improvements, we would be lagging behind and at this stage it could mean disaster.
May I, at this time, thank the Alumni Corporation and the Brotherhood for such a lovely kitchen. Although I had to make a few adjustments in losing half of my living quarters it still compensates for the loss. Besides, nothing should stand in the way of progress. With your next visit you will understand why I am so proud and grateful for this wonderful improvement. I trust I will have as much pleasure working in it as I have in the past. I want to thank you again.
The University has changed to a quarter system instead of the old semester system. With the new system in effect, it is now feasible for a rushee to become a Pledge, go through Help Week, Bluebooks, Final Exams, be Brotherized and Graduate in 10 weeks. So you see things are really being improved at Penn State and looking up.
As I think of the years gone past, I also think about all the young men that were Brotherized. I cannot remember all of their names and faces. Some are getting dim now. Some return, some stay away, some I will never forget and lastly, some I've forgotten. I do remember all of them as a wonderful group of men. Speaking of memories, I am reminded of a young man that graduated a few years ago. He was President of Omega Chapter. He signed the placque that was given to me on my 20th Anniversary of service here at Theta Chi. As fate intervenes, he is not with us anymore. A man of splendid character and of good deeds has paid the debt that all men must pay. His memories still remain though. Of course I'm speaking of Brother "Shrink" Jones to whom this issue of the Omegaphone is dedicated.
May I thank you for your patience, indulgence and time. See you Founder's Day. Your most obedient servant,
"Giff" E. T. Gifford
House Improvements
Throughout the past year, we have been striving to maintain the physical plant in top condition. With the permission of the Board of Directors and under the guidance of Dr. Remaley, we reopened our mortgage to obtain funds for some major repair jobs which we deemed necessary. Included under this was a complete repainting job, repainting of the bricks, a new porch and roof on the south side and an enlarged, modernized kitchen. The last item has succeeded in making Giff the happiest cook on campus.
In the past months, although hampered by a tight budget we have continued to improve the overall appearance of the house. The pledge classes have done a good deal of painting all over the house in addition to refinishing the floors and stairs. Over the semester break many of the actives will continue work on their rooms, and I'm sure the end result will be an improved and impressive chapter house.
When many of you return this coming Founder's Day I feel certain you will feel proud of our joint accomplishments.
The Pledges
This year saw an outstanding pledge class grace the halls of Omega in the form of the Winter term pledge class. Although small in number, this group of pledges not only fullfils its obligations but they also exhibit resourcefulness in doing so. Included in this group are:
MARK BURROUGHS who's a fifth term student from Erie and is majoring in Electrical Engineering. When not engaged in studying or pledge activities, he is usually found engineering shower parties and coal bin receptions for newly pinned or engaged brothers.
DICK HELLER is the athlete of the group and divides his time between studying and broad jumping for the varsity track team. Dick is a fifth term sophomore also, but in the college of Business Administration, and he hails from Sharon Hill, Pa., a suburb of Philadelphia.
The third member of this group is VINCE CAMPITELLI, a fifth term sophomore who makes his home in Reisterstown, Md. Vince is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and besides his studies he contributes much of his time to house functions.
The muscles behind this pledge class is ROD RAYNOVICH. Rod comes from Pittsburgh and is a fifth term sophomore majoring in Secondary Education. His interests include physical fitness and a wide variety of sports. His super capacity Mercury convertible has proven to be a boon to both pledges and brothers in transporting dates back and forth from house functions.
The elder and more conservative member of the group is BOB EASTWOOD, an eighth term Electrical En-gineering major. Bob comes from Lafayette Hill, Pa., and attended Ogontz Center for a year and a half be-fore transferring to the main campus here. Two scholastic holdovers from the last pledge class are:
LARRY HOOPES who presently hails from Progress, Pa. Larry began his college days at the University of Norwich, transferred to Oklahoma University for the remainder of his Freshman year, and then transferred here where he is majoring in Business Administration.
And the final member of the group, KEN MCCARTHY who comes to us from Arlington, Va. Ken started college at the Virginia Military Institute, which he attended for a year before transferring here where he is a fourth term sophomore in the College of Business Administration.
New Brothers
Since the last issue of the Omegaphone there've been two newly initiated groups of Pledges into the Brother-hood of Omega. These new actives have a bright future ahead of them both here at Theta Chi and later on. They are:
JOHN BARIE, a 5th term Architecture student from Buffalo, N. Y. A varsity basketball player and Sophomore Class Advisory Board Member, John's so sociable that we made him Social Chairman last term.
BILL BLAKELY, an 11th term Biology student from Philadelphia. He's a transfer student from Ogontz Center and is presently student teaching in Altoona from where he reports that the high school kids are more fun to work with than pledges.
DAVE BOWDEN, our Vice President, is a 5th term Business Administration major from Pittsburgh. When not studying or fighting off the coeds he puts in some time on the Sophomore Class Advisory Board Or the Alpha Xi Delta suite.
JOE BRAUN, who's a 7th term Chemical Engineering student from Philadelphia, got a 4.0 average during his pledge semester but turned out to be a normal guy after all. His persistent high marks don't in anyway clash with his social life (or is it vice-versa?).
DAVE FUNK is one of two brothers in his pledge class from Bethlehem. A fact he's still trying to live down. Dave's 5th term and a Sales Engineering major. Although none of as can sing, including him sometimes, he tries to lead us in it as song leader. He's also the Chapter Historian.
DAVE HEITEENRODER is a 5th term Accounting major from Pittsburgh and a Navy veteran. He was house manager last term and presently is on the staff of the student radio station (WDFM) and is a member of Business Administration Student Council.
PETE LAKE, the other brother in this pledge class from Bethlehem, is 5th term and a Metallurgy student. He's a member of Phi Eta Sigma honorary society and Mineral Industries Student Council. He plays basketball and bowls for the house as well as serving as Chaplain.
CHARLES SNUG, better known to us as "Chicly", came to us from Ogontz also. He's an 11th term Business Administration major from Havertown. Now serving as Secretary after being our Rush Chairman last term, Chicky's humor is limitless and we'll miss him come June. But, our loss will be the Army's gain—at least they think so1
That was the Spring Pledge Class of '61. The Fall Pledge Class included:
NORM ALLAN, 5th term Accounting major who's the current Athletic Chairman. Norm's also from Bethlehem and was on the varsity soccer team this past fall and plans to wrestle for the house in the Spring,
JACK BOWMAN, from Tunkhannock, Pa., is an 8th term major in Business Administration. Jack is on the Rushing Committee and takes a very active interest in everything concerning the house.
FRAN CONTE is a 4th term Math major from Beverley, Mass. He was on our football team as well as the basketball team. Pretty soon he'll have us all talking like Democrats of the "New Frontier".
JACK PALMER, 5th term Business student, is Assistant House Manager. He's from Buffalo, N. Y., and is very active in Theta Chi functions, particularly Rushing and Social ones.
TOM SIMPSON, a Physics major, is also 5th term. Tom studies hard, makes high marks, and still has time to be active in various University and house programs. He's a rebel from Falls Church, Virginia.
JOHN SWIFT is the present Rush Chairman in addition to being a 7th term Business Administration major. He's also Treasurer of the Young Democrats here at Penn State along with several other activities. Unofficially, John's Activities Chairman of the Chapter. His hometown is King of Prussia, Pa,
AL THOMPSON was born and raised in Philadelphia where he still makes his home. He's a 5th term Engi-neering Management student and one of the best known of all the Brothers. Al takes an active interest in every-thing, but most of all, his studies and our parties.
Omega battled its way through the fall term intramurals with a better than average standing.
Our crafty football team had a winning season this year with a 4 and 2 record. We lost a tough contest to Omega Psi Phi near the end of the preliminaries. Ken Vandenburgh almost pulled the greatest sneak attack since Pearl Harbor. He put his right arm in a sling and played end in the game. After dropping several easy passes thrown to him, supposedly because of his injured arm, Ken ran over the goal line on the next play, pulled his arm out of the sling and caught a touchdown pass. However, we missed the extra point and lost a heart-breaker 7-6.
The house basketball team went straight through all of our opponents in our league undefeated, Then we went to the finals where we met Phi Delta Theta who had a little too much height and speed for our men and we absorbed our first defeat 31-22.
This coming spring term looks even better for the men of Omega. We have quite a variety of talent to choose from for wrestling and track. Our soccer team should also give a lot of teams a tough battle for the championship and Bill Charron is looking for a partner to help him capture the doubles title in tennis. Theta Chi could go a long way this spring in athletics.
Blind Student Social Member of Omega
Dave Gregal, junior in Rehabilitation Education from Houtzdale, Pa., has become a social member of Theta Chi. Dave has been blind since birth, but he has made great strides in overcoming his handicap as evidenced by his social and scholastic records. Most of his studying is done with the aid of a tape recorder and special tapes which contain recorded textbooks. Incidentally, Dave's brother is Alex Gregal who graduated from Penn State in 1953 as a brother of Omega. In the future, Dave plans to do graduate work in his chosen field—we hope at Penn State.
Socially Speaking
We're happy to report that Theta Chi parties are still the best on campus. As usual, no matter how many parties, there always remain a few that highlight the year.
It's rare that Big Week-Ends aren't the best of the year and this year proved to be no exception. The fall weekend included a football game, cocktail party, and a swingin' jam session which proved to be a real blast. The Pledge Formal, now held in March instead of December, consisted of a jam session, cocktail party, formal banquet and the formal dance with a Southern Ball theme. Although we missed the evergreen decorations which were so beautiful, the pledges made new decorations in keeping with the theme which contributed much to the spirit of the weekend.
After having tremendous success with one wine-and-cheese party early in the Fall we duplicated both the party and the success later in the year. By making the first floor into one of those Italian restaurants with lots of atmosphere using checkered tablecloths, candlelight, waiters in red and white jackets and a background of soft mandolins (recorded) we discovered why this has become the favorite party on campus.
This last term saw mixers with the lovely girls of the Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, and Delta Delta Delta sororities. We had an enjoyable social with each of these highly regarded sororities.
There is only one phase of social life we regret we cannot make any report on, that being pinnings. This person thinks with spring coming up and those fancies turning to other things that the situation will be remedied. We hope that something has been mentioned which might spark a little drive back to the Penn State campus. You have a standing invitation, so why not visit us, if just for Founder's Day.
Rushing News
With the advent of the new term system, rush has become more concentrated than in years before. We have found that our very hard rush has brought profitable results. We feel that through this fine effort the future Fall Pledge Class of '62 will continue to carry on the name of Theta Chi in a manner most befitting one who bears that title. The men we have selected are the following: Bill Bianchi, Bill Rudy, Sam Padgen, Tom Kiley, Brian Andrews, Jim Scattergood, Joe Teck, Al Miglaccio, John Blish, Bill Gilmore, Mike Passaro, Joe Tentilucci, Joe Simonetta, Keith Evans, and Tom Natale.
Each of these men is very pm-sonable and, of course, well liked by all. Their combined average is over a 2.5 and they are a well diversified group of men representing just about every curriculum here at Penn State.
For Him the Theta Chi Bell Tolls
Richard W. Jones, Omega class of '60, and past President of Omega Chapter ('59) was among 77 Army Recruits killed in an airliner crash November 8, 1961 at Richmond, Virginia. Before "Shrink" was drafted, he was working on his M.A. Degree in Industrial Psychology at George Washington University. He is survived by his parents and two older brothers: Dave and Bob (Omega '58)
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.