Fall 1948 Omegaphone
Alumni Weekend
The fear of the law brought many of the Theta Chi Alumni in answer to the summons requiring their presence for Alumni homecoming weekend. The festivities began on Friday night with many of the old grads arriving to greet their college chums. The house was in readiness with a lawn display and a hugh picture across the front depicting "Penn State Through The Ages."
Even the football team was up to the task of welcoming the alumni for they provided a hard-fought, football game which ended in a 14-14 tie with the highly rated Michigan State on Saturday afternoon. As usual, the game was followed by the traditional, banquet. The pig-kissing ceremony brought howls of appreciation as Herbie Kurtz, the youngest pledge, kissed the pig on the well-known spot.
The serious part of the weekend set in as the alumni association gathered for their meeting on Saturday night, George Chapman, Sr., presided as chairman. During the meeting, the house budget as presented by the treasurer, James Craig, was approved following the reading and approval of last year's minutes. Election of the following directors was then conducted: F. J. Doan, W. A. Coates, and H. R. Alter. Plans were discussed for a spring meeting to be held about Founder's Day at which time the happy task of burning the one mortgage will take place. The remainder of the meeting was spent with the details of transforming the interior of the house into the gracious good-looking place it has been in days past. Everyone could see the condition of the furniture and approved the plans that the actives put forth. The alumni have agreed to subscribe to this drive and it should have the support of each member. The chairman requested the addresses of all those for whom they have no address or whose mail is being returned. Please send your up-to-date address to us at the house or to the alumni association.
The following were present for the week-end: Norm Dietrick '34, Ed. Webb '48, Bill & Fred Grun, Ernie Wilby (Mr. & Mrs.), R. Brooke Keeley (Mr. & Mrs.), E. W. George, W. Renton, Leslie Fryer, A. L. Kahn '40, R. E. Seeley '40- '49, Bob Patterson '30, Paul M. Bud '44, Jack Tingle, Ellwood B. Cassel, M. T. Bunnell, Blair Henderson (Mr. & Mrs.), C. H. Anderson '31, W. A. Brown '44- -47, McKinstry (Mr. & Mrs.), C. C. Peters, A. A. Frey '33, Dale Kaufman '33, Bert Willard '48, E. Catlin (lir. & Mrs.), J. E. Brannigan.
Attention Alumni
In order to make the OMEGAPHONE more interesting to you, we must have adequate information about the ALUMNI. We urge each and every one of you, whether of the class of '19 or '47, to make contact with the active chapter. Write us a letter or post-card giving such particulars as marital status, children (if any), present occupation, and any other items which would be of interest to your old classmates. Yes, we are going to do our part too. Enclosed in this issue of the OMEGAPHONE you will find a 3 x 5 printed information card. It is impreative that each Alumni brother fill out this card and return it to the secretary immediately. Many of the addresses we now have are void, so PLEASE cooperate with us. - Thanks.. Joe Jackson, Sec.
`33 Returns
Omega chapter was honored to have as its weekend guest on November 19, 1948 Frank A. 'Camden, '33. Frank was formerly a Kappa Nu and was initiated into Omega of Theta Chi in 1938. For the past eight years, he has been working for the Army in Puerto Rico, where he is now living with his wife and daughter. Frank would like very much to hear from his old classmates.
Bottom Row L to R: James Swab, Harold Stetson, James Craig, Harold Frazier, Robert Bossler, Joseph Jackson, William Fairchok, M. Kipfer, Merle Cox
Second Row L to R: Ralph Moyle, Carmen Cialella, David Frankenfield, Robert Ritz, Harold Showalter, W. Jones, Ralph Ettinger, Edward Noyes, Philip Brown, Arthur Bandorick, Herbert Wittman
Third Row L to R: Robert Clarke, George Cochrane, Joseph Jaskowiak, Theophilus Collins, Harry Lang, Harry Bink, William Clark, Robert Nein, Lawrence Giancola
Fourth Row L to R: Thomas Ward, William Hanley, Richard Crowers, Ray Campfield, James Taylor, Robert Kennedy, B. Blaugh, V. Bacchetta, N. Kekich, Dorsey K. Strayer
Top Row L to R: G Gordner, J. Ferguson, G. Shuette, F. Rach, James Robinson, Bruce Wallace, Richard Rogers, George Chapman, S. Cotton, Bruce Gerwig
New Omegamen
Phil Brown and Vince Bacchetta, former brothers of Beta Chi chapter of Allegheny College and Beta Eta chapter of Washington College, respectively, have joined with the Omegamen. Already they have contributed many of their talents to the chapter and Alma Mater. "Vince is a J. V. soccer man this year and Phil is a member of the College Symphony Orchestra.
Theta Upsilon Omega Initiated
On Sunday, October 24, 1948 Omega initiated Leslie C. Fryer into Theta Chi. Brother Fryer was formeraly a member of Theta Upsilon Omega fraternity which merged with Theta Chi in 1938. The actives of Omega wish to take this, opportunity to welcome Brother Fryer into Omega chapter.
Fall Pledge Class
Herbert Kurtz - Connelsville, Pa.
Edward Noyes - Montgomery, Pa.
Frank Rach - Wilkinsburg, Pa.
George Schuette - Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jack Storer - Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Bruce Wallace - Upper Darby, Pa.
Tom Ward - Belle Vernon, Pa.
Robert Clarke - Pittsburgh, Pa.
William Clark - Clearfield, Pa.
George Cochrane - Uniontown, Pa.
Ted Collins - Pittsburgh, Pa.
Stan Cotton - Volant, Pa.
Dave Evans - Scranton, Pa.
Jim Ferguson - Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Bruce Gerwig - North Hills, Pa.
Larry Giancola - Kennett Square, Pa.
Glenn Gardner - Millville, Pa.
Joe Jaskowiak - Philadelphia, Pa.
Warren Jones - Scranton, Pa.
Nick Kekich - Youngwood, Pa.
Bob Kennedy - Upper Darby, Pa.
lumni News Bits
Isolated up here on Mt. Nittany, we are apt to be a bit behind on some of this information, but it's our hope that you might find an item or two that could be called news. Along these lines, drop us a line as to where you are and what your doing or any other pertinant facts you'd like to see in this column in some future OMEGAPHONE.
Joining the ranks of fathers, we have several who have made the grade recently. Bill Renton, Bill Brown and Paul Burns are all being introduced to the diaper, bottle and so on. May we send along our congratulations.
Several others have been eliminated from the bachelor ranks. Jack Seymore, Burt Willard, Bob Waltenbaugh, Les Strickler, Howard Bink, Floyd (Tubby) Lang and Gerry Karver have all taken the fatal step. To these we also send many handshakes.
Among our most recent graduates, several have re-entered the Service. Whiz White re-entered the Naval Aviation Program as an Ensign. Jack Williams has re-entered the Transport Command as a Second Lt. Phil Garm is now a Second Lt. in the Marine Corps. Yes sir, they never had it so good:
Here and there---- Ed Webb has his own business...selling farm electrical equipment down in West Chester, Pa. Ed George is an engineer for Westinghouse Electric in Beaver, Pa. Harry Brinker is another engineer working for General Electric in Philly. Floyd Lang is a farm forester in Norristown. Jim Sears is also employed by General Electric in Cleveland, Ohio. Cliff Woodward, a petroleum engineer in the Texas oil fields.. Arnie Leonard has gone to Bogata, Columbia as a geologist. Bob Williams is the caterer in a hotel in Anderson, Ind. Burt Willard is a landscape gardener for Busch Nurseries in Allison Park, Pa. Harry Burnham and Gerry Brawn are fruit inspectors at Newark. Gerry Karver is now reoreationdirector for Atlantic Oil Corp. in Pnilly. George Brazzle is at Western Reserve studying law. Jack Seymour is Asst. Manager of the Allenberry Hotel near Carlisle. Vaughn Stapelton is a teacher in Wilmington, Del. Bill Renton as explosive engineer for the Atlas Powder Co. in Bluefield, W. Va. Ray Ritz is now in Phillipsburg manager of the Clearfield Daily Times.
Fall House Party
Friday, November 12, officially opened a great houseparty week-end at Theta Chi. The "imports" started pouring in Friday afternoon. The first big event, the Junior Prom, was attended by many of the Omegamen on Friday evening. The music was supplied by Johnny Long and his orchestra.
Saturday afternoon everyone braved the cold, rainy weather to see the Penn State football team trounce Temple to a 47 to 0 score.
After the game, "Giff" prepared a successful buffet supper. Well fed and in good spirits, everyone eagerly awaited the highlight of the weekend, the "Bowery Brawl".
All those present were attired in some costume reminiscent of the 'gay nineties" era. The occasion called for moustachios and sideburns for the men, and for the girls..well..use your imagination. The Altoona Mountaineers supplied the music.
Many of the pictures taken by the local photographers were displayed in downtown shops with the heading..... "Theta Chi, best all-around fraternity party". Chaperones for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buffington and Mr. and Mrs. James Blackwell.
Chapman, New I.F.C. Prexy
George M. Chapman Jr., now a seventh semester student in Mechanical Engineering and last years Theta Chi Treasurer, was elected Interfraternity Council President at the annual election of I.F.C. Officers held April 27, 1948.
Our hats are off to George who has been a great asset to both the Chapter and Alma Mater. On campus, he is a member of Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma, Mechanical Engineering honorary; and Parma Nous, campus hat society.
Contributing his fine organizational and executive ability, George has already gone a long may in providing the leadership necessary to build I. F. C. as a powerful and effective organization on campus.
Omegamen Excel in Sports
The battle is close for the award of *Greatest Athletic" and "Greatest Athletic Supporter' in the Theta Chi house. As this has been a banner year thus far in interfraternity competition. The outlook for the future is even brighter and next year we should see several hew trophies adorning the mantelpiece.
Paced by Captain Bob Nein, the bowling team is now ten points ahead of the nearest competitor and is definitely on the way to its second win in two years in the I.F.C. bowling league.
A fast and powerful Football team won three straight games before being upset in the quarter finals by a one point margin in a hard fought, overtime struggle. With "Rod" Hanley, "Arm" Frazier, and "Bullet" Evans pitching and Bruce Wallace, Frank Rach, Torn Ward, Vince Bacohetta, Merle Cox, Jud Lang, Chick Cialella, and Joe Jackson all sharing in the receiving, the team looked very good.
This year our basketball team is definitely pointing to the championship and already has two impressive victories to its credit. With Bruce Wallace at center, Red Hanley and Herb Kurtz at guards, Dick Rogers and Bill Clark at forwards, we have a team that averages well over six feet and can really capitalize on its height. Also slated to see plenty of action are Bob Waltenbaugh, and Hal Frazier at guards,, and Larry Giancola and Merle Cox at forwards.
For the first time since the war Theta Chi is once again represented in the I.F.C. boxing tournament, and although too much can not be expected of this year's inexperienced team, it is almost a certainty we will garner enough points to keep us among the leaders for the final Intermural Trophy. This year's team is led by "Jarrin" Dave Evans with plenty of support from "Joltin Joe" Jaskowlak, "Killer" Collins, "Battlin Jim" Ferguson, "Terrible" Frank Rach, "Red" Hanley and "Big Boy" Jim Swab.
Singers Reorganized
Again the Theta Chi glee club is organized under the direction of Alumnus brother Dave Doan. Through his efforts music has been arranged and great things are expected of his selected group including George Chapman, Jim Taylor, Bruce Wallace, Bob Ritz, Duke Robinson, Joe Jackson, Ralph Ettinger, and Richard Nickolas.
Yule Season Celebrated
Saturday, December 11, marks the annual Christmas Party-Dance of Omega chapter. This year's event promises to surpass the excellent presentations of past Christmas formals of this chapter, as all the local fraternity personnel are vieing to make this affair our best yet.
The Christmas dinner, beginning at six o'clock, will be formal in every detail. The ladies will be bedecked in their colorful gowns, with a lovely corsage of red and white carnations presented to each lady. The gentlemen will be dressed in the customary black formal attire. Candle light will enhance the traditional yuletide atmosphere, with the dining hall gaily decorated with holly, mistletoe, pine bough, laurel, and yule tree. This year our cook, "Samson" Gifford, is going all out in making this a dinner as only 'Giff'' can make. Toasts of wine, and choicy dishes of seasonal niceties will add to the feasting pleasures. Carol singing will conclude the dinner program.
Dancing will commence at eight o'clock in the first floor lounge, with Les Michener and his orchestra providing the music entertainment. The entire first floor will be elaborately decorated with a large tree donated by the pledge class. Several original innovations by our decorating committee will be in striking view. Soft lighting, with a yule log fire blending in, will offer the color scheme. Door prizes and other treats will add to the already overloaded program. A capacity crowd is assured, including various visiting Alumni.
Chaperoning this gala affair will be Dr. and Mrs. Albert Buffington and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lebo.
Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.
Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.