1994 Homecoming
1994 Homecoming - L to R: Joost Keesing, Daniel Carn '65 and Robert Miller '75

1994 Homecoming
1994 Homecoming - Edward Brown '87 (L) and Eric Kraus '96

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
1994 Homecoming - Back Row L to R: John McIntyre '91, Joost Keesing, Steve Martin /88, Jamie Koppersmith '88, Edward Brown '87, Kevin Shayer '92, Chris Burke '93 - 3rd Row L to R: Robert Kramer '87, Shawn Elliott '93, Jeff Damcott '91, Chris Bartnik '91, Erwin Les'Pere '90, Robert Miller '75 - 2nd Row L to R: Richard Maltz '90, Charles Schmoyer '93 - Front Row L to R: Rodeny Miller '89, Chris Heidrick '91, Dan Carn '65, James Walker '93, John Fischer '91

1994 - Brian Leauby - Homecoming

1994 - Eric Kraus (L) and James Walker (R) - Homecoming

1994 - TK and Jason Reifsnyder - Homecoming

1994 - L to R: TK, Joseph Sass, TK, Aaron Early, Theodore Scheel, Tk and TK - Homecoming

1994 - TK, Mrs. Keesing, Joost Keesing, TK and Ed Brown - Homecoming

1994 - John Fischer and Kevin Shayer - Homecoming

L to R: TK, TK, TK and Andrew Schumacher - Homecoming 1994

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
L to R: Jamie Koppersmith '88, Steve Dodge '88 and Joey Kopetsky '86 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
L to R: Randy Siegman '88, Adam Swarts '85, Tom Strauss '87 and James Noll '87 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25 , 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
L to R: Rod Miller '89, Nancy Miller and Jamie Koppersmith '88 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - Photo courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Tom Strauss '87 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25 , 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Ed Brown '87 (L) and Howard Alter '41 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Rodney Miller '89 (L) and Robert Kramer '88

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Chris Casciato '85, Jim 'JD' Derrah '87 and Joey Kopetsky '86

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Phil Katchur '88, Randy Siegman '88 and Robert Price '87

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Steve Dodge '88, Phil Katchur '88, Anthony Panichelli '85, Steve Martin '88, Jamie Koppersmith '88 and Joey Kopetsky '86

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Rodney Miller '89, Chris Burke '93 and Robert Kramer '88

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Mike Hetrick '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Ralph Ettinger 49, William Brown '42, Guy Walters '46, Frank Chipak '45, Walter White '48 and Bob Waltenbaugh '49

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Howard Alter '41 (L) and William Renton '46 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25 , 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Eric Kraus '96 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Bill Renton '46 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25 , 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Howard Alter '41

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Howard Alter '41 (L) and National President Carlton Bennett

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Edward Brown '87 (L) and Walter Segl '21

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Edward Brown '87

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Leo Sugg '88 (L) and Edward Brown '87

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Howard Alter '41 (L) and William Renton '46

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Walter Segl '21 and Edward Brown '87

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Robert Kramer '88, Owen Fishman '85, Joey Kopetsky '86, Leo Sugg '88, Phil Katchur '88 and Mark Holst '88

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Alan Buliner (NBT) (L) and Carlton Bennett (Honoray Omega and National President)

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Howard Alter '41 (L) and William Renton '46

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Carlton Bennett - Zeta Pi ’72 (National President), Eric Kraus (Chapter President), Joost Keesing - Epsilon Sigma ’71 (Chapter Advisor) and Howard Alter Jr. ’51 (President National Board of Trustees/Executive Director Emeritus)

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Jeff Damcott '93, Erwin Les'Pere '90, Roman Sibel '95 and Gregg Caropreso '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Eric Krauss '96, Joost Keesing, Nat'l Pres. Carlton Bennett and Bryan Holcomb (National Counselor)

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Richard Maltz '90 and Amy Wentling

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Mrs. and Mr. Joost Keesing and Walter Segl '21

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Greg Hotsepiller '87, Ann Corcran, Kristen Jorski, Richard Maltz '90 and Amy Wentling

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - John Schanne '95 (L) and Bryan Cooley '94

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Roman Sibel '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Andrew Schumacher, TK, Jeffery Gray, TK, Theodore Scheel, Stephen Pattee and Tk

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Edward Brown '87, Walter Segl '21 and Howard Alter '41

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Walter White '48 (L) and Richard Maltz '90

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Alan Buliner (NBT), Richard Maltz '90 and Howard Alter '41

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - L to R: Edward Brown '87, Hugh Cadzow '83 and Howard Alter '41

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Kristen Kaminski and Gregg Caropreso '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Jamie Koppersmith '88 (L) and Rodney Miller '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK and Howard Alter '41

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Eric Kraus '96

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - Michael Hetrick '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - John Schanne '95

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - TK

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
Mark Holst '88 and wife - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
L to R: Steve Martin '88, Greg Hotsenpiller '87, Richard Maltz '90 and Jim Stuhltrager '89 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
L to R: Ed Brown '87, Winfield Smith '20 and Howard Alter '41 - 75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25 , 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
75th Anniversary Celebration at the Nittany Lion Inn - 1994

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
75th Anniversary Celebration - March 25, 1994 - courtesy Jim Stuhltrager '89

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration

1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration
March 25, 1994 - 75th Anniversary Celebration

1994 - 138th National Convention
L to R: Joost, Keesing, James Connor, Erik Goodhart and Michael Hetrick - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ. August 1994

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - L to R: Erik Goodhart, Jaems Connor, Howard Alter Jr., Michael Hetrick and Joost Keesing

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - Top Row L to R: Tk, TK, Howard Alter Jr., TK, TK and TK - Bottom Row L to R: James Connor, Erik Goodhart, Michael Hetrick and Joost, Keesing

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - L to R: Joost Keesing, James Connor, Michael Hetrick and Erik Goodhart

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - L to R: James Connor, Erik Goodhart and Michael Hetrick

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - L to R: James Connor, Michael Hetrick, Erik Goodhart and Joost Keesing

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - Howard Alter Jr. and Carlton Bennett

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - Howard Alter Jr. and Carlton Bennett

1994 - 138th National Convention
August 1994 - 138th National Convention - Scottsdale, AZ - Howard Alter Jr.

Jeffrey Gray '94

1994 LaVie Portrait
Front Row L to R: Joost Keesing, Erik Goodhart, Andrew Dolan, Eric Kraus, Andrew Schumacher, Marc Selvitelli and James Nocco
2nd Row L to R: Patrick Farrell, Gabriel Young, Stephen Valentine, William Arnold Jr., Michael Hetrick , Jeffrey Gray, James Irwin, Theodore Scheel, Anthony Nero and Gregg Caropreso
3rd L to R: Aaron Early, Thomas Settefrati, John Eshleman, Andrew Castaldi, Richard Green, Roman Sibel, Michael Dougherty, Paul Glace and Chris Acitelli
Back Row L to R: Marc Bleckman, Stephen Patee, Peter Roupas, Fred Kauffman, Jon Archer and Joseph Sass

Andy Dolan, President Bill Clinton and Narda Wolf (Andy's mother) - 1994

Alumni Advisor Joost Keesing - shows off his Epsilon Sigma chapter Paddle - 1994

1994 - Fall Pledging in Ceremony

1994 - Fall Pledging in Ceremony

1994 - TK and TK

1994 - Erik Goodhart

1994 - Erik Goodhart (L) and Jason Short

1994 - Marc Bleckman and Andrew Schumacher

1994 - James Irwin, Sean Wedemeyer and Andrew Schumacher

Back Row L to R: John Schanne, TK, TK, Robert Palino and TK
Middle Row L to R: TK, TK, TK, TK and TK
Bottom Row L to R: TK, TK and Anthony Nero

Brian Leauby (L) - Homecoming 1994

Brian Leauby - Homecoming 1994

Pledging in Ceremony 1994

L to R: Randall Green, TK, John Schanne, TK and TK - Pledging in Ceremony 1994

Pledging in Ceremony - 1994

L to R: Fred Kaufman, Marc Chrencik, Erik Goodhart and TK - Sewer Challenge 1994

TK and TK
Sewer 1994

TK, Erik Goodhart, Marc Chrencik, TK - Sewer Challenge 1994

1994 - L to R: Paul Glace, Jay Nocco, Pete Timer and Sean Wedemeyer

1994 - L to R: Andrew Schumacher, Robert Mehalko, James Irwin and Darrin Ovelman - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Michael Daugherty, TK, Theodore Sheel, and Eric Kraus - Sewer Challenge

1994 - TK - Sewer Challenge

1994 - TK, Eric Kraus, TK, TK Gregg Caropreso, TK and Jim Connor - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Darrin Ovelmann and Eric Kraus - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Jeffery Gray, Jim Connor and Marc Chrencik - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Patrick Farrell (L) and TK - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Marc Chrencik - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Gregg Caropreso - Sewer Challenge

1994 - L to R: Erik Goodhart, Eric Matson, Fred Kauffman and Marc Chrencik - Sewer Challenge

1994 - TK, Jim Connor and TK - Sewer Challenge

1994 - James Irwin, Jim Connor, TK and Jeffrey Gray - Sewer Challenge

1994 - L to R: Eric Matson, Marc Chrencik, Fred Kauffman, Erik Goodhart (with Gregg Caropreso in background) - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Andrew Schumacher and Eric Kraus - Sewer Challenge

1994 - L to R: Andrew Schumacher, Darrin Ovelmann, James Irwin and Robert Mehalko - Sewer Challenge


1994 - Anthony Nero

1994 - Gerard Siaton

1994 - Jim Connor (L) and John Eschelman - Sewer Challenge

1994 - Connor DeKranis

Eric Kraus - THON 1994

Brian Mitarotonda, Gregg Caropreso, Patrick Farrell, Roman Sibel, TK - THON 1994

1994 - Theta Chi THON kids

1994 - Theta Chi THON kids

1994 - James Nocco - THON

1994 - Patrick Farrell - THON

1994 - L to R: Jen Simcoe, Joseph Sass, Michelle Thaxton, Aaron Early, Jim Connor and Jen Brown - Dance Marathon

1994 - Patrick Farrell - THON

1994 - Gregg Caropreso

1994 - Peter McCallum

1994 - Bathroom Renovations - Window

1994 - Bathroom Renovations - Sinks

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - Gregg Caropreso - Hay Ride

1994 - Marc Bleckman - Hay Ride

1994 - Darrin Ovelman - Hay Ride

1994 - Michael Hetrick - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - Bryne Remphrey - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - Jim Connor (L) and TK - Hay Ride

1994 - Mark Kelly - Hay Ride

1994 - TK - Hay Ride

1994 - Mark Kelly - Hay Ride

1994 - House in the Spring

1994 - Jason Short (L) and Joseph Sass - K.I.C.K.S. Tournament

1994 - TK, Michael Hetrick and Theodore Sheel - K.I.C.K.S. Tournament

1994 - TK - K.I.C.K.S. Tournament

1994 - Gregg Caropreso - K.I.C.K.S.

1994 - Jim Connor (L) and Joe Sass

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - Andrew Schumacher - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - John Schanne - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - L to R: Fred Kauffman, Michael Hetrick, John Schanne, Marc Blackman, Roman Sibel, Erik Goodhart, Jon Archer, Paul Glace, Bill Arnold - Living Room Rehab Project

1994 - TK, Joost Keesing, TK and TK

1994 - TK

1994 - Jason Short

1994 - Aaron Early

1994 - James Irwin - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - TK and TK - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - TK - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - TK - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - James Kurek - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - Tk, James Irwin, TK and James Kurek - 3rd Place - Tri-Sig Triathlon

1994 - Erik Goodhart, Tk and TK - Pledge Bolt to Lehigh University

1994 - Byrne Remphrey, Jason Short and James Kurek - Pledge Bolt to Lehigh

1994 - Joe Sass 21st Birthday celebration with Gregg Caropreso

1994 - Joe Sass 21st Birthday celebration

1994 - Joe Sass 21st Birthday celebration

1994 - Joe Sass 21st Birthday celebration - the day after

1994 - Gerard Saiton, Sean Wedemeyer and Michael Daugherty

1994 - Jason Short and Mark Kelly

1994 - TK and Darrin Ovelman

1994 - Jim Irwin

1994 - Jim Connor, Theodore Sheel and Mark Kelly

1994 - TK, Theodore Sheel, James Connor, TL, TK, TK and TK

1993-4 Composite
1994 Composite - Top Row L to R: Marc Chrencik, William Arnold, Michael Hetrick, Christopher Acitelli, Robert Mehalko, Ned Filipovitz, Eric Kraus, Brian Mitarotonda, Erik Goodhart, Michael Daugherty, James Nocco, James Irwin - 5th Row L to R: Andrew Dolan, Bryan Cooley, Jeffery Gray, Robert Polino, Thomas Dymek, Matthew Mallin, Chris Zavecz, Ernesto Plotnicoff - 4th Row L to R: Mark Kelly, Sean Wedemeyer, Eric Seifert, Rafael Baez, Gerard Siaton, Patrick Lydon, Peter McCallum, Gregg Caropreso - 3rd Row L to R: Andrew Schumacher, Stephen Pattee, Marc Selvitelli, Roman Sibel, Randal Green, John Schanne -2nd Row L to R: Timothy Hutton, Theodore Scheel, Sean McDowell, Dave Amantea, Gabe Young, Joost Keesing, Stephen Valentine, Patrick Farrell, James Connor, Peter Roupas, Marc Bleckman - Bottom Row L to R: Darren Ovelman, Fred Kauffman, John Eshleman, Aaron Early, Joseph Sass, Andrew Castaldi, Jon Archer, Anthony Nero, Paul Glace, Bryan Morris, Eric Matson

1994 circa - Andrew Schumacher