Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - Hugh Cadzow and Louis Martini Jr.
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - Curt Whalen and Owen Fishman
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - National President George T. Kilavos and High Cadzow
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - Hugh Cadzow and Dave Westol
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - TK
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - L to R: TK, David Mattiace, Rob Kraus and Tim Boyd
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - Louis Martini Jr. and Bob Dunston
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - L to R: John Mika, Louis Martini Jr., Robert Dunston and David Mattiace
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - TK
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - National President George T. Kilavos and brothers
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - National President George T. Kilavos and Louis Martini Jr.
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - David Whalen and National President George T. Kilavos
Spring 1983 - OX Assembly hosted by Omega - Scott Kotcamp takes a shortut
1983 Composite
1983 Composite
Top Row L to R: Scott Kotcamp, Craig Walker, Ronald Kosier, David Whalen, Robert Dunston, Michael Garrity, Alan Vladimir, Timothy Boyd, Michael Hyduchak, Owen Fishman
4th Row L to R: Richard Panza, Robert Krauss, Hugh Cadzow, Phillip Bnder, Daniel Wood, Robert Tucker
3rd Row L to R: Keith Williams, Timothy Dutcher, John Cunningham, Daniel Emmett, Joseph Berger, Eric Morrison
2nd Row L to R: William Clark, Louis Martini Jr., Steven Olejar, Patrick O'Connor, Gerlad Kistler, Lady, Anthony D'Ippolito, Phillip Bochey, Michael Portugal, Michael Marcelli
Bottom Row L to R: Donald Curtis Whalen, William Lundee, Ryan Wismer, David PErkins, David Mattiace, Anthony Panchelli, Anthony Agentowicz, Chris Casciato, John Rarick, Christopher Allocco, John Mika
The House - 1983
Pamela Cahill Boyd, Keith Williams, JC, Sally, and Vicki Williams and Timothy Boyd - Longport NJ, May 1983
1983 Fall - Poe Valley - L to R: Merry, Anthony Panichelli, Louis Martini Jr., Michael Garrity and Scott Kotcamp
1983 Fall - Poe Valley - L to R: TK, Michael Garrity, Louis Martini Jr., Scott Kotcamp, TK and Anthony Panichelli
1983 Fall - Poe Valley - Gary Hicks
1983 Fall - Free for All - L to R: Miss X - Marlene TK (Lil Sis), Gary Hicks, Tony D'ippolito, Lori Chifulini (Lil Sis), Craig Walker and Bill Clark - Free For All - 1983
1983 Fall - Free for All - L to R: Renee, Chris Casciato, Darcy and Tony Agentowicz
1983 Fall - Free for All
1983 Fall - Free for All - Pam and Louis Martini Jr.
1983 Fall - Free for All
1983 Fall - Free for All
1983 Fall - Free for All - Michael Garrity, Lori Chif and Tony Agentowicz
1983 Fall - Free for All
Winter 1983 - Christmas Formal - Louis Martini Jr.
Winter 1983 - Christmas Formal - Louis Martini Jr. and IDa with TK and Chris Casciato in background
Winter 1983 - Christmas Formal - Douglas Craig, Ida and Steve Dodge
Spring 1983 - Mike Garrity
Spring 1983 - Bob Dunston (L) and Mike Portugal
Spring 1983 - John Mika (L) and Chris Casciato - Pledges take a Break
Spring 1983 - Bob Dunston (coach) and Mike Portugal
Spring 1983 - Owen Fishman
Spring 1983 - Dan Emmit
Spring 1983 - Little Sister event - TK
Spring 1983 - Little Sister event - TK
Spring 1983 - Little Sister event - TK
Spring 1983 - Little Sister event - Louis Martini Jr.
Spring 1983 - Little Sister event - Louis Martini Jr.
Winter 1983 - Little Sisterization - L to R: Mike Portugal, Hugh Cadzow and John Cunningham - Girls - Cindy Banks, Tracy Thomas (now Cadzow) and TK
Winter 1983 - Little Sisterization - Laura Finglton, Pam Kruger, John Cunningham, Beth Huber and Gerilyn Opal
Winter 1983 - Ryan Wismer
Winter 1983 - Louis Martini Jr.
Winter 1983 - Warren Zevon puts on Theta Chi hat during concert at Eisenhower Auditorium - Jan. 27, 1983
Winter 1983 - Warren Zevon puts on Theta Chi hat during concert at Eisenhower Auditorium - Jan. 27, 1983
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - L to R: Rich Panza, Joe Berger and John Cunningham
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - Front Row L to R: Rich Panza, Tim Dutcher, Mike Garrity, Joe Berger, Dan Emmit and Anthony PanichelliBack Row L to R: John Cunningham and TK
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - L to R: Anthony Panichelli, TK, Dan Emmit, TK, Tim Dutcher, TK, Rich Panza
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - Anthony Panichelli (L) and Dan Emmit
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - Tim Dutcher (L) and John Cunningham
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - L to R: John Cunningham, Anthony Panichelli and Dan Emmit
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - John Cunningham
Winter 1983 - Roadtrip to Tianesta - John Cunningham
Winter 1983 - Anthony Panichelli (L) and Dave Perkins
Winter 1983 - Anthony Panichelli (L) and Dave Perkins with Louis Martini Jr.
Winter 1983 - Anthony Panichelli (L) and Dave Perkins
Winter 1983 - Ryan Wismer
Winter 1983 - Anthony Panichelli (L) and Dave Perkins with Louis Martini Jr.
Winter 1983 - L to R: Rob Krause, Mike Hyduchak and Owen Fishman
1983 Winter - French Sewer - Alan Vladimir
1983 Winter - French Sewer - TK
1983 Winter - French Sewer - Hugh Cadzow
1983 Winter - French Sewer - Jean
Seniors 1983
Row 1 Keith Williams, Bill Clark, Joe Berger, Rob Krauss and John Cunnigham
Row 2 Mike Kyduchak Tony D'Ippolito and Curt Whalen
Row 3 Tim Dutcher, Pat O'Connor, Ryan Wisemer, Rich Panza and Tim Boyd
Spring 1983 Graduates -Row#1 Keith Williams, Bill Clark, Joe Berger, Rob Krauss and John CunnighamRow#2 Mike Kyduchak Tony D'Ippolito and Curt WhalenRow#3 Tim Dutcher, Pat O'Connor, Ryan Wisemer, Rich Panza and Tim Boyd
Spring 1983 Brotherization - TK
Spring 1983 Brotherization - L to R: Dave 'Boomer' Mattiace, Mike Portugal, Craig Walker, Tim Dutcher, Chris Casciato, Tony Agentowicz, John Rarick, Tim Boyd, John Mika, John 'JC' Cunningham, Chris Allocco, Louis Martini, Keith Williams, Phil Bochey
Spring 1983 Brotherization - L to R: Tony Agentowicz, Scott Kotcam, Keith Williams, Dan Emmett, Rob Krauss, Chris Allocco, Anthony Panichelli, John Mika, Phil Bochey, Ron Kosier, Dave 'Boomer' Mattiace
Spring 1983 - Phi Psi 500 - Gary Hicks (L) and Bob Dunston
Spring 1983 - Phi Psi 500 - Richard Panza with David and Joe
Spring 1983 - Phi Psi 500 - Gary Hicks
Spring 1983 - Phi Psi 500 - Richard Panza
Spring 1983 - Phi Psi 500 - Richard Panza
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Howard Alter Jr. - Br. Alter was honored at 1983 Homecoming celebration with the unoffical renaming of the alley behind the chapter house to Alter Alley - October 22, 1983
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Mike Garrity (L) and Howard Alter Jr. - Br. Alter was honored at 1983 Homecoming celebration with the unoffical renaming of the alley behind the chapter house to Alter Alley - October 22, 1983
Rattle Fall 09
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Associate Executive Director Dale Slivinske pre- senting Howard Alter with the Theta Chi for Life Award in 1983
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Chapter President Michael Garrity at podium with Howard Alter (to right) and Mike Portugal (in front) - Br. Alter was honored at 1983 Homecoming celebration with the unoffical renaming of the alley behind the chapter house to Alter Alley - October 22, 1983
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Howard Alter Jr. - Br. Alter was honored at 1983 Homecoming celebration with the unoffical renaming of the alley behind the chapter house to Alter Alley - October 22, 1983
Fall 1983 - Homecoming - Howard Alter Jr. - Br. Alter was honored at 1983 Homecoming celebration with the unoffical renaming of the alley behind the chapter house to Alter Alley - October 22, 1983
Fall 1983 Little Sister Event - Little Sister Pledge Prank on Owen Fishman
Fall 1983 Homecoming - Allison and Vicki with the Bull
Fall 1983 Little Sister Event - Louis Martini Jr. pudding race
Fall 1983 Little Sister Event - TK
Fall 1983 Little Sister Event - Beth, Anthony Panichelli, Louis Martini Jr., and Diane