Spring 2017 - New Front Door to Chapter House
Spring 2017 - New Front Door to Chapter House
Spring 2017 - New Front Door to Chapter House
Spring 2017 - New Front Door to Chapter House
Spring 2017 - New Front Door to Chapter House

AJ Bobby dances to Fitz and the Tantrums' HandClap at the 2017 THON Kids Talent Show with his sisters Alexis and Annabelle and Theta Chi Brothers & Tapestry Sisters

AJ Bobby Dances at 2017 THON Kids Talent Show

Leah Fait and The Nittany Lion at THON 2017

Leah Fait and The Nittany Lion at THON 2017

Leah Fait at THON 2017

Leah Fait at THON 2017

Leah Fait and Parth Patel at THON 2017

Leah Fait and Stephen Sandford at THON 2017

John Broderick, the Lead Program Coordinator for the Sexual Violence Awareness club on campus, Men Against Violence, speaks at University sponsored Sexual Violence Prevention Gala.

Brothers John Broderick and Ryan Gattoni leading the "Walk a Mile in her Shoes" event with many Theta Chi brothers behind them - Spring 2017
2017 Theta Chi Open - Matt Mankus wearing the Red Jacket (it actually fits) and the Trophy. Dan McTague looks on wishing he was Matt
2017 Theta Chi Open - from left to right Bob Losinger, Ed Kivitz, Tom Hornyak, Paul Cunningham, Dave Matthews, Bob Bohach, Matt Mankus, Greg Schlegel, Hugh McClure, Mike Dalesio, John Wszalek, Bob Mausser, Ken Slaby, Bill Rooney
Ryan Gattoni (Tuxedo) and Parth Patel (Neon Shirt) on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
David Cox on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
Milton Rahman on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
Kannan Ramanathan on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
John Sylvester on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
Jordan Reeed (Bucket on head), John Sylvester (Blue cap) on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
Kannan Ramanathan on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017
Members of Sigma Alpha Sorority and Shay Amin (Light Blue), Milton Rahman ( Light blue hat), and Colin Ninke (Nike hat) on the last canning trip allowed by THON - Sept. 2017

Chapter House week prior to Michigan Game - Oct. 2017

Tim Gregory (L), AJ Bobby, OX THON Child and Patrick O'Brien (R) with in back row with AJ's sisters, Annabelle (Blue) and Alexis (Green), and members of OX partner organization Sigma Alpha

AJ Bobby performing yoga with Patrick O'Brien

L to R: Jordan Reed, Abby Setley, Parth Patel, Collin Ninke, Dominic Rivera, Caitlin Rauch and Sarah McNeil at Penn State Hersey Medical Center - over 29 spinal tap procedures and counting: brought to you by Sigma Alpha and Theta Chi’s THON 2017 fundraising efforts

Frank Donato points out the upcoming holiday Dia De Los Muertos - Fall 2017

Rory McGowan stands tall next to his favorite gum ball machine - Fall 2017

The alumni and Undergraduate brothers enjoy a Sunday brunch at Ray Azteca. From left to right around the table) Bradley Nichols, Parth Patel, Colin Kaye, Danny Lim, Rory McGowan, Patrick O'Brien, and John Sylvester - Fall 2017

Colin Kaye (Right) reminisces on his glory days as IM racketball champion with alumnus brother Mark Joyce - Fall 2017

Connor DeKranis snacks as the tailgate preparation gets kicked off - Fall 2017

Theta Chi and Volé perform during 2017 Homecoming’s For The Glory Talent Show - Nov. 8, 2017

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2017 Homecoming - OX and Vole

2016-17 Composite
2017 Composite: Top Row L to R: Joe Saylor, Bradley Nichols, Nik Lanum, Bryant Narvaez, Saif Khalil, Parth Patel, Marcus Lim, Josh Kich, Ryan Gattoni, Patrick O’Brien - 5th Row L to R: max Salon, Steve Sanford, Frank Donato, Thomas Strnad, Ryan Campbell, Derek Miller, Michael Tapsoba, Connor Dekranis - 4th Row L to R: Patrick Hilling, Brennan Bench, Colin Kaye, John Broderick, Kevin Diguiseppe, Chris Silverwood - 3rd Row L to R: Tom Gregory, Neel Parikh, Milton Rahman, Steve Hatten, Osakioduwa Pat-Osgie, Brian Hong - 2nd Row L to R: Malhar Dave, Tim Lagnese, Steve Gerry, Eli Rymland-Kelly, Samantha Fisher, Shannon Hershman, Amy Miller, Kevin Trippel, Jordan Reed, Paul D’Alessio, Dave Cox - Bottom Row L to R: Anirudh Aggarwal, Tyler Olson, Shaylen Amin, John Sylvester, Dominic Rivera, Kawsar Ahmed, Ethan Or, Kanal Ramanathan, Josh Rosenbaum, Jeremy Fortunato, Apurva Main, Tripp Woll