Spring 1952 Special Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Spring 1952 Special Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Dear Alumni,

Last "Homecoming Weekend" the Omega alumni had their annual meeting in the club room of the Omega chapter house. At that time they decided that they would like to do something for their old chapter. However, rather than give us a sum of money to spend at our discretion, the alumni decided they would like to have a list of things that the chapter needs badly, and they would make their choice from this list.

But before we go into the actual list we would like to show you that the Omegamen have not been napping in the last few years. On page three is a group of photographs taken around the chapter house. I'd like to use the next few paragraphs to explain the signifigance of these pictures.

Picture #1 shows a portion of the walk, the steps, and the post light that have just been completed and installed. The walk and steps replace a muddy path that went from the front door to the side porch, and from there down the slope to Prospect Avenue. A similar walk has been put in across the back of the house from Prospect Avenue to the dining room doors. Another post light has been installed at the front steps - both of these lights are controlled by an automatic time switch so that they are not left burning all night.

#1 - New Steps, Walk and Lights

#2 - New Dining Room Chairs

The House

#3 - Refinished Tile Bathrrom

Picture #2 shows our pride-and-joy, our new, solid maple, dining roots chairs. Are were able to acquire these chairs after an extremely successful operating summer last year. Thanks to the efforts of a few brothers, we were able to maintain a full house nearly all summer. The profits from this operation bought the chairs. The old chairs, which were too decrepit for constant use in the dining room, are now being used in the chapter room. They are brought out for big parties or affairs, or whenever we need extra chairs.

The third picture shows what can happen if the plumber doesn't come on time. After waiting several weeks for the plumber to come to repair a leaky pipe, the Omegamen became impatient and went to work. First all the-old plaster and lathe were ripped down - then the leaking pipe was repaired. Fiberboard replaced the old plaster, a new flourescent light fixture (made by one of the brothers) replaced the old fixture - and new glass shelves, new hardware on the toilet doors, and new light fixtures were installed.

#8 - Miss Joan Deeg - Omega's Betsy Ross - 1952

#4 - Fire Tower

#5 - Typical Room

#6 - Another Typical Room

In #8 you see Omega's Betsy Ross and our new chapter flag. When we couldn't get a flag that we could afford and that was the size we wanted, Miss Joan Deeg, (pinned to yours truly) offered to make us one. Here she is shown with the results of her handiwork. 'Nough said.

In case you don't recognize the scene in #4 - it is the second floor, fire tower landing. The dingy, red bricks in the entire fire tower have been covered with white enamel, and the stairs, railings, and trim have been painted with grey enamel. Racks have been installed on each landing to hold the cleaning utensils needed for that floor. The old, wheezing "Coke" machine has been replaced by a shiny, new model.

All the rooms in the house have been recently redecorated pictures #5 and 6 show just two of the rooms that are typical of the "new look rooms" around the house.

#7 & #9 - Before Old Couch and After New Couch

Pictures #7 and #9 are typical "Before and After" sequence. Here you can see the direct results of the Furniture Fund and the efforts of the Furniture Committee. Picture 6 shows one of our old couches and #7 shows the same couch after we had it rebuilt and recovered. So far two couches have been done. Plans have been made to have four more couches and four chairs done as we accumulate funds.

These are only a few of the many, many improvements that we have made recently. Just to mention of few more: Three large banquet tables have been built to supplement the old "Round Tables" - The cornice around the top of the house has been repaired and repainted -the front lawn has been dug us, the soil conditioned, and a new lawn sown - The furnace room has been cleaned, and white washed, a new coal bin has been build and all the pipes and tanks have been thoroughly insulated - New shelves have been build in the pantry-way, the chapter room has been completely refinished - and I could go on for many more pages.

Before I close I'd like to mention one more big, recent improvement. Most of you will remember that it used to be a matter of "first come...." around here if you wanted to get a hot shower. Many methods were tried to alleviate the hot-water situation and none of them were too successful. Well, we got a new hot-water system that really works - now we have as much hot water as we want, whenever we want it.

As a preamble to the list that follows I'd like to quote from an article in the Beta Delta "Bugle" - The article was concerned with a new game room that Beta Delta had just completed. When it came to furnishings..."Mr. and Mrs. Plyley contributed a console television set; Mr. and Mrs. Gifford a player piano; Mr. and Mrs. Larew some rugs, chairs, lamps and a card table; Mr. and Mrs. Fisher a large rug; and Mr. and Mrs. Quick lent their large truck to pick up the things..."

The following is a list of things badly needed around the Omega's house: 

  1. Gardening tools

  2. Tools for the House Manager

  3. Ladders (step or extension)

  4. Storm windows and screens

  5. Moisture-proof exhaust fans for the two bathrooms and the kitchen

  6. Exhaust fan for the chapter room

  7. Cots or collapsible beds

  8. New mattresses (approx. 39" x 76") and pillows

  9. A large capacity refrigerator and a freezer

  10. New light fixtures for the halls

  11. Outdoor porch furniture

  12. Asphalt tile or rugs for the halls

  13. Furniture and rugs for the individual rooms

  14. Clothes washing-machine and dryer

  15. Legal size, file cabinets for blue-book files

  16. A Clock for the club-room mantel piece

  17. A set of encyclopedia and books for the library

  18. Card tables and chairs

  19. A twin bed, bedroom suite for the guest room

  20. All kinds and colors of indoor and outdoor paints

  21. Ash trays (stand type) for the first floor

  22. A new American Flag (3.5'x 5.5')

  23. A large mirror for the foyer (approx. 5'x5')

  24. Amasite paving for the alley and parking lot (approx. cost $550 to 600)

If you have any Questions about these items please drop us a line. We at Omega have big plans for the future - BUT, we need your help and we need it badly. 

Sven Schiff
Alumni Correspondent for the Furniture Committee 

New Officers

The leadership of Omega Chapter has once again changed hands. Jim Phillips was succeeded by Dick "by gar" Johnson as president. Dick will take "good ship Omega" over the stormy waters for the coming year and we all know he will do a bang up job. Dick has as his right hand man Richard Fronko who has taken over the vice presidency formerly held in the capable hands of Craig Rupp. John Budesky has taken over the secretarial duties replacing our old pen jocky Larry Van Gorder. Lloyd Dietrich has relinquished his treasurers job to our very capable Bob Gohn whom we are all sure will keep that black ink flowing.

Omegamen occupying other jobs are as follows: 

Assistant treasurer- Chuck Meassick 
Pledge Marshal - Fred Fieni
Chaplin - Warren Hommas
Historian - Chuck Douds
Librarian - Hal Wells
Caterer - Bill Elmore
I.F.C. Rep - Joe Tars
Athletic Chairman - Gene Whitehouse 
Social Chairman - Jack Richards
Rushing Chairman - Joe Parker
House Manager - Tom Morton
Omegaphone Editor - Bob Will

The meeting at which we held the elections was probably the longest of the year. It lasted until 1:30 and hardly anyone got to bed until two. The discussion on each candidate preceding the vote brought out many faults and virtures which helped us to make good sound decisions. The new leaders calling the signals for the coming year are tops and if they get the backing from the chapter that they deserve and will need to fulfill their duties we will come out on top next year as we have this year. Got to it men we're all behind you and wish you luck. 

Warren Hommas 

Furniture Improvements 

New furniture? No, just a rebuilding of the old. This is the news we have on the improvements on the first floor.

How much have we already accomplished? To this we answer "plenty!" We have paid out $663 for furniture repairs and have a balance of $606.11. Here is what has been done; two old leather couches rebuilt and recovered, two of the newer couches repaired, two more old couches in the process of being rebuilt and recovered, two couches and three chairs also being re-upholstered.

How has all this been accomplished? Here is our answer and also our plans for the future. Our furniture was depreciating rapidly so we took action to remedy the situation. A furniture committee was organized and the gears began to whirl. Raffles were held, a food concession was started, and all fines and donations were turned into the furniture fund. As the money came in, the furniture committee put it to work. We started with repairing our newest green couches We ordered maroon leather for the recovering of two old black leather couches - $240.00, labor $173.00. Maroon leather for two more leather couches was ordered at a cost of $240,00. The labor cost was $170.00.

Next on the list was the music room furniture. Through Paul Brecht, alumni, we were able to purchase material for two couches and three chairs for $200.00. This furniture will be repaired and recovered by next fall at a cost of $190.00.

Future improvements we plan, include; cleaning the rugs, $200.00; card room furniture rebuilt and recovered, $250.00; and the guest room furniture redone, $100.00. These are the outstanding jobs to be done on the first floor. Next in line is the furniture on the 2nd, and 3rd floors.

We are pleased to announce that Bob Bossier is the winner of the $25.00 saving bond raffle. Our sincere thanks to all of you who have helped to make our furniture fund a success. The alumni raffle brought $92.00 into our fund. Are are not only grateful for financial help but we would also appreciate any advice, ideas, or anything you might do to help us. Our future is bright, providing we have the whole-hearted support of the men in the house and from you. Just drop a line to the furniture committee with any suggestions you may have. We will keep you posted on our progress in future editions of the Omegaphone. 

The Regional Convention

The fourth and fifth of March were the dates det for the Region Three's Annual Convention. For weeks before this time, Omegamen were making plans for their weekend in Philadelphia. Men who had attended previous conventions gave pep talks urging everyone to get to their year's get-together. Joe Tars increased the "Convention Fever" by coming up with a novel sash that the Omegamen decided to wear to the convention. Our treasurer Lloyd Deitrich kept after the men to get their fees in.

So when Friday the fourth rolled around everybody was raring to go. The first carload left just before lunch on Friday and the last car left early Saturday morning. Sven Schiff and Bill Wendel left at 11:30 on Friday after they finished running the lights for the Thespian and Players shows respectively. They had two co-eds with them who were also going to the convention with the Omegamen. Schiff's car made it as far as Lewistown, breathed its last gasp, and died in the harness. After much haggling Schiff and Wendel convinced a cabby to take the four of them to Philadelphia for just a little more than the train would have cost. They arrived in at Schiff's house in Philadelphia just in time to meet three carloads of astounded and slightly bewildered men who had been out seeing the town.

All the men stayed at the homes of Joe Tirs, Joe Parker, Tom Morton, Fred Fieni, Lou Tilson, and Dick Kerwin. Saturday was spent seeing the town and there were workshop meetings at Drexel. Saturday night the big event of the weekend, the convention banquet, was held in the Spacious ballroom of the hotel. Speeches, songs, cheers, and awards were the order of the day. Under the capable cheerleading of Bill Wendel and Sill Shomberg, Omega won the Singing and Cheering jug - Omega also got the jug for the Most Man Miles Traveled to come to the convention. President Jim Phillips accepted the awards.

After the banquet a combo took over the bandstand, the tables were moved out, and a very enjoyable dance was held in the ballroom. Bill Elmore, Ralph Stuck, Dick Johnson, Chris Snyder, and George Walz rented a Suite of rooms in the hotel. This suite was soon the site of lively party.

Late, very late Sunday morning the tired Omegamen dragged themselves out of their sacks and prepared for the trip back to Penn State. After all was said and done, everybody agreed that it was one of the best conventions. The ten who missed it have been swearing that they'll et to the next one, come what may. 

Sven Schiff

Spring Pledge Class

George E. Groninger  -- George is a quite type of fellow. Despite this, he plays trumpet in Brother John Leister's band, is a member of Glee Club and Choir and also plays piano. With all this musical talent you might have guessed that he is in Music Ed. and boasts a 2.7 all college average for four semesters.

Louis N. Martini -- Lou is an easy going fellow who is in L.A. School majoring in Political Science. He is a member of Pershing Rifles, an R.O.T.C. honorary. Lou comes from Philadelphia and sports around in a Buick Roadmaster.

James R. Moyer -- Jim is a town boy who's father is the new head of the Secondary Education Division at the college. The trumpet and the french horn are his musical accomplishments. He is a second semester chemistry student with a 2.3 average but expects to change to Aeronautical Engineering. "Nancy" a "29" Chrysler that purs like a kitten is Jim's pride and joy.

Roscoe B. Snedeker Ross is a 4th semester Forester who comes from Meadville, Pa. He is also a member of the Forestry Society. He makes the "Bellefonte run" quite frequently.

Frank K. West -- Ken who hails from Pittsburgh is an 8th semester Mining Engineering student. He is a member of the Thespians and is a student associate in the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Ken, who will be a Marine when he graduates, has a mascot pup called "Major.' He says any job offers will be gratefully accepted after his jaunt with Uncle Sam.

Thomas K. White -- Ken is a 4th semester pre-law student with a 2.4 average. He is quite active on the Debate Team and was just tapped into the Androcles a sophomore honor society.

Louis A. Wilson -- "Cuddles" is his nickname. One look at him and you'll know how he got it. Lou was on the fencing team and is not active in the Pre-Medical Society and the Biology Club. He lives in Philadelphia and is majoring in zoology and entomology. Lou and Ken West claim that they are the only 8th semester pledges on campus. 

By Fred Fieni 

Social News

Well here we are about to finish another furious spring semester. As we look back we can recall our vivid trip to Philly, for the Convention, where we of Omega won two jugs -- one for the most man miles, and one for the best songs and cheers. If anyone ever had any doubts about the spririt of the men now at Omega, they would have been immediately dispelled at the convention. Our singing may not have been good, but it certainly was loud and full of life. Our host at Drexel had things arranged to a see, even dates were provided. "Philly is a beautiful town."

After the convention things began to happen back here at State. Sororities entertained, and we did our best to entertain them. Mother's Day weekend was a very happy and impressive affair. Spring week stopped all studies, and won Theta Chi the reputation of being the cleanest Fraternity on campus. "Our booth featured dunking a Theta Chi or a Tri-Delt in an enormous tank of ice water. House party was held immediately following spring week, as the result most members viewed the weekend through sleepless eyes. But the Senior Ball Friday, and our picnic and dude danch party made the weekend one that will be long remembered.

The only smiling faces around the house now are those of Craig Rupp soon to be married to Jo Jarvis of Pgh., Dave Miller, recently pinned to Angela Dery of Manchester, N.H., Tom Lewis who is engaged to Mae Ralph of Erie and Pete Fairchok who is to be married to Joan Adams of Scranton. As for the social future of Omega, BROTHER come back and see for yourself. The events grill be terrific. 

Jack "bewildered" Richards 

Sport News 

Jim Nelson retired as athletic chairman with Theta Chi down near the middle (24th), in IM sports standings. A so-so wrestling season hurt us somewhat. However two of our boys, George Walt, who won, by a pin in a spectacular bout, and Fred Fieni. Each were beaten by eventual champions. We closed out our winter sports by breaking even in volleyball doubles, while running nothing on the badminton court. Spring sports are just starting up. At the end of the first half of the beer league softball, it appeared that we have a good team that could go places. Two successive days of sloppy playing hurt us, but if we can shape off our slump we could take the second half and the play off.

Two Oil City boys, Ralph Stuck and John Budesky are pacing the team in hitting with Joe Parker close behind. Bob Gohn has done some fine pitching including--a two hit shutout, (14 strikeouts and only one walk). Soccer, with Fred Fieni and Jim Nelson leading the team, might gain quite a few points for the house. While we are hoping for some individual winners in track and field, our golf and tennis players seem to have trouble scheduling games except on days when it is raining or blowing a high gale.

With all these sports, some of our more athletically inclined men seem to spend all their time running from one sport to another with hardly time to eat.

Gene Whitehouse


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

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