1990 Spring Formal - L to R: David Schrader, Jim Fox, Beth Gregal and Chris Heidrick - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal - John Troyan, Russ Marky and Heidi Retter - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal - L to R: Marie Handrich, Richard Maltz, Tiffany Santavicca and Scott Mayhew - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal - Michael Schwartz - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal - Andrew Dolan (L) and Scott Morton - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal - L to R: Kevin Shayer and Dan Kahl - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal
Clockwise L to R: TK, Bill Herron, Tiffany Santavicca, Scott Mayhew, Richard Maltz, Marie Handrich, Jim Fox and TKSpring Formal - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal
Richard Maltz and Tiffany SantaviccaSpring Formal - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal
Bill Mohan (L) and Richard MaltzSpring Formal - April 7, 1990

L to R: Chris Bartnik, Angie Light, Michael Stein, Katie Snyder, William Mohan and Amy Wentling
Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
Photo courtesy Amy Wentling

Clockwise from bottom Left: Bryan Cooley, Michael Smoyer, Chris Burke, David Brown, Scott Morton, Michael Schwartz and TK - Spring Formal - April 7, 1990 - photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

Front Row L to R: Emily Vergara and Shefali Shah
Back Row L to R: Angie Light, Amy Wentling, Marie Handrich and Ginger Clarke
Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

1990 Spring Formal
Spring Formal - April 7, 1990 - Top Row L to R:Michael Schwartz, TK, TK, Shefali Shah, Dave Mikita, TK, Russ Marky, Heidi Retter, Robert Poliano, TK, CJ McKenzie, Leonard Pauzer, Jim Walker, Kathy Lombardo, TK, TK, John Troyan, Michelle Kramer, Scott Fitzgerald, Lisa Mabus, TK, David Brown, TK, TK and Michael Smoyer3rd row L to R: Andy Dolan, TK, Scott Morton, TK, Greg Hancock, TK, TK, Shane Balcik, Dave Schrader, TK, TK, Bryan Cooley, Dan Kahl, TK, Katie, Mike Stein, Angle Light, Chris Bartnik Amy Wentling, Bill Mohan, Bill Herron, TK2nd row L to R: Kevin Shayer, Danielle Johannesen, TK, Graydon Webester, TK, Chris Koczur, TK, Dennis Foley, Ginger Clarke, Chris Burke, Kathy Lombardo, James Fox, Tiffany Santavicca, Scott Mayhew, Heather James, Alan Lauder, TK, Mike Noble, TK, Steve Sennett, Erwin Les'Pere, TK, John McIntyre, Megan Voight, Rob Gough TKBottom Row L to R: Michael Engelman, TK, Michael Becker, TK, TK, TK, Brian Aguilera, TK, Richard Maltz, Marie Handrich, TK, Chris Heidrick, Emily Vergara, TK, Jason Ross, TK, Jamie Wilkins, TK

Spring Formal - April 7, 1990 - Top Row L to R: Robert Poliano, Leonard Pauzer, Michael Engelman, Dave Mikita, Russ Marky, CJ McKenzie, Jim Walker, Dave Schrader, Mike Stein, John Troyan, Scott Fitzgerald, David Brown, Michael Smoyer, Michael Schwartz, Graydon WebesterMiddle Row L to R: Michael Becker, Bill Herron, Scott Morton, Andy Dolan, Bryan Cooley, Greg Hancock, Shane Balcik, Dan Kahl, Steve Sennett, Bill Mohan, Chris Bartnik, Jamie Wilkins, Rob Gough, Kevin Shayer, Jason Ross, Brian AguileraFront Row L to R: Chris Koczur, Dennis Foley, Chris Burke, James Fox, Scott Mayhew, Richard Maltz, Alan Lauder, Mike Noble, Chris Heidrick, Erwin Les'Pere, John McIntyre

L to R: Jim Fox, Richard Maltz and Scott Mayhew - Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

1990 Spring Formal
L to R: Richard Maltz, Bill Mohan and Mike Stein - Spring Formal - April 7, 1990

1990 Spring Formal
L to R: Dennis Foley, Steve Sennett, Richard Maltz and Scott Mayhew - Spring Formal - April 7, 1990

L to R: Ginger Clarke, Emily Vergara and Shefali Shah - Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

Back Row L to R: TK, Heidi Retter, Shefali Shah, Danielle Johanssen, Ginger Clarke, and Emily Vergara
Front Row L to R: Michelle Kramer, Heather James, Lisa Mabus, Angie Light, Amy Wentling, Marie Handrich, Tiffany Santavicca and Kathy Lombardo
Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

Back Row L to R: Chris Burke, Ginger Clarke, David BRown and TK
Front Row L to R: TK, Andrew Dolan, TK and Scott Morton
Spring Formal
- April 7, 1990
photo courtesy of Ginger Clarke Vacca

1990 Fraternity Racquetball Double Champs - vMicheal Becker (L) and John Chabbott

1990 Fraternity Squash Division Champ - Richard Maltz

1990 Basketball Team - L to R: John Troyan, John Buyarski, Chris Bartnik, Bob Kurek, Scott Fitzgerald, Russ Marky, Jamie Wilkins, Bill Mohan and Mike Noble

1990 Volleyball Team - Back Row L to R: John Troyan, Brina Aguilera, Russ Marky, John Buyarski, Dennis Foley - Bottom Row L to R: John Chabbott, Jeff Damcott and Jim Gavula

1990 Fall KICKS sign at the HUB

1990 Fall KICKS sign at the House

1990 Fall K.I.C.K.S. - Jim Gavula (L) and Brian Aguilera

1990 KICKS - John Troyan

1990 KICKS - Eric Rozyckie

1990 KICKS - Dave Brown

1990 KICKS - Robert Polino and TK

1990 KICKS - L to R: Dave Schrader, TK, Paul Kirkegaard, John Fischer, Robert Palino. Jason Ross, Bill Mohan and Chaf Dave

1990 KICKS - L to R: Chris Koczur, Robert Kurek and Kevin Shayer

1990 KICKS T-Shirt

LaVie 1990
Front Row: Dan Kahl, Reed Goodwin, Mark Woehrel, Mike Stein
Second Row: Mark Prushinski, Jamie Wilkins, Scott Kost, Steve Sennett, Scott Mayhew, Jeff Damcott, John Fischer, Mark Franz, Michael Becker, Alan Lauder, Jim Gavula, John Chabbott, Andrew Dolan
Third Row: Kyle Fleagle, Greg Rush, Chris Koczur, C.J. McKenzie, Shane Balcik, Richard Maltz, No one, Chris Burke, Graydon Webester, Chris Unangst, Scott Morton, Michael Schwartz, Jim Walker, Mike Noble, Jeff Gray
Back Row: Michel Smoyer, Brian Aguilera, Rich Dubin, William Herron, Kevin Shayer, Jim Fox, Robert Kurek, Chris Heidrick, John Buyarski, Dave Schrader, Erwin Les'Pere, Michael Engelman, William Mohan, Dennis Foley, Greg Hancock
photo courtesy of La Vie

LaVie 1990 - G. Scott Fitzgerald and Michele - photo courtesy La Vie

The House - 1990 - photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

James Fox - 1990 - photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

1989 - Graydon Webester

1989 - Scott (Fitz) Fitzgerald

L to R: TK, Mark woehrel, Amy Wentling and Jeff Gray - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Kyle Fleagle - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Dave MIkita, Andrew Byrnes and Shawn Elliott - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Alan Lauder, Mark Woehrel and Scott Mayhew - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Richard Green, Jeff Grey and Bill Herron (with Greg Hanock, Mark Woehrel, Scott Mayhew and David Schrader in bacvkground) - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: TK, TK and Steve Sennett - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Clockwise from left: David Mikita Leonard Pauzer, Chris Bartnik, Richard Dubin, Chris Burke, Jason Ross, Shane Balcik, Andrew Byrnes, Scott Maybe, Robert Polino and TK - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Shawn Elliott (L) and Leonard Pauzer - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lynn MIllick (L) and Michelle Kramer (R) (with Michael Schwartz in back gorund) - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lynn Millick and Richard Green - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: TK, TK, Heidi Retter, Heather James, TK and TK - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lynn Millick and Richard Maltz (with Michael Stein, Andrew Byrnesm Scott Mayhew and Len Pauzer - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Chris Heidrick - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Richard Green - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Shawn Elliott - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Bryan Cooley, Lynn Millick and Jeff Grey - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

House - 523 South Allen Street - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Clockwise from bottom left: David Schrader, Greg Hancock, William Herron, Richard Maltz, Len pauzer, Brian Aguilera, G, Scott Fitzgerlad, Thomas Scary and TK - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Chris Bartnik and Angie Light - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Bryan Cooley (L) and James Walker - 1990
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: John Buyarski, Winfield Smith and Hugh Cadzow - 1990

Kevin Shayer (R) - 1990

Mark Woehrel (C) and Dave Schrader (behind) - 1990

L to R: Jaosn Ross, David Schrader and Mark Woehrel - 1990

L to R: Russ Marky, Richard Dubin and Chris Heidrick - 1990

Jeff Gray and Andrew Byrnes - 1990

1990 - Mark Prushinski

1990 - Russ Marky

1990 - Greg Rush

1990 - Jamie Wilkins

1990 - Mike Stein

1990 - Christopher Burke

1990 Fall - Reed Goodwin and John Buyarski

1990 - Christopher Burke

L to R: Richard Maltz, William Mohan and Scott Mayhew - 1990
Photo courtesy Amy Wentling

Ginger Clarke and Mark Woehrel - 1990
photo courtesy of GInger Clarke Vacca

Ginger Clarke and Graydon Webester - 1990
photo courtesy of GInger Clarke Vacca

Daniel Kahl - 1990
Photo courtesy of Richard Dubin

Chris Heidrick - 1990
Photo courtesy of Richard Dubin

Michael Noble - 1990
Photo courtesy of Richard Dubin

Michael Schwartz, Erwin Les'Pere and TK - 1990
Photo courtesy of Richard Dubin

Scott Kost
- Brother of the Week - 1990
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

Parents Weekend 1990
L to R: Scott Fitzgerald, Chris Bartnik and Mike Stein
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

Parents Weekend
L to R: David Tait, Mike Stein and Chris Bartnik
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

Parents Weekend 1990
L to R: Mike Stein, Chris Heidrick and Chris Bartnik
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

1990 Spring Rush - Wallyball

1990 - Spring Pledging In Ceremony - L to R: Andrew Byrnes, Len Pauzer, Shawn Elliott, depledged, Richard Green, Robert Polino and Dave Mikita

1990 Spring Pledging In Ceremony - Andrew Byrnes, Len Pauzer, Shawn Elliott, Mark Woehrel, Bill Herron adn Dave Schrader

Pledge Bolt - L to R: Shawn Elliott, Dave Mikita and Richard Green - Fall 1990

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - L to R: Shawn Elliott, Dave Mikita, Len Pauzer, Andrew Byrnes, Robert Polino and Richard Green

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - Andrew Byrnes

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - L to R: Andrew Byrnes, Richard Green, Robert Polino, Len Pauzer, Shawn Elliott and Dave Mikita

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - L to R: Dave Mikita, Richard Green, Andrew Byrnes, , Robert Polino, James Fox and Len Pauzer

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - Andrew Byrnes signing autographs

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - Andrew Byrnes

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - Len Pauzer and Andrew Byrnes

1990 Spring Pledge Bolt - Clockwise fro top left: Len Pauzer, Shawn Elliott, Richard Green, Dave Mikita, Robert Polino and Andrew Byrnes

L to R: Cameron McKenzie, Christian Koczur, Shawn Elliott, G. Scott Fitzgerald and Brian Aguilera - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

L to R: Christian Koczur, Shawn Elliott, G. Scott Fitzgerald and Brian Aguilera - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

L to R: Christian Koczur, Shawn Elliott, G. Scott Fitzgerald and Brian Aguilera - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

L to R: Cameron McKenzie, Christian Koczur, Shawn Elliott, G. Scott Fitzgerald and Brian Aguilera - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

Leonard Pauzer - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

Leonard Pauzer - Phi Sig Superstars - 1990

1990 Dance Marathon Prep - Chris Bartnik

1990 Dance Marathon Prep - Kevin Shayer

1990 Dance Marathon - Banner

1990 Dance Marathon - Banner Prep

1990 Canning for Dance Marathon - Mike Stein and Reed Goodwin

1990 Canning for Dance Marathon - Mike Stein (L) and Dennis Foley - the actual number is $17,965.88

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski (L) and Chris Heidrick

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Theta Chi Cheering section - Andrew Dolan, Dennis Foley, Bob Kurek, Rich Dubin, James Gavula, John Buyarski, Christian Koczur, Mike Stein and Greg Hancock

1990 Dance Marathon - L to R: Mark Prushinski, Jeff Gray, Mke Schwartz and Richard Maltz

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray, Kyle Fleagle and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle, John Troyan and Mark Prushinski

1990 Canning for Dance Marathon - Chris Bartnik

1990 Canning for Dance Marathon - Bille Herron

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Clockwise from top left: Mark Prushinski, Jeff Gray, John Troya and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Clockwise from top left: Mark Prushinski, Jeff Gray, John Troya and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Clockwide from top left: Greg Hancock, Scott Morton, Andrew Dolan, David Brown, Lynn MIllick, Michelle Kramer, James Gavula, Len Pauzer, Graydon Webster, and Chris Koczur

1990 Dance Marathon -L to R:: Greg Hancock, Scott Morton, David Brown, Andrew Dolan, Lynn MIllick, Michelle Kramer, James Gavula, Len Pauzer, Graydon Webster, and Andrew Byrnes

1990 Dance Marathon - L to R: Greg Hancock, Scott Morton, Andrew Dolan, Michelle Kramer, James Gavula, Len Pauzer, Graydon Webster, Christian Koczur and Andrew Byrnes

1990 Dance Marathon - L to R: Greg Hancock, TK, Scott Morton, Andrew Dolan, Dave Brown, James Gavula, Len Pauzer and Graydon Webster

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - L to R: Greg Hancock, Scott Morton, Andrew Dolan, Bob Kramer, James Gavula, Scoot Mabey, Mike Stein, Richard Dublin, Graydon Webster, Jim Smith, Lynn MIllick and Erwin Les'Pere

1990 Dance Marathon - L to R: Scott Morton, Andrew Dolan, James Gavula, Scott Mabey, Mike Stein, Michelle Kramer, Lynn MIllick, Jim Smith, Richard Dublin, TK, Erwin Les'Pere and Graydon Webester

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Rich Dubin

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle, John Troyan and Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle, John Troyan and Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Dennis Foley

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Chris Heidrick

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Rick Funk and Chris Burke

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle and Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen and Kevin Shayer

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon- Sigma Sigma Sigma and Theta Chi Banner

1990 Dance Marathon - Sigma Sigma Sigma and Theta Chi Banner

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - john Troyan and Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen and Mark Prushinski

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan and Kyle Fleagle

1990 Dance Marathon - Erwin Les'Pere, Mike Stein and Katie

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Andy Dolan, Dennis Foley, Rich Dubin, Robert Kurek, Jim Gavula, John Buyarski, Chris Koczur, Mike Stein and Greg Hancock

1990 Dance Marathon - Dave Brown, Erwin Les'Pere, Paul Vassil, Andy Dolan, Dennis Foley, Rich Dubin, Robert Kurek, Jim Gavula, John Buyarski, Chris Koczur, Greg Hancock and Mike Stein

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Clockwise from top left: Dave Brown, Chris Koczur, Robert Kurek, Greg Hancock, John Buyarski, Jim Irwin, Jim Gavula, Scott Fitzgerald, Dan Kahl, Paul Vassil, Erwin Les'Pere, Andy Dolan

1990 Dance Marathon - Andy Dolan, Dave Brown, Russ Marky, Paul Vassil, Heidi Retter, Chris Koczur, Scott Fitzgerald, Jim Gavula, Greg Hancock, Jim Irwin, Richard Green

1990 Dance Marathon - Danielle Johannesen

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Damcott

1990 Dance Marathon - Erwin Les'Pere

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan, Kyle Fleagle and Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle and John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Jeff Gray

1990 Dance Marathon - Dennis Foley (far right)

1990 Dance Marathon - John Troyan

1990 Dance Marathon - Kyle Fleagle