L to R: Annabelle Bobby, AJ Bobby, Jason Jonas and Alexis Bobby - THONhoops - Feb. 2014

AJ Bobby and Jason Jonas - THONhoops - Feb. 2014

John Boston - Feb 2014

PSI CLASS - Spring 2014 Pledge Class — with John Lin, Rory McGowan, Sean Curry, CJ Winand, Mark Moseley, Nick Vassilakos, Joey Saylor, Ben Yaroslavsky, Patrick Hilling, Thomas Strnad, removed, Johnny Kwon, Derek Miller and Ryan Campbell. Not pictured Mike Tabsoba and Connor Dekranis - February 16, 2014

AJ Bobby (top) and Sam Shively - THON 2014

Ian Maxwell (L) and Niral Pokal (R) and The Booby Family - THON 2014

Ian Maxwell (L) and Niral Pokal- THON 2014

TK (L) and Alex Patton - THON 2014

Edward Brand - THON 2014

Evan Venice (L) and Jason Jonas - Thon 2014

Ian Maxwell - 2014 THON

Aviva Doery and Ian Maxwell - THON 2014

2014 THON

Kevin Trippel, Zachery Meharey and Niral Pokal the The Bobby Kids - THON 2014

Jason Jonas - 2014 THON

TK, Caulen Hershman, Tim, and Frank Donato - THON 2014

TK and Kris Canner - 2014 THON

Mark Joyce and Edward Brand - THON 2014

(From left) Alexis, 13, Theta Chi fraternity brother Ian Brodsky, AJ, 10, and Annabelle, 13, pose with the green tractor prop used in their Kid's Variety Show performance - THON 2014 - Feb. 22, 2014

Ian Maxwell (L) and Niral Pokal - THON 2014

TK and Mark Joyce - THON 2014

Niral Pokal and Ian Maxwell - THIN 2014

L to R: Danny Lim, TK and Greg Black - THON 2014

Alejandro Buxó (R) - THON 2014

Niral Pokal, Sean Siburn and Ian Maxwell - THON 2014

Tapestry and Theta Chi preform 2013 Homecoming Talent Show Performance - Kayla Miller, Julie Rockwell, Niral Pokal, Larissa Steeb, Jerry Douglas Crompton, Stephanie Uliana and Mark Moseley - THON 2014

Jerry Douglas Crompton, Larissa Steeb and Mark Moseley preform the Tapestry and Theta Chi 2013 Homecoming Talent Show Performance at THON 2014

Ian Maxwell and Niral Pokal with the Bobby's - THON 2014

Brian Patchett - THON 2014

John Lin and Brian Patchett - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Shawn Stern and Rory McGowan - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Matthew Liu and Nick Vassilakos - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Brandon Roberts and Connor DeKranis - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Danny Lim - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Sam Kulp and CJ Winand - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Ryan Campbell, Thomas Strnad, Jason Jonas, Andrew Sie, Edward Brand and removed - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Michael Tapsoba and Frank Donato - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Nick Stadtlander and Ben Yaroslavsky - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Sean Curry and Jeb Biernat - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Thomas Strnad and Jason Jonas - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Edward Brand and Ryan Campbell - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Big Brother and Derek Miller (R) - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Alex Patton and Johnny Kwon - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Alex Constable and Joey Saylor - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Andrew Sie and removed - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Connor DeKranis, Brandon Roberts, Michael Tapsoba, Mark Moseley, Kyle Sussman, Jason Jonas, Nick Vassilakos, Frank Donato, Thomas Strnad, Jerry Douglas Crompton, Shawn Stern, Matthew Liu, removed, Rory McGowan, Andrew Sie, Ryan Campbell and Edward Brand - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Mark Joyce and Patrick Hilling - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Ian Maxwell, Ben Walker, Danny Lim, Alex Constable, Joey Saylor and Derek Miller - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Ben Yaroslavsky, CJ Winand, Sean Curry, Jeb Biernat, Nick Stadtlander, Sam Kulp, Brian Patchett and John Lin - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Connor DeKranis, Brandon Roberts and Kyle Sussman - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Michael Tapsoba, Jerry Douglas Crompton and Frank Donato - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Sean Curry, Jeb Biernat, Ben Yaroslavsky, Nick Stadtlander, Brian Patchett and John Lin - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Nick Vassilakos, Matthew Liu, Shawn Stern and Rory McGowan - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Ben Yaroslavsky, Sean Curry, Jeb Biernat, Sam Kulp, Nick Stadtlander, Brian Patchett and John Lin - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Zach Bunsick, Mark Joyce and Patrick Hilling - Big-Lil Brother Night - March 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Kevin Trippel - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Jerry Douglas Crompton and Ryan Gattoni - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Alex Constable - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Ryan Gattoni - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Frank Donato and Alex Constable - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Ryan Gattoni - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Alex Constable and Andrew Sie - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Sean Curry - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - removed, Jason Jonas and Kyle Sussman - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - removed and Jason Jonas - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Mar. 22, 2014
Alumni Work Weekend - Basement Bathroom Before - Mar. 22, 2014
Alumni Work Weekend - Basement Bathroom Before - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Jason Jonas - Mar. 22, 2014

Alumni Work Weekend - Tub has been removed - Mar. 22, 2014
Alumni Work Weekend - Basement Bathroom After - Mar. 22, 2014
Alumni Work Weekend - Basement Bathroom - Mar. 22, 2014
Alumni Work Weekend - Basement Bathroom - Mar. 22, 2014

FLICKS 2014 - Edward Brand, Danny Lim, Jason Jonas and Alex Constable - Mar. 23, 2014

FLICKS 2014 - Matthew Liu, Shawn Stern, Brandon Roberts, Jason Jonas, Frank Donato and Matt Randazzo - Mar. 23, 2014

FLICKS 2014 - Danny Lim and Jason Jonas - Mar. 23, 2014

Danny Lim, Jenna Thomas, Sean Siburn, Frank Donato and Alejandro Buxó - Blue White Weekend - April 11, 2014

Kevin Trippel and Matt Randazzó - Blue White Weekend - April 11, 2014

Ryan Campbell, Patrick Hilling, Ben Yaroslavsky, CJ Winand, Nick Vassilakos, Rory McGowan, Derek Miller, Mark Moseley, Johnny Kwon, Joey Saylor, Connor DeKranis, Sean Curry, John Lin, Thomas Strnad and Michael Tapsoba - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

CJ Winand and Sam Kulp - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Brandon Roberts and Connor DeKranis - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Sean Curry and Jeb Biernat - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Tim and Derek Miller - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Brian Patchett and John Lin - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Matthew Liu and Nick Vassilakos - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Nick Stadtlander and Ben Yaroslavsky - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Jason Jonas and Thomas Strnad - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Alex Patton and Johnny Kwon - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Ryan Campbell and Edward Brand - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Patrick Hilling and Mark Joyce - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Frank Donato and Michael Tapsoba - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Shawn Stern and Rory McGowan - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Alex Constable and Joey Saylor - Spring 2014 Initiation Night - April 2014

Nick Stadtlander and Shawn Stern at Old Main - April 2014

Derek Miller, Patrick Hilling, CJ Winand, Mark Moseley, Ben Yaroslavsky, Nick Vassilakos, Thomas Strnad, Connor DeKranis and Sean Curry at Old Main - April 2014

Derek Miller, Patrick Hilling, CJ Winand, Ben Yaroslavsky, Nick Vassilakos, Johnny Kwon, Thomas Strnad, Connor DeKranis and Sean Curry at Old Main - April 2014

Jeb Biernat and Mark Moseley at Old Main - April 2014

Matthew Liu, Brian Patchett and Andrew Sie at Old Main - April 2014

Jason Jonas and Danny Lim at Old Main - April 2014

Steve Sandford, Alex Constable, Edward Brand, Ryan Gattoni and Frank Donato at Old Main - April 2014

Brian Patchett, Shawn Stern, Derek Miller, Nick Lello, Nick Stadtlander, Danny Lim, Ryan Gattoni, Alex Constable, Patrick Hilling, Ian Maxwell, Mark Moseley, Johnny Kwon, Jeb Biernat, Ben Yaroslavsky, CJ Winand, Jason Jonas, Andrew Sie, Thomas Strnad, Nick Vassilakos, Connor DeKranis, Frank Donato, Joey Saylor, Sean Curry and Steve Sandford at Old Main - April 2014

Shavers Creek - April 2014 - The Brothers volunteered and did trail work, stump work, repaired bridges and more.

Sam Kulp at Shavers Creek - April 2014

Ryan Campbell at Shavers Creek - April 2014

Nick Vassilakos, Michael Tapsoba, Ben Yaroslavsky, Tim, Connor DeKranis, Brian Patchett and Rory McGowan at Shavers Creek - April 2014

Ryan Gattoni and Michael Tapsoba at Shavers Creek - April 2014

Ryan Gattoni and Sam Kulp at Shavers Creek - April 2014

Rachel Reid and Jerry Douglas Crompton at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Danny Lim at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Ian James at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Emily Larue and Patrick Hilling at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Danny Lim at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Rachel Reid and Jason Jonas at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Rachel Nisula and Kyle Sussman at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Jerry Douglas Crompton and Nick Stadtlander at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Nick Stadtlander at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Rachel Reid and Jason Jonas at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Nick Lello and Rachel Reid at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Sam Shively, Sand Melissa Rae, Brittany Rizzo and Michael Tapsoba at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Matt Randazzo and Lizzy Yerger. at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Sean Michael and Emily Lynch at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

L to R: Katie Perrotta, Emma Cartwright, Sam Shively, Ian Maxwell and Rachel Perrotta at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Sean Siburn and Jenna Thomas at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Hayley O'Donnell and Nick Stadtlander at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014

Peter Blasco and Nick Lello with Rachel Perrotta and Sarah Leach at Theta Chi Spring Formal - May 2014
2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
L to R: Brian Fluehr, Alan Vladimir and Phillip Bochey at the 2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
L to R: Victor Howe, John Wszalek and Hunter at the 2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
L to R: David Matthews, Anthony Bernardo Jr, Matthew Mankus, Edward Kivitz Jr., at the 2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
L to R: Daniel McTague Jr., Paul Cunningham and William McGill III at the 2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014
L to R: Gregory Schlegel, Michael Dalesio, Thomas Raymond and Randal Betz at the 2014 Theta Chi Golf Open, May 2, 2014

2014 Theta Chi Golf Open Champion Michael Dalesio, May 2, 2014

Rachael Watts, Kelly Smith, Michael Tapsoba, Jocelyn Parry and Jackie Jones - 2nd Place finish in Tuesday night's 2014 Homecoming For the Glory Talent Show competition

2nd Place finish in Tuesday night's 2014 Homecoming For the Glory Talent Show competition

Sam Shively - 2nd Place finish in Tuesday night's 2014 Homecoming For the Glory Talent Show competition

Zach Meharey, Frank Donato, Ryan Gattoni, Sam Kulp, Sam Shively and Michael Tapsoba - 2nd Place finish in Tuesday night's 2014 Homecoming For the Glory Talent Show competition

Michael Tapsoba, Frank Donato and Sam Shively - 2nd Place finish in Tuesday night's 2014 Homecoming For the Glory Talent Show competition
Float Build on Thursday night - 2014 Homecoming
Float Build on Thursday night - 2014 Homecoming
Float Build on Thursday night - 2014 Homecoming
Float Build on Thursday night - 2014 Homecoming
Float - 2014 Homecoming

Alejandro Buxó, Sean James, Christine Gerber and Sam Kulp before the 2014 Homecoming Parade

Christine Gerber, Sean James, Sam Kulp and Alejandro Buxo before the 2014 Homecoming Parade

Sam Kulp, Raleighe Orszulak, Alejandro Buxó and Sean James during the 2014 Homecoming Parade

Sean James, Christine Gerber, Raleighe Orszulak, Sam Kulp and Alejandro Buxo during the 2014 Homecoming Parade

Fall 2014 - Big/Little Ceremony - Rory McGowan and Kevin DiGuiseppe

Fall 2014 - Big/Little Ceremony - Joey Saylor, Alex Constable, John Broderick, Derek Miller, Tyler Wood, Bradley James Nichols, Danny Lim and Patrick O'Brien

Fall 2014 - Big/Little Ceremony - Colin Kaye and Sean Curry

Fall 2014 - Big/Little Ceremony - little Brother and Zach Meharey

Fall 2014 - Big/Little Ceremony - Ryan Campbell, Esteban Andrade, Thomas Strnad, Luis Roman, Andrew Sie and Parangat Bhaskar

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - L to R: Luis Roman, Parangat Bhaskar, John Broderick, Marshal Sean James, Bradley James Nichols, Patrick O'Brien, Kevin DiGuiseppe and Parth Patel

Initiation Night - Fall 2014

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Colin Kaye and Sean Curry

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Danny Lim and Patrick O'Brien

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Alex Constable and John Broderick

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Luis Roman and Thomas Strnad

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Kevin DiGuiseppe and Rory McGowan

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Tyler Wood and Bradley James Nichols

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - Parangat Bhaskar and Andrew Sie

Initiation Night - Fall 2014 - John Lin and Parth Patel

Sam Shively and AJ Bobby - THON Family Carnival - Nov. 2014

Annabelle Bobby, Sam Shively and Alexis Bobby - THON Family Carnival - Nov. 2014

Sam Shively and AJ Bobby - THON Family Carnival - Nov. 2014

Parangat Bhaskar painted Omega Chapter's newest mural in the dining room

AJ Bobby and his family with Danny Lim, Ian Maxwell and John Boston - THON Canning 2014

John Broderick, Ryan Gattoni and Lauren Wallace - Fall Formal 2014

Sean Curry - Fall Formal 2014

Joey Saylor (L) and Riki Caracciolo - Fall Formal 2014

Sean Michael and Sibel Catto - Fall Formal 2014

Caulen Hershman and Alyssa Lombardo - Fall Formal 2014

Sean Siburn and Jenna Thomas - Fall Formal 2014

Adrien Aloi and Sam Shively - Fall Formal 2014

Emily Larue and Patrick Hilling - Fall Formal 2014

Mad Day and Thomas Strnad - Fall Formal 2014

Kristi Nikolla, Rory McGowan and Alyssa Lombardo - Fall Formal 2014

TK and Sean Michael - Fall Formal 2014

Caulen Hershman, Alyssa Lombardo, Kristi Nikolla and John Lin - Fall Formal 2014

Dyna Hill and Andrew Sie - Fall Formal 2014

2014 Fall Formal

Zeta Pi Co-Adviser Keith Evans poses with brothers from the chapter - From left: Bill Hewitt, Zeta Pi '15; John Zydron, Omicron '71; Brett Castelet, Zeta Pi '14; Cody Agolini, Zeta Pi '14; Sean Zewe, Zeta Pi '14; Carlton Bennett, Zeta Pi '72; Keith Evans, Omega '65; John Teeuwen, Zeta Pi '92; and AJ Aminrazauri, Zeta Pi '14.

Theta Chi decorates with multiple colors, bringing the front to life - Dec. 11, 2014