October 1958 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the October 1958 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

IFC and New Pledging Code

Effective this fall, the Interfraternity Council has passed regulations forbidding first semester freshmen rushing privileges. The rules are designed to try to raise the scholastic standards and lower the casualty rate of freshmen men. These men begin their rushing at the start of the second semester. Ths-first-seven weeks of-the spring semester is the rushing period when the pledge classes are formed.

In order to enforce the laws, IFC has received sanction from the University Senate to impose social probation upon any fraternity that beaks either of the following:

1. No fraternity man is allowed to enter the freshmen dorms except to visit a relative.
2. No freshmen are allowed on fraternity premises except to attend a University sanctioned meeting. eg. Accounting Club or Pershing Rifles.

In keeping with the modernization theme in rushing and pledging programs, Omega has revited, its pledging program radically.

It is hopeful that the new program will develop a more mature and intelligent pledge within Omega. The emphasis is being placed on manners, attitude, social graces, and friendliness. A better understanding of Theta Chi history, traditions, songs, and objectives is required. A greater distinction between pledges and brothers in daily contact is being stressed with vigor.

Scholarship is being emphasized more than ever. With the chapter's rise in scholarship it is hopeful that a strict enforcement of the pledge study hours will help the pledge class to contribute to Omega's high rating. The Help Week program has also peen revised. Omega is hopeful that the period can be converted to a week of constructive work.

So far this semester the pledge marshal, Brother Gerhard, has received the cooperation of the brotherhood. The present pledge class is the experimental group. If these men can be developed into progressive, mature members of Omega, then we know that the Chapter has taken an important step forward. 

Omega Ranks Seventh

Scholarship is being emphasized this year more than ever before. With the coming of the new pledge class, many of whom have high averages, the pledging system is being revised so that scholarship will be in the forefront.

Academically, Omega Chapter is in a better position now than it has been for some time. To illustrate the rapid and steady improvement which has taken place, it may be noted that Theta Chi has risen from very near the bottom (52 among 56 in spring 1956) to among the top ten fraternities, and all in a period of two years. Last spring Omega Chapter ended the semester with a cumulative house average of 2.53, which ranked Theta Chi 7 of the 56 fraternities at Penn State.

Living in the house at present are ten seniors, twenty three juniors, and six sophomores. Three bother will be graduated this fall. We plan to continue and to improve Theta Chi's high ranking among the fraternities here. We feel that scholarship is certainly one of the most foremost indications of a really good fraternity. 

New Brothers 

Two new brothers have joined the ranks of Omega. They have completed their pledging and are looking forward to working with the brotherhood, They are Jim Wagner and George Loulis.

Jim is a fifth semester mechanical engineering student in the NROTC. Jim comes from Irwin, Pa.

George is a fifth semester electrical engineering student from Monessen. He is interested in sports. Also we welcome Dick Bartolazzi who transferred to Omega. 

Brother Dress's Views

As Omega Chapter begins the 1958-1959 scholastic year, the brothers and pledges are enthusiastic over upholding fraternity's outstanding achievements. Foremost of these achievements is our climbing from a mediocre status in scholarship to seventh place among the fifty-six fraternities at Penn State. Through the sincere efforts of our members, we have ascended from the extreme lower ranks of a few years ago to a position of prominence. This accomplishment, in particular, has created high spirit in the house. It is our wish to improve our scholarship, or at least maintain our present status.

The Interfraternity Council has iniated a new rushing code. The purpose of this new code is to allow the freshmen to become oriented to college life in general before acquainting themselves with the social fraternities. Fraternities are not allowed to conduct formal rushing with the first semester freshmen. The new code (at first glancd seems to present a problem to rushing. However it does have its attributes. Some of which are (1) Only men with acceptable averages are rushed. (2) It is better finically since men who are not seriously interested are kept away. It remains to be seen if this new code will be successful.

Our pledge system has been revised. The new program is designed to make a gentleman and a fraternity man out of the pledge, and to better his character, rather than degrade him through the rigors of the old system. The revision of the pledge program has presented many problems. But the brothers are cooperating fully with each other and the pledge marshall to make this new program a success.

Our new pledge system coupled with our scholastic achievement and high spirit point to an outstanding year for Omega chapter. 

New Officers

This semester's offices have been filled with five juniors and eight seniors. Our new president is Bill Kress, junior in electrical engineering. Bill is strongly emphasizing scholastic ahievement and gentlemanly conduct in the newly adopted pledging system.

For the position of vice president, Omega has chosen Dick Hill, hailing from Bethesua, Maryland. Dick is a transfer student who, thus far proved quite capable of handling more than his share of the responsibilities of his office.

Tom Eyerly is our secretary. Tom is an eager chap who constantly stresses the importance of fraternity spirit and good community relations.

Louis Brest, a senior in Business Administration, fills the position of treasurer. "Lou's" judgment and opinions in financial matters have proved invaluable in keeping Omega "out of the red."

Our new housemanager is "Clem" Bauer, one of the more experienced brothers in the house. Clem has accomplished quite a lot in only two weeks of school. Thus far, his achievements include new hedges, improved bathroom facilities, and a decidedly improved third floor hall.

The caterer this semester is Mike Kuhar, senior in Business Administration. With Mike at the helm, we can all be assured of an efficiently run kitchen.

Dick Gerhard fills that difficult and most important office of pledge marshall. Dick has taken a genuine interest in seeing to it that the pledges will "shape up." Dick's attitudes have really adapted to the newly instituted pledge program, which requires many flexible viewpoints.

Other positions include Dave West as rushing chairman; Bob Nocera as social chairman; Glenn Weishaar and Dick Partolazzi as athletic co-chairmen; Rich Jones a assistant caterer, songleader, and historian; Barry Herr as assistant house manager; Jack Mallino as chaplain; and Lamar Rohrbach as librarian. Tom Herrala is alumni secretary. 

New Pledges

The fall's pledge class consists of seven juniors and six sophomores all living in the house. The elected pledge caption Don Landenberg a fifth semester science major from Clark's Summit, PA. Don is a member of Alpha Nu, and honorary astronomy fraternity, and the Penn State glee club. He also takes part in German Club.

The newly formed office of assistant pledge captain is held by William Kimmel, a third semester student in Mechanical Engineering. Bill, who is a avid jazz fan, is a midshipmen in the Naval ROTC. His home is in Lemoyne, PA.

Bob Sorisio, a fifth semester business administration student hails from Leechberg, PA. His university activities include the Penn State Thespians , Newman Club, and the Accounting Club.

From Northhampton, PA. comes Bill Szupper, and Economics student in his fifth semester. Bill takes interest in various university organizations, such as the German, Newman and Accounting Clubs.

As a third semester student business administration, Neal Rhoads displays his musical talents in the Penn State Blue Band.  His hometown is Selingsgrove, PA.

Hailing from West Orange, N.J., Dave Boland is a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering. Dave extracurricular interests are centered about the University Orchestra in which he has attained the position of concertmaster.

George Bukes is a third semester student enrolled in the foreign service curriculum. He also is a member of the university orchestra and is active in the Thespians. George comes from Wilkinsburg, PA.

A chemistry major from West Chester, PA. Robert Dean is a member of the LaVie staff and the Jazz Club. Bob is a fifth semester student and is a energetic sports fan.

Butler, PA. gives us James McDeavitt, a fifth semester student of accounting. His interests vary from golf to jazz.

Edgar Walker, comes from Pine Grove Mills and is a fifth semester liberal arts student. Ed lists his activites as, the Collegian, Student Handbook and LaVie.

Coming from Derry, Pa., Charles "Chuck" Avampato, a third semester metallurgy student, is the winner of the 1957 Vanadium Alloys Steel Company Scholarship. He belongs to the Newman Club and American Society of Metals.

Jr. IFC representative, John Zerby is a student in electrical engineardng in his fifth semester. His home is in Dillsburg, Pa.; and his activites include the Daily Collegian, Froth, Penn State Engineer and LaVie.

Ian William Ramsey, a third semester student in business administration comes from Glenside, Pa. Ian is a midshipman in the Naval ROTC and is planning  a career in the navy.

This year, chances in the fraternity system were not only incorporated by Omega Chapter but also by the University. An organization consisting of a representative from each new pledge  class was formed by the IFC. It was the hope of the parent organization that this new group, called Jr. IFC, will become a forum to enable the pledges to discuss their problems among themselves., In addition, there will be a two way flow of ideas between the two organizations: the Sr. IFC will pick up information that might lead to more standardized rushing and the pledges will learn a great deal about their sponsor's organization. 

E. T. Speaks

It is times to welcome you home again. I an over anxious and bubbling over with enthusiasm to see your smiling faces again. The brothers are going all out to see that you have an enjoyable visit. You will notice new improvements in the house, and also het a chance to meet the new brothers.

The have done a wonderful job of rushing this year and the pledge class is one of the best in years! So come to see us and enjoy the fellowship with the brotherhood.

As for my part, I’m still the same, doing the same thing. You maybe find me a little older and a little fatter, but still colored.

I am always happy to serve you in my capacity. Therefore, I am anticipating seeing a lot of you this alumni weekend. Those of you cannot be present please try and give us your moral support. Write and tell me all about yourself. (good or Bad!) It is always wonderful to hear from you.

With the university expanding year by year, we find ourselves faced wit new problems we need the cooperation of all you alumni, so those of you who have not been interest4d in the past, kindly consider our position because we need your help. As our problems become more acute. Competition is greater now than ever before. So your generous cooperation is very much wanted. Come and see for yourselves and help us meet our obligations, fully confident that we may succeed in coping with the conditions that confront us.

So let’s make this a big one - the bigger the better!

Your most humble servant.


Omega Sports

Since the last Omegaphone the only sports in which Omega competed as a team was volleyball. The team, consisting of Brothers Mallino, Kuhar, Weishaar, Starr, Loulis, Keller, Herrala, and Coleman, wound up second in league play losing only to the team which was runnerup in the finals.

The current outlook for sports this fall is very good. The football team quarterbacked by brother Weishaar won its first game of the season and expects to go on to much higher honors as the season progresses. A big boost in football came this scason when Brother Bartolazzi transferred from Western State College in Colorado to Penn State. Due to rules regarding transfer students, Bart was not permitted to play ball for the Nittany Lions. But next year he hopes to be wearing the Blue and white uniform of State. A few other standouts in the first game were brothers Hill, Loulis, Mallino, Rohrbach and Herrala. We also received some aid from the pledge class by way of pledges Szupper and Kimmel.

The basketball season should also be promising one. Several of the boys who played last year return again this year. So here’s hoping.


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

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